Are Poor People Really People?

Lol few years ago I deposited 210,000.00 into my bank account,
(life ins proceeds to be divided up) it was in there a few months, but it only
Took the branch manager a week before he was treating me like a person, and then kissing ass.
The whole time it was in there he would meet me in the line each week and be all chummy.

So yes, poor people don't really exist.
Of course not. I was homeless and lived in the projects, but I NEVER took anything from anyone. I worked for everything I ever received. Problem is that most people on welfare are there because it's easy. I work to pay for their lifestyle, and every year there is more of "them". That is a recipe for disaster. So, we have to do something now, before "they" get to make the rules with their votes.

Some people prefer the homeless "lifestyle". I can see the appeal. They usually don;t have children, and some are there because of children with psycho bitches and a horribly broken and abusive family law system.

I say, if you are on welfare, you cannot have any children. They shouldn;t be an incentive to get more money/stamps. If you can't feed yourself, you have no business bringing more mouths to feed into the world. Now, what do we do with the babies? The Chinese seem to like them, maybe we can close up some of the trade deficit by selling them to China. Bon appetit! Anyone?

Dude I know where your coming from. I'm by no means wealthy I'm unemployed but I do not collect any checks I do not receive food stamps and I do not mooch off of others. I do random odd jobs I help some friends with magazine veding contracts, I do odd construction jobs, I do basement clean outs, trim buds (fall job), I also do car detailing and I make allright living I pay my rent and bills on time and feed myself. I would prefer to have a norm 9-5 (trust me I apply everywhere) but right now everyones hard up on jobs. I did however seen a help wanted sign at my local gamestop I think that job would be right up my alley not hard work but definitely something I'm very interested in. Anyway I think I just rambled I just took a hit of some good hash oil lol.
I'm so sick of supporting lazy people that don't want to work. Funny story I was at a customers house the lady was Puerto Rican (I'm not racist) and it was cold outside. She told me she hates the weather so I said go back to pr and she replied I can't no benefits!!! Blows my mind that my paycheck gets killed with taxes to support people that are just looking for a handout. If your a working stiff in this country just work harder millions on welfare depend on you isn't that how the saying goes????
I'm so sick of supporting lazy people that don't want to work. Funny story I was at a customers house the lady was Puerto Rican (I'm not racist) and it was cold outside. She told me she hates the weather so I said go back to pr and she replied I can't no benefits!!! Blows my mind that my paycheck gets killed with taxes to support people that are just looking for a handout. If your a working stiff in this country just work harder millions on welfare depend on you isn't that how the saying goes????
That, or bar-b-que here (they'd kind of look like rottisserie chicken, only bigger.....8 pounders MF!). I think Neo and Jimmy put the needle on the record with the baby back ribs. Where do you think that concept came from?

Anyone on welfare shouldn;t be allowed to vote.

The Chinese restaurant let you have breast when that is what you want, i respect them for that
other restaurateurs are not so accommodating trying to force legs on me, fucking nazis
not interested in welfare or voting, but i do like chicken

poor people like to eat food that comes in tins
like tinned ham with all that preservative jelly wrapped round it , yum yum
Dude I know where your coming from. I'm by no means wealthy I'm unemployed but I do not collect any checks I do not receive food stamps and I do not mooch off of others. I do random odd jobs I help some friends with magazine veding contracts, I do odd construction jobs, I do basement clean outs, trim buds (fall job), I also do car detailing and I make allright living I pay my rent and bills on time and feed myself. I would prefer to have a norm 9-5 (trust me I apply everywhere) but right now everyones hard up on jobs. I did however seen a help wanted sign at my local gamestop I think that job would be right up my alley not hard work but definitely something I'm very interested in. Anyway I think I just rambled I just took a hit of some good hash oil lol.

Where do you draw the line on magic tricks, and what's your rate?
No, it's not. He even said he wasn;t right in the post. Sounded legit to me. She's cold, go South. Bitch is only here for free taxpayer money, probably has a new kid every 9 months; lives better than every homeless person in America. Free healthcare. NO contribution.

bro throwing in the minority line to make it a hat trick was fucking hilarious... thats the problem with america nowadays no one wants to work for anything and want it all handed to them by the government

like its amazes me that these blacks and Hispanics (im Hispanic by the way and no not Mexican so my family aint popping out welfare babies like clockwork) that are dick broke have more fucking kids than they make in a month and try to exploit it for money like really? Then they treat their kids like shit have zero parenting skills and wonder why their kids grow up to be losers and repeat the never ending process of having baby after baby that you know your black/spic ass dont want nor can take care of your just looking for that check at the end of the year to blow on crack and rims for your bus the society a favor and pull out is it that hard all your doing is making this country worse with your welfare babies their good for nothing and add nothing to society all they do is take away there whats wrong with this society than always wanna play the race card maybe if you focused on making it out of the ghetto and less on how much money a crack baby can bring you than we would have a better country

