girl scout cookies

Man DS that is some very pretty bud!! I love the intense purple, I hope to get a nice purple pheno some day.
And that was 1/2 way down the side, she still has white hairs but the last 2 nights we've dropped to below freezing,
but I have a cover to help with rain and frost.
gsc = (f1 x durban poison) x floridah og
pie = (f1 x durban poison)x gdp x og kush

forum cut, ogkb cut, platinum cut, scm cut, mo's cut, are all bagseed or crosses. or are thin mint and the breeders discredit it.

cherry kush is an OLD strain from the same circle who made cherry pie. much different and niether are in gsc but are sister strains.
gsc = the genotype

all the diff cuts = diff phenotypes of gsc genotype

the vigor of gsc has nothing to do with what generation seed it is... because nobody knows for sure what generation or if any of the phenotypes are actualy s2 or s3's.... u dont lose genetics when you self strains!!!! the vigor remains the same

Nah you internet knowit alls with too much post time and too much half baked thinking and no real genetics need to listen cuz I've been around the growers since 1992. Cherry Kush never had any real commercial success and things called cherry kush or cherry og or cherry pie og or whatever now is all fake, and at best questionable. THere indeed was a cherry kush for a short period that was an afghani hybrid but my best guess is it is gone. i was around in the early 2000s when cherry pie realyl started gaining steam so, please, stop with your internet expertise.

as to your point about all the other gsc's whatever, the takeaway is, yes a lot are bagseeds or selfed plants from bag seed or hybrids from bagseed. Not trying to open up dramas, but the original 2.0 genetcs were taken, but had some issues. won't point to names but one cat connected to a dispensary actually had the original polyhybrid seed straight from the grower himself, gave it to various clonaries. and this and cherry pie recreations are now called platinum. that is the real truth. it is a big dispensary.

now with the whole there are no originals statement, i was there when man himself handed out original seeds not as children. there was a chagne in the formula too as the old cookies were always smaller yield. now it's no, no seeds were givin. no they are all s1's. protecting genetics, but what happened was it was given out because of huge spread and this point i guess, but to have peeps try growing different phenos. if they stick to F1's or polyhybrids and fem seeds and work with some amsterdam or uk companeis they don't need to spread disinformation or hide the lineage but that is the game of weed I guess lol.

All your other points are nonsense. informally vigor refers to fast growth but we're talking heterosis and same alleles being paired up. used to be hybrid vigor. and yes when you go s1 s2 s3 you lose vigor, assuming starting point is perfect heterozygotic other than sex gene, you pair up half on average. i might be a toker don' care to write in perfect english but if you have ears and want to hear the truth you woud llisten not be a know it all real talk.
Dan Kone, nearly 7000 posts and grwoiing every cook from every club from imez to harbor to elemental to oranicann don't make you and expert in anything.

easy for you to say some stupid statemet like 'vigor = losing potency' to beat it down as if anyone here but you said that. we're not talking hormones and plant age. get with it, we're talking heterosis, and no you don't have the cookies despite posting in every other page of this triple digit paged redicilus hype forum of no-it-nots.

i've now seen the forum from a icmagger won't be named and it does look damn close to what i saw by gd cats. go back to growing platinum dood. it's a good pheno, i like it was snooped by yours truly walmartofweed by embarcadero given to various lazy clonaries.

Seems like a lot of people don't understand what vigor is. People seem to think losing vigor = losing potency. That's not true at all. Vigor has nothing to do with that, and as you say, has nothing to do with what generation seed it is.

Vigor is reduced through cloning. Lower vigor is often a desirable characteristic with some strains. Vigor applies to plant growth. If a plant stretches too much, reduced vigor can be a good thing. Lower vigor does nothing to harm potency or terpenes.
Dan Kone, nearly 7000 posts and grwoiing every cook from every club from imez to harbor to elemental to oranicann don't make you and expert in anything.

Correct. Growing out 20+ phenos of GSC is what makes me an expert. Have you done that? No. Then stfu. Looking at pictures online isn't the same as first hand knowledge. Also I'd argue that the amount of time I spend working with various dispensaries also qualifies me as an expert as well my decade+ of experience working full time in the medical marijuana business. If that doesn't make one an expert than what does?

and no you don't have the cookies despite posting in every other page of this triple digit paged redicilus hype forum of no-it-nots.

You have no idea what I do or don't have.

i've now seen the forum from a icmagger won't be named and it does look damn close to what i saw by gd cats. go back to growing platinum dood. it's a good pheno, i like it was snooped by yours truly walmartofweed by embarcadero given to various lazy clonaries.

