The religion of peace!

One story does not prove your terrible point. If it did, I could come up with a bunch of stories of Christian violence.
This thread is an exercise in stupidity and you are flexing your stupid muscles.

Are you a Christian?

desert dude worships at the altar of white supremacy. that is his religion.
In 2006, Christopher Hitchens traveled to Uganda to write about Kony's L.R.A. for Vanity Fair. "This grotesque, zombie-like militia, which has abducted, enslaved, and brainwashed more than 20,000 children," Hitchens wrote, "is a kind of Christian Khmer Rouge and has for the past 19 years set a standard of cruelty and ruthlessness that—even in a region with a living memory of Idi Amin—has the power to strike the most vivid terror right into the heart and the other viscera."
In 2006, Christopher Hitchens traveled to Uganda to write about Kony's L.R.A. for Vanity Fair. "This grotesque, zombie-like militia, which has abducted, enslaved, and brainwashed more than 20,000 children," Hitchens wrote, "is a kind of Christian Khmer Rouge and has for the past 19 years set a standard of cruelty and ruthlessness that—even in a region with a living memory of Idi Amin—has the power to strike the most vivid terror right into the heart and the other viscera."

and again, Kony is in no way a "christian".

he is funded by the fundamentalist regime in Khartoum, who also fund the distinctly moslem "janjaweed" killers in darfur.

Kony's weird cult is a pastiche of various religious superstitions designed exclusively to give him power and religious authority, he includes significant moslem, tribal and animist bullshit with his tiny dollop of christian bullshit.

selling this meme is a losing proposition, and yet you persist.

much as you persist in copy/pasting unattributed bullshit from various whackadoodle lefty blogs.

since you cannot seem to grasp the concept of attribution, i have provided it for you:

along with some context from the same source:

"He indoctrinated the boys as foot soldiers in a guerrilla campaign against the Ugandan government and, when directed by his sponsors in Sudan, against villages and rebel groups in Southern Sudan."

and for those who dont know, Southern Sudan is an independent nation, which is predominantly christian.

you continue in your attempts to create a fiction that Kony is an exemplar of chirstian behaviour, yet his activities are only representative of the worst of christianity from 200+ years ago, while he is quite within the norm of islam's current dogma.
Well, there you go. The musselmen pulling people's fingers off with pliers are totally cool then.

why do you call them musselmen/musclemen, likeness to a shellfish or muscular strength? Is it because they use brawn rather than brains, is it because Muslim starts with the letter 'M'? You lost me on the shellfish - thing.. To tell you the truth, most Muslims are scrawny little bitches and all of them look crazy-eyed to boot.

Musselmen? Are you feeling o.k.? It makes it difficult to understand a person who uses strange words to associate other words but if it makes you feel better then more power to ya. My uncle wrote a book and he uses language and texts which associate strange words with others, it makes it difficult to read anything he writes. He uses these "Special" words to keep him from drifting into the A.D.D. foundation of "Don't let this happen to you, intelligent pothead".

A cannabis user, a "Canner"?
A United States president, an "Obamer"?
A deli employee, a "hammer"?
A farm worker, a "lamber"?
Your wife, "Mrs. Crammer"?
why do you call them musselmen/musclemen, likeness to a shellfish or muscular strength? Is it because they use brawn rather than brains, is it because Muslim starts with the letter 'M'? You lost me on the shellfish - thing.. To tell you the truth, most Muslims are scrawny little bitches and all of them look crazy-eyed to boot.

Musselmen? Are you feeling o.k.? It makes it difficult to understand a person who uses strange words to associate other words but if it makes you feel better then more power to ya. My uncle wrote a book and he uses language and texts which associate strange words with others, it makes it difficult to read anything he writes. He uses these "Special" words to keep him from drifting into the A.D.D. foundation of "Don't let this happen to you, intelligent pothead".

A cannabis user, a "Canner"?
A United States president, an "Obamer"?
A deli employee, a "hammer"?
A farm worker, a "lamber"?
Your wife, "Mrs. Crammer"?

this is a result of a SHITSTORM some months back wherein a dumbass objected most strenuously to my spelling of "Moslem" despite this being the common spelling of the word for a great many years.

this prompted me to dip into the linguistic way-back machine and dredge up forgotten words for moslems including "Mohammedan" and the now intensely popular "Musselmen" which was the official word used to describe moslems in a treaty between the US and the Caliphate of Morocco at the close of the Second Barbary War.

why do you call them musselmen/musclemen, likeness to a shellfish or muscular strength? Is it because they use brawn rather than brains, is it because Muslim starts with the letter 'M'? You lost me on the shellfish - thing.. To tell you the truth, most Muslims are scrawny little bitches and all of them look crazy-eyed to boot.