Also true story worked with these black kid that new every government welfare and scam out there to collect money.. and he was barely making enough money to support him and his wife like they always well one day his girl called him at work to let him know she just found out she was pregnant the first thing out of this black assholes mouth was not "im happy to hear that", "thats great", Awesome, no the first thing he says is "YES IMA BE ABLE TO CLAIM THIS BABY AND MAKE SOME MONEY" like wow your black
bro throwing in the minority line to make it a hat trick was fucking hilarious... thats the problem with america nowadays no one wants to work for anything and want it all handed to them by the government

like its amazes me that these blacks and Hispanics (im Hispanic by the way and no not Mexican so my family aint popping out welfare babies like clockwork) that are dick broke have more fucking kids than they make in a month and try to exploit it for money like really? Then they treat their kids like shit have zero parenting skills and wonder why their kids grow up to be losers and repeat the never ending process of having baby after baby that you know your black/spic ass dont want nor can take care of your just looking for that check at the end of the year to blow on crack and rims for your bus the society a favor and pull out is it that hard all your doing is making this country worse with your welfare babies their good for nothing and add nothing to society all they do is take away there whats wrong with this society than always wanna play the race card maybe if you focused on making it out of the ghetto and less on how much money a crack baby can bring you than we would have a better country

Also true story worked with these black kid that new every government welfare and scam out there to collect money.. and he was barely making enough money to support him and his wife like they always well one day his girl called him at work to let him know she just found out she was pregnant the first thing out of this black assholes mouth was not "im happy to hear that", "thats great", Awesome, no the first thing he says is "YES IMA BE ABLE TO CLAIM THIS BABY AND MAKE SOME MONEY" like wow your black

Wow, if you weren't hispanic, I could really like you!
Where are all the stripper bitches at! Wow the other day i stumbled upon hardcore face fucking what do those girls eat ? Pink chunks looked like meat loaf and pepto!
bro throwing in the minority line to make it a hat trick was fucking hilarious... thats the problem with america nowadays no one wants to work for anything and want it all handed to them by the government

like its amazes me that these blacks and Hispanics (im Hispanic by the way and no not Mexican so my family aint popping out welfare babies like clockwork) that are dick broke have more fucking kids than they make in a month and try to exploit it for money like really? Then they treat their kids like shit have zero parenting skills and wonder why their kids grow up to be losers and repeat the never ending process of having baby after baby that you know your black/spic ass dont want nor can take care of your just looking for that check at the end of the year to blow on crack and rims for your bus the society a favor and pull out is it that hard all your doing is making this country worse with your welfare babies their good for nothing and add nothing to society all they do is take away there whats wrong with this society than always wanna play the race card maybe if you focused on making it out of the ghetto and less on how much money a crack baby can bring you than we would have a better country

Also true story worked with these black kid that new every government welfare and scam out there to collect money.. and he was barely making enough money to support him and his wife like they always well one day his girl called him at work to let him know she just found out she was pregnant the first thing out of this black assholes mouth was not "im happy to hear that", "thats great", Awesome, no the first thing he says is "YES IMA BE ABLE TO CLAIM THIS BABY AND MAKE SOME MONEY" like wow your black


Are you in LA?, b/c I can assure you that the Mexicans in Chicago do not behave as you describe. Yes, they have too many children and therefore fuck me on property taxes...but they do support their families.
i became friends with polish lad at work , we used to smoke together at brew times , anyway he would regularly tell me how he hates England and 99%of the people here , it used to annoy me so i would always say , well why you here then , and he would always say , because no one Else's government will pay to bring up my two kids , free dental care , heating allowance and housing benefits , he actually moved his wife here on the two occasions she was pregnant so his two children could get british citizenship lol ,she would then move back to poland for 6 months of the year still picking up all her benifits from here and he would send money back to her , he was a sound bloke in every other way but that really annoyed the shit out of me .
thats just one example of millions that are raping our country dry , and who will openly admit it if you get to know them .
poor people shop at Asda they are disgusting i agree
but what about middle class people ! or at least i think that is what they are called

the other day after seeing and hearing some horrifically middle class folk while running some errands in my local town
i had a nightmarish thought
what if i were trapped in a confined space with some vile lofty middle class people
the horror is almost unimaginable, the only thing that comes close would be being forced at gunpoint to watch back to back episodes of the office for the rest of my life
made me think poor people that shop at asda are not so bad after all
poor people shop at Asda they are disgusting i agree
but what about middle class people ! or at least i think that is what they are called

the other day after seeing and hearing some horrifically middle class folk while running some errands in my local town
i had a nightmarish thought
what if i were trapped in a confined space with some vile lofty middle class people
the horror is almost unimaginable, the only thing that comes close would be being forced at gunpoint to watch back to back episodes of the office for the rest of my life
made me think poor people that shop at asda are not so bad after all

middle class people ???

The middle class has not exsisted since the late 80's early 90's

Add up all the freebies the welfare leaches get ....... They generaly have a higher income than the average working joe Food stamp nation what a modern bread line looks like