The religion of peace!

You seem unable to understand that this thread is really fucking stupid.
Again, we could debate Hitler, if you were smart enough.
Stalin bolstered the church to gain and solidify power. He also completely embraced Christianity late in life.

To be fair, none of the people killing are real Muslims and none of the people killing are real Christians.

So this is a really stupid thread.

The people who want to drag down Islam are fucking morons. Looking at you too winter woman and dr kynes.

even a cursory reading of the koran and hadiths demonstrates that in fact these atrocities ARE well within the strictures of "mainstream" islam.

those moslems who eschew violence are subject to being declared apostates by the militants who ARE the standard bearers for islam, it's Excellent Example, mohammed, and it's "Perfect" book.

denying this is denying the perfection of the koran, and thus makes you guilty of "shirk", for which there can be no forgiveness in islam.
even a cursory reading of the koran and hadiths demonstrates that in fact these atrocities ARE well within the strictures of "mainstream" islam.

those moslems who eschew violence are subject to being declared apostates by the militants who ARE the standard bearers for islam, it's Excellent Example, mohammed, and it's "Perfect" book.

denying this is denying the perfection of the koran, and thus makes you guilty of "shirk", for which there can be no forgiveness in islam.
Didnt Moo-hammed conquer Mecca and Medina, slaughtering all who opposed...and that was just the early days?
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I posted the entire definition along with the link to "the" dictionary. You too fucking stupid to follow a link? The Urban Dictionary even has a word to describe how stupid you are. Really, really stoopid.

[TABLE="width: 610"]
[TD="class: word"]stoopid Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on more

[TD="class: tools, align: right"]86 up, 28 down[/TD]
[TD="class: text, colspan: 2"]Stupid to the extent that you can't even spell the word itself.
That dude is so stoopid that he spells the word "stupid" with two "o"s.
I posted the entire definition along with the link to "the" dictionary. You too fucking stupid to follow a link? The Urban Dictionary even has a word to describe how stupid you are. Really, really stoopid.

[TABLE="width: 610"]
[TD="class: word"]stoopid Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on more

[TD="class: tools, align: right"]86 up, 28 down[/TD]
[TD="class: text, colspan: 2"]Stupid to the extent that you can't even spell the word itself.
That dude is so stoopid that he spells the word "stupid" with two "o"s.[/TD]
Wow, never even heard of this one before...

1. mudscuttle Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on more
180 up, 10 down
A White American who seems intent upon single-handedly making reparations for every wrong Black Americans have suffered at the hands of the White Man. The keynote characteristic of the mudscuttle is that he will reflexively ascribe nobility of character to Black folk. The mudscuttle imagines his behavior indicative of enlightened sophistication, when the behavior is instead a sinister form of prejudice in which bigotry has been replaced with intransigent advocacy. A mudscuttle boss will brazenly assign choice assignments to Blacks and turn a deaf ear to the most rational requests from Whites for parity in the workplace. It is typical of the mudscuttle to express nauseating levels of adoration for famous Black people, wildly disproportionate to actual accomplishment.
I'll never get promoted! My mudscuttle boss gave the last three promotions to Shaniqua, DeMontross and M'Kell!
mark as favorite buy mudscuttle mugs & shirts
reverse prejudice whigger bigot acorner abolitionist
by Dagrolord Jul 20, 2011 add a video add an image

since you are incapable of responding to actual discussions, relying on bullshit and ad hominems, i shall respond to you with Critters Scuttling Through Mud for no other reason than it annoys you to be correctly identified as a MudScuttle.
the religion of peace thread turned into a virtual race war? that's hilarious. Hating someone because of skin pigment ... ? lmao at racists.
Is that something Christ said? I am atheist, so not all that familiar with biblical quotes.
Not Jesus, no. Old Testament, I think.

"witch" translation problem. Original text was in Hebrew, meaning "poisoner or one who practices witchcraft" assassin or which.

The improper translation was used to justify the Inquisition and Which Hunts.
Racism appears in all the places cheezie and bucky walk. they create it out of nothing, and scatter it like a white guilt laden johnny appleseed.


violence is always bad, unless the victims of that violence are white, cuz they deserve it!

dude. duuuuuuuude.

if you think we create it out of thin air, think again. read what you write.

basically, the two quotes above are not-so-clever rephrasings of a belief you have expressed that was popularized by stormfront, the white supremacist community: "anti racist is code for anti white".

hell, just look at the point of this thread. pointless muslim bashing, and you come running like the helpless puppy you are, driven by your fears and racism.

for fuck sake, just look at my sig. you think multiculturalism is a threat that we need to defend from. that is the sentiment of a white separatist.

no, we do not creat it out of thin air. you talk, and we point it out.

it really is as simple as that.

if you don't like being called out for the racist that you are, go back to stormfront, and take winterwoman and desertdude with you. that is where you three truly belong.
This persecution has had a decidedly Islamic cast: Asia News reported on September 13 that ‘the Muslim Brotherhood have turned an evangelical Protestant church in Monshaat Baddini in the province of Samalout (Minya, Upper Egypt) into a mosque. According to local sources, the Islamists have removed all sacred furnishings, paintings, icons and recited the special prayer to consecrate the building to Allah. On the wall of the church an inscription reads: ‘mosque of martyrs and there is no other God but Allah.’’
And AINA reported on the same day that ‘two Coptic Christians government employees were shot dead yesterday for refusing to pay Jizya, the Muslim poll tax on Christians. Emad Damian, 50, and his cousin Medhat Damian, 37, from the village of Sahel Selim in Assuit Province, were contacted two days before their murder by the leader of a Muslim gang, who was identified by Watany Coptic Newspaper as Ashraf Ahmed Mohammed Khalajah, a registered criminal from the village.’ …
Yet while warning the Burmese government to stop persecuting that nation’s Muslims, Obama has said little about the escalating persecution of Christians in Egypt – a persecution that is being carried out by people who want to see the Muslim Brotherhood in power there.”
This persecution has had a decidedly Islamic cast: Asia News reported on September 13 that ‘the Muslim Brotherhood have turned an evangelical Protestant church in Monshaat Baddini in the province of Samalout (Minya, Upper Egypt) into a mosque. According to local sources, the Islamists have removed all sacred furnishings, paintings, icons and recited the special prayer to consecrate the building to Allah. On the wall of the church an inscription reads: ‘mosque of martyrs and there is no other God but Allah.’’
And AINA reported on the same day that ‘two Coptic Christians government employees were shot dead yesterday for refusing to pay Jizya, the Muslim poll tax on Christians. Emad Damian, 50, and his cousin Medhat Damian, 37, from the village of Sahel Selim in Assuit Province, were contacted two days before their murder by the leader of a Muslim gang, who was identified by Watany Coptic Newspaper as Ashraf Ahmed Mohammed Khalajah, a registered criminal from the village.’ …
Yet while warning the Burmese government to stop persecuting that nation’s Muslims, Obama has said little about the escalating persecution of Christians in Egypt – a persecution that is being carried out by people who want to see the Muslim Brotherhood in power there.”

Cite your latest copy paste Squellllll