Musselmen? Are you feeling o.k.? It makes it difficult to understand a person who uses strange words to associate other words but if it makes you feel better then more power to ya. My uncle wrote a book and he uses language and texts which associate strange words with others, it makes it difficult to read anything he writes. He uses these "Special" words to keep him from drifting into the A.D.D. foundation of "Don't let this happen to you, intelligent pothead".

A cannabis user, a "Canner"?
A United States president, an "Obamer"?
A deli employee, a "hammer"?
A farm worker, a "lamber"?
Your wife, "Mrs. Crammer"?

Musselman is a somewhat archaic term for Muslim. Thomas Jefferson used the term when he ordered the attack on the Barbary pirates. At least I think it was Jefferson. It could have been one of the other "old, white, racist" founding fathers and since they are all alike what's the difference if it wasn't Jefferson. In any case, I like the term.

"Mussulman, Mussalman [ˈmʌs[SUP]ə[/SUP]lmən]n pl -mans(Non-Christian Religions / Islam) an archaic word for Muslim[from Persian Musulmān (pl) from Arabic Muslimūn, pl of Muslim]"

Musselman is a somewhat archaic term for Muslim. Thomas Jefferson used the term when he ordered the attack on the Barbary pirates. At least I think it was Jefferson. It could have been one of the other "old, white, racist" founding fathers and since they are all alike what's the difference if it wasn't Jefferson. In any case, I like the term.

"Mussulman, Mussalman [ˈmʌs[SUP]ə[/SUP]lmən]n pl -mans(Non-Christian Religions / Islam) an archaic word for Muslim[from Persian Musulmān (pl) from Arabic Muslimūn, pl of Muslim]"

Tendsetters we be bro.

Pop That Collah!

Origins of the Musselman Name

Along the west coast of Holland "Musselman" was where "the man" collected and sold mussels "mossels" from the sea.
In Swiss-German origins, it can be a woodman. Also "one who has fought the Moslems".


just another opportunity to show cheezy how to quote and attribute...

I do like apple sauce. Unfortunately, Cheesy just licks the outside of the jar, a practice he undoubtedly learned from his wife with the unfortunately large Adam's apple.
And the mudscuttle is busy mudscuttling.

The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling
suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

No exact results found for mudscuttle in the dictionaries.

Spelling suggestions for mudscuttle

We do not have an entry for mudscuttle. Have a look at how it is spelled. Did you type it correctly? We have these words with similar spellings or pronunciations
sorry, it's documented historical fact that thomas jefferson would rape his slaves.

and kkkynes sees fit to model his speech after this man.

Jefferson is widely recognized as one of the greatest American presidents and he co-authored the greatest political document in history. One could do much worse than adopting Jefferson as a role model.
Raped and owned black people

Unable to argue that Kony is a "Christian"?

divert the subject to something else!

now you must support your claim that Jefferson raped anybody, and provide evidence that he raped any black person.

but then supporting your claims isnt your thing. it's so much easier to just spray accusations about and see what sticks.
Unable to argue that Kony is a "Christian"?

divert the subject to something else!

now you must support your claim that Jefferson raped anybody, and provide evidence that he raped any black person.

but then supporting your claims isnt your thing. it's so much easier to just spray accusations about and see what sticks.

He himself and Buck use the Dworkin definition of rape.
dumb fuck... Do you always say shit that is not true? they were NOT Christian, Hitler was into Odinism and the occult. Stalin was an atheist.

The New Testament does not preach death and war.. Any "Christian" who attacks others is not a Christian. All Christians SHOULD defend themselves, especially from the United States government AND from the Muslims. ;)

You seem unable to understand that this thread is really fucking stupid.
Again, we could debate Hitler, if you were smart enough.
Stalin bolstered the church to gain and solidify power. He also completely embraced Christianity late in life.

To be fair, none of the people killing are real Muslims and none of the people killing are real Christians.

So this is a really stupid thread.

The people who want to drag down Islam are fucking morons. Looking at you too winter woman and dr kynes.
Atheist, actually. I look forward to your multitude of posts about Christians murdering and torturing people and praising God and Jesus as their motivation, it should make for interesting reading.

You are not smart enough to understand what is going on.
You made an idiotic thread.
You try to make a point based on a story.

Is your point that Islam is a terrible religion? (I agree)
Or is it that people that are Muslim are terrible people? (I agree in that all people are shit, including Muslims, Semites, Caucasians, Asians, Blacks...)

Most of the time atheists are smarter than this.