Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
you got a "GDP" guy too.. lol... I love when it's not even purple. haha
"Nah man, it's not purp. it's just grand daddy....." I was like, "dude.... it don't exist... i grow weed remember?" lol
I don't care what they called it, I call it my baby....:weed:


Well-Known Member
funny thing to me about that guy telling Dank to suck him. Due to me being busy and not having time for awhile to work on my room and my connection having disappeared. I have not smoked in almost 3 months (i usually smoke alotttt). when i usually see pics in this thread I wanna cry cause i want to smoke those pics so bad. that guys though I just feel like yawning. like i said generic.


Well-Known Member
stop. please. you are going to get yourselves in trouble. It's done. let it be.

Dank went to bed.

I am too i think.

Night all.


Well-Known Member
looks purple. but not GDP purple.

yes early for me. I've been up all day in the tent. I had do much cleaning up to do to get ready for this flip. Had to put the light in. Getting up to 90 in there during the day(outside).....

Gonna warm up this week. Gonna have to put the AC in another window for a few days......... Fucking dont have power for that right now....... Gonna have to figure something out......

so i need sleep so i can be sure nothing goes wrong tomorrow.
and tomorrow night is the first night of the flip.
so i need to check the temps while the lights have been out for a while.

UGH. well good night everything. Talk to you later.(if i can't sleep i'll be back.)


Well-Known Member
I don't get why Dank's thread gets trolled by anyone, dudes the nicest guy. The only time I have ever seen him say anything that could be taken as "rude" was when someone was asking for it, and then it's not even "rude" it's called for :)

Dudes got some nice bud, if it's his, smoke some and be happy man. GJ, Nice looking harvest. Put on a happy face. Maybe try and learn to suck your own dick, might make you happy, and will alleviate your free time issue you seem to be having.


Well-Known Member
Wow...I posted some rudd comments on your thread Dank...but I deleted them..only outa respect for you buddy...but his shit does look like schwag...lol...


Well-Known Member
im having problems with my lonely solider again!!!! the leaves are drooping over and on top of the leaves are becoming discolored.....
Shoot us some pics when you get a chance. First things first, get her out of that time released soil (miracle grow?) and into something like Fox Farms Ocean Forest, or Happy Frog. I remember you mentioning Black Gold. That would be great too. Try and take it easy on your watering. Depending on pot size, sometimes you can wait up to 4 days in between waterings. And make sure you light is far enough away (I think you're using CFLs, so, 4 or so inches). Check your ambient temps - ideal is 72-76 with 60-70% humidity during the day - and a 10 degree drop at night. In flower the humidity needs to be considerably lower (30-40%). Make sure you have some air circulation going too. Until I see some pics, I can't offer much more advice.


Well-Known Member
its been out of the MG soil i flushed it awhile ago when i repotted her. i did same thing for the seeds that germed to there under 2 40 watt cfls 4 solo cups just waiting on sprouts now... but it seems as if after i watered the leaves popped right back up so i think im underwatering her


Well-Known Member
its been out of the MG soil i flushed it awhile ago when i repotted her. i did same thing for the seeds that germed to there under 2 40 watt cfls 4 solo cups just waiting on sprouts now... but it seems as if after i watered the leaves popped right back up so i think im underwatering her
Sounds about right. Have to be much more attentive when they are in smaller containers. High heat, and fast air circulation can dry those little guys out quick. Glad to hear it's nothing serious. I would suggest making it easy on yourself and transplant them into their flowering pots. Won't have to water as much.
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