Well-Known Member
Somebody needs to re title this thread to "People who want to vent their feelings about Christianity"
That's only around 200,000 kills.
Some say Stalin actually killed 60 million.
Islam is not even close, we are number one!
who says "Radical Christians" are not a "Big Deal"?
Lords Resistance Army Uganda
Tomothy Mcveigh
The US Tea party
Stalin and Hitler were Christians. If you can count their kills we are in the lead big time.
Hitler killed about 11 million and Stalin killed (conservative estimate) 20 million
That is 31 million just from those two guys.
Suck on that Islam.
stalin was not a christian, he was a atheist.
hitler would have claimed to believe in Sheb Nigguroth if he though it would help him expand his power base and ensure the co-operation of the german people.
That is debatable, but not with me.
Some say he used the church to establish power. He also embraced Christianity late in his life.
Let's call him 10% Christian, so conservatively he is responsible for only 2 million deaths.
not when you factor in the armenian genocide, the numerous wars of aggression in the orient, asia minor, central europe, and europe itself, the invasion and pogroms of ummayads in spain, saddam's genocide of the kurds, iran's genocide of the zoroastrians, etc etc etc...Islam is way behind in the body count.
but again since he was really only about 15% christian, he can only be credited with about 1.65 million of those deaths...He is responsible for at least 11 million deaths.
List Islam's kills, those pussies are not in the same league as Christians.
Christian Extremism is a matter of a few bad apples.
...and a little bit of the worst of christianity....having attended chrisitan churches in the past does not indict christianity in general
...he was really only about 15% christian...
Northern IrelandSerbia,Kosovo
Lords Resistance Army Uganda
Tomothy Mcveigh
The US Tea party
He got life in prison for it. Jihadists are praised as heroes in Islam.He looks like he wants to party
He got life in prison for it. Jihadists are praised as heroes in Islam.
Stalin and Hitler were both socialists, who recognized no god but the State. FailStalin and Hitler were Christians. If you can count their kills we are in the lead big time. Hitler killed about 11 million and Stalin killed (conservative estimate) 20 million That is 31 million just from those two guys. Suck on that Islam.
"We"? Sorry, you're not a member.That's only around 200,000 kills. Some say Stalin actually killed 60 million. Islam is not even close, we are number one!
A young girl in a bright headscarf described hiding behind her father as he was shot to death.
Boys told of hiding behind curtains as others scrambled and begged the soldier to spare them, yelling: "We are children! We are children!"
A thick-bearded man told of being shot in the neck by a gunman "as close as this bottle," gesturing to a water bottle on a table in front of him.
in total massacred 16 innocent civilians.
9 of the victims who were massacred were children. others were women.
he burned the corpses.
edit:*summarily killed a young girl who was screaming for him to stop beating her father.
One woman was left clutching bits of her husband's skull
A young boy tried to stop Sgt Bales by hitting him with a shovel, but he turned and beat the child.
shot an elderly woman who challenged him, before crushing her skull by stamping on her head.
He poured kerosene from a lamp over the dead bodies and set them on fire.
The tapes include Sgt Bales and his wife, Kari, laughing about the charges levelled against him and discussing a possible book deal for her.
I wonder how your musselmen brethren would treat abortionists and those light in the loafers?
What gay night clubs were bombed?
Was this guy Christian? Did he say God told him to do it?
He was a lone gun man driven crazy by war. Crazy. Crazy just like Laughner and Lanza and Holmes and the nut who shot up the navy yard in DC. There ain't no protection against crazy.
there you go again, trying your very best to excuse terrorists as long as they are white enough for you.
but if the terrorist happens to be too black or muslim, then you have no problem hanging them by their toenails and yelling angrily if you don't think other blacks or muslims condemned the act enough for your liking.
meanwhile, you have no condemnation for white or christian terrorists.
hypocrisy at its finest.
i'm gonna get back to trimming, you enjoy wallowing in your own hypocrisy, bigotry, and white supremacy. fuckface.