Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
I see the word spice. So i assume a new form of bathsalts? lol

Incorrect. Just looked it up. It's an air freshener that kills the smell of weed.....(just easier to roll the windows down isnt it?) lol
Not really. It's an old 95 Ford Aerostar van and my cuz didn't clean it the whole time he had it :( not to mention I had my baby diesel in there with me;)
I love Bluntpower, I have it in Potpourri and J-Lo :) stuff is the shit!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
8weeks meant for me? lol... If so:

A baby!! :)

Mine was so quiet. I was fuckin LUCKY. lol.. now she's 19 months old and screaming at the top of her lungs for fun. :) Gotta love it.
NOT! lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, baby ain't much of a problem really. It's her Mother that's the issue. Can only imagine what she'd be like with more than one little one around. Who would have thought being a single dad was the easy option. lol


Well-Known Member
ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol... Fuck this "baby mama" is what i say daily. lol....

Let me guess. If it's anything like my situation......

You were being nice and the way a guy is supposed to by staying up the first few weeks with the baby.
Doing everything all day everyday.
and NOW you are stuck doing it all the time.
And get the excuse "i carried him/her around for 9 months"...... funny when the excuse stays the same 12-18 months after the baby was born.

Well, Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Complete opposite. I don't have a job because we've been trying to have a kid for a long time and I was/ am the stay at home dad. All I want to do is take care of the kid and the house, but my wife is nuts and does it all by herself, then goes to work, comes home and keeps doing everything. If I try to help, I'm an asshole. If I don't help, I'm an asshole. If I'm asleep.... I think you get the point. Shit, I'm just sitting around all fucking day waiting for something to do... don't get to do anything... only get yelled at for being a dick.



Well-Known Member
Fuck. lets switch. My girl will let you do EVERYTHING. cook clean take care of the baby 24/7. hahahaha

New series for Discovery Channel.

"Stoner's Swap Wives!"

She's just being a Mom. The asshole part should pass.... Hopefully. lol
If my girl knew how to be a mom, I'd be at work right now.. lol


Well-Known Member
Here's the problem. My lady makes a lot of money. No way me and your lady are paying our mortgage, car payments, and all the other bills, plus having money left for international trips and new grow gear. I'm trapped, haha.


Well-Known Member
HAHA. My girl is a stripper. lol................. Money is no problem. Lap dances are free.


Well-Known Member
Well shit. Where you at bro? lol I guess since your gal is fit you ain't into big gals. :( I am not the jealous type, so I think I could handle her. You gonna get me in trouble, hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Opposite coast. lol..... Who's moving? you or the wife? hahahaha

I can come to Cali happily. but i'm not sure anyone comes to Rhode Island and is happy about it...

Maybe when we legalize weed next year people will enjoy us more. HAHAHA


Well-Known Member
Opposite coast. lol..... Who's moving? you or the wife? hahahaha

I can come to Cali happily. but i'm not sure anyone comes to Rhode Island and is happy about it...

Maybe when we legalize weed next year people will enjoy us more. HAHAHA
Rhode Island is so small I always forget it's there....