spider mites


Active Member
ok been trying to deal with mites now for the last 3 weeks. ok i have harest now and i hung the plants up side down. ok what do we do. do you still make the hash from th leaves and the tops that where infested. do they die after they dry or is there mites all over when your tring to roll one. my next set of clones are ready to gon to the table. iam going to spay bomb my hole house and wipe the grow room down good. this is my 7 grow and the first mites.

anyway anyone help on getting these mites out of the house now and what to do with the grow just smoke it and know your burning the little fucers up every hit you take. also do you think all those dead mite go though the sceern holes when your hash



Well-Known Member
gently wash your buds off before drying.....or bubble hash...or you could smoke em...but that's gross


Active Member
thanks do you think thats what eveyboby does. should be ok to smoke just hate all the howling going on. bullshi i like every bit of it.

i have a sceern box about 18x18" that i shake around a lot

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
I had some HUGE buds that got infested I was pissed, I just dryed my harvest and when I smoked I closed my ears so I didn't hear the screams! Next time I will water cure, if there is I really hope not!!

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I have had spider mites for years. Tried everything. The only thing that worked was some stuff called Avid. Sprayed twice and have never seen a mite since. Its been about 4-5 mos. WM


Well-Known Member

Personally, I would Chuck Norris that shit and smoke it anyways -- so you're getting a little extra protein, no biggie.

If you're going to be growing a new crop, I would first sterilize the room. Bomb it (though I'm personally against the use of these insecticides), spray it with bleach, scrub it, do what you gotta do... then, when you have your plants growing in there, keep a vigilant eye for signs of spider mites. If you should so happen to see some, don't fret -- you can still take control.

Let me let you guys in on a little secret. Fuck the pesticides; fuck the chemicals; fuck the manual cleaning labor. Nature can wtfpwn any spidermite colony so long as you catch it before it gets to bad. The secret? Ladybugs! Simply buy a container of live ladybugs from your local greenhouse and watch them go to work. These carnivorous sons-of-bitches will mow down those spider mites like nothing.



Well-Known Member

Personally, I would Chuck Norris that shit and smoke it anyways -- so you're getting a little extra protein, no biggie.

If you're going to be growing a new crop, I would first sterilize the room. Bomb it (though I'm personally against the use of these insecticides), spray it with bleach, scrub it, do what you gotta do... then, when you have your plants growing in there, keep a vigilant eye for signs of spider mites. If you should so happen to see some, don't fret -- you can still take control.

Let me let you guys in on a little secret. Fuck the pesticides; fuck the chemicals; fuck the manual cleaning labor. Nature can wtfpwn any spidermite colony so long as you catch it before it gets to bad. The secret? Ladybugs! Simply buy a container of live ladybugs from your local greenhouse and watch them go to work. These carnivorous sons-of-bitches will mow down those spider mites like nothing.

Ha Ha Ha...you are funny bro....your name is perfect for you from what I have seen...lol...great :blsmoke:


Active Member

Personally, I would Chuck Norris that shit and smoke it anyways -- so you're getting a little extra protein, no biggie.

If you're going to be growing a new crop, I would first sterilize the room. Bomb it (though I'm personally against the use of these insecticides), spray it with bleach, scrub it, do what you gotta do... then, when you have your plants growing in there, keep a vigilant eye for signs of spider mites. If you should so happen to see some, don't fret -- you can still take control.

Let me let you guys in on a little secret. Fuck the pesticides; fuck the cheicals; fuck the manual cleaning labor. Nature can wtfpwn any spidermite colony so long as you catch it before it gets to bad. The secret? Ladybugs! Simply buy a container of live ladybugs from your local greenhouse and watch them go to work. These carnivorous sons-of-bitches will mow down those spider mites like nothing.

lol i was just at the store a got 9 bombs to let off tonite. the MF are going to die tonite. and wash down tomorrow and start a new set. my next set is ready for bloom now.

at the OSH they had lady bugs for 6.00 but how do you get rid of the lady bugs at harstest time. they lay eggs too and hatch to into little lava orange and black things