Looking at pictures isn't the same thing as growing out different phenos, harvesting them, smoking them, sampling every pheno that comes in from every dispensary since the strain was created, etc. So GL looking at pictures. I'll stick with my first hand knowledge. Looking similar isn't the same thing as being all from the same clone. There are many phenos of cookies that look virtually identical but are completely different when smoked.
I tried Girl Scout Cookies for the first time last week. I wonder if I had the real deal. Tasted a slight mossy/earthy, with subtle hints of pine and mild fuel-like undertones. The high was okay when smoking it out of my small "one-hitter-quitter" pipe. It starts to taper off within 20-30 minutes of smoking. It doesn't leave a crash though that impairs or couchlocks. However, I learned that if you smoke enough of this strain at one time, you will have an extremely euphoric and enjoyable high. I just didn't like the short duration.
I appreciate Dan Kones input, its also good to hear what other experienced growers insight. Research is everything, but you have to sift through it and cast out what isnt. Between this site and other sites I get a well rounded view of this. The claim to grow out most phenos of GSC is rare and really i havent seen anyone document or post anything like it. If we all love this hobby, there is no need to be confrontational for accuracy. Collectively everyone has something to add so that we can all grow the best GSC pheno. Im growing some Harbor side stock and im not even sure which one it is. But im glad to have this thread as a refference.
as i smoke this pheno i notice aton of mint and menthol, but no og. chances i got a f1 durban? anywhere i can info on a durb leaning pheno?
as i smoke this pheno i notice aton of mint and menthol, but no og. chances i got a f1 durban? anywhere i can info on a durb leaning pheno?

Not sure, but just fyi - the "durban cookies" I got from organicann ended up tasting exactly like white widow with no resemblance to cookies at all.
In the first part of this is my GSC.. she has a citrus smell.
differences between thinmint cut and forum cut?

In my experience, the thin mint cut is a lot more like a glorified cut of OG. The nugs are mostly green, however it's a shade of green that's a little bit on the yellow side of the spectrum. There's usually a small amount of blue/purple on the sugar leaves, but other than that, there's hardly any secondary color at all, even with low temps. The nugs have a very prominent OG smell, but there's also a very noticeable mint smell, which to me, smells more like a York peppermint than the green mint that's in the actual thin mint GS cookies. But when you grind or break up the nugs, a lot of the OG smell fades, and for whatever reason, the white peppermint smell kinda changes into the green thin mint smell that GSC gets its name from. When ground, the smell is a real good balance between OG fuel and green thin mint. In all honesty, for me at least, the body high is lacking in comparison to the forum cut. The forum cut is very unique in many ways, but it's a lot more consistent with most of the other cuts than the thin mint cut is. Everybody knows what the forum cut looks like, just do a google search. The nugs are a beautiful blue/purple color, with lime green undertones and bright orange hairs. When the grower lets it go for a longer amount of time, a beautiful amber sheen may develop. The nugs have a very unique and almost indescribable smell. Compared to the thin mint, the forum cut only has a small hint of OG smell. It's mostly a very sweet, almost cookie like smell, with a little bit of cardboard or something thrown in the mix, topped off with a strong thin mint fragrance. It's a smell that's different from anything that I've ever experienced before. The taste is very on par with the smell, almost exact in my experience, except for the fact that the OG comes through a little bit more so in the taste department. The high is very well balanced and hits fucking hard on all levels. Although they both produce extremely dense rock hard nugs, the yield and cola/nug size for the thin mint cut is going to be far larger and more plentiful than the forum cut. Overall I think that these are both great phenos, but for me, the forum cut just has so many interesting and unique aspects of it, along with a well balanced knockout high, which in my book makes it the danker, more satisfying choice..... but that's just my opinion though.
IM TIRED OF ALL THESE LIES!!! NOBODY HAS THE REAL CUT.. Seeds or clones have never been giving out so why are u all sayin u have the real deal GSC when you dont. The closet you can get is just a seed youll have to pray for n still be lucky to find a seed in a bag u bought from one the dispensary's that carry GSC from berner(for ex. The Cookie Co., San jose organics...ext.) an even with that you still wont have the original. The guy behind all the genetics said he's still hasnt givin out seeds or clones. so all you people are lien n need to stop ASAP! lolkiss-ass
IM TIRED OF ALL THESE LIES!!! NOBODY HAS THE REAL CUT.. Seeds or clones have never been giving out so why are u all sayin u have the real deal GSC when you dont. The closet you can get is just a seed youll have to pray for n still be lucky to find a seed in a bag u bought from one the dispensary's that carry GSC from berner(for ex. The Cookie Co., San jose organics...ext.) an even with that you still wont have the original. The guy behind all the genetics said he's still hasnt givin out seeds or clones. so all you people are lien n need to stop ASAP! lolkiss-ass

It's close enough, so why would anyone care? As long as your precious "cookie" prices are low, product availability is abundant, and can resemble the "real GSC" in: someway, shape, or form, the average buyer won't care as long as they get high.