Gay Marriage ...


Well-Known Member
its not that hard to use babelfish,

but the real issue is that throughout history
whenever homosexuals take the spotlight
the whole play comes crashing down
its happenned thousands if not millions of times.

i mean no harm to anyone
but you would have to be stupid to fall in love with
someone's anus

the essence of stupidity is thus...

the bible does not forbid female homosexuality, it does not even mention this
mostly harmless quirk of nature...

male sodomites, are doomed, wether by the forces of economics,
military power, or sheer morale,

it is inevitable...

see Rome, Pompey, France, Germany, France, Greece, France... for examples,
o and then there is Soddom and Gommorah too? Ever heard of those?

Ever wonder why some places go kaput and collapse into war?

Its because the armed forces cannot trust who's right behind their own backsides...

... coming to a government near you soon ... the shit is really gonna fly some time soon ...

i can smell death in the air, like the horseshit of the steed of the rider of the apocalypse, dressed in red, and wielding a mighty sword, and after him
injustice, famine,

and death


Well-Known Member
I've said nothing about my personal opinions or views, and you dont know me, so please don't accuse me of being ignorant.
You are correct. I don't know you. But I can make judgments on you based on your choice of words, your arguments, your logic and your debate strategy.

To be ignorant is to lack knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact. Ignorant is not an insult. Stupid is an insult, but I don't think you are stupid. You can prove me wrong, however, if you cling to your ignorance.


Active Member
There are two sides to this argument and one is the legality of it and the other is the moral issue. As for the legality of it, it's obvious that the Govt in America is as fkd up as a soup sandwich and anything goes these days (except herbs)..... The religious side is another subject all together. I bartended for many years and went to hundreds of hours of schooling and etc... anyways the two things that were never to allow to be discussed at a bar were politics and religion.....why ? it will cause a major argument. I think we all know each others stand on what we all feel. Like I say, this should have been a poll and not a forum. This forum could go on forever...back and forth. To each their own. Now smoke some dank and forget about it :mrgreen:
Dank you Bluetick

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Ever wonder why some places go kaput and collapse into war?
Nope... I don't wonder... it's pretty much always been one trying to force their will and control over another.

i can smell death in the air, like the horseshit of the steed of the rider of the apocalypse, dressed in red, and wielding a mighty sword, and after him
injustice, famine,
and death
The only thing you are smelling is the the mold growing on your own brain. You have a very CLOSED MINDED view of the world and your fellow humans. Clearly you don't believe in the concept of freedom to live and let live without having religious morals shoved down your throat. If there is a god... I believe he/she/it will be hardest in their judgment on people like you.

Good luck with that!!!


Well-Known Member
Next you are all going to try and tell me that sodomy is a result of DNA,
or some other such American Imperialist codswallop,

Come on I'm waiting...

Who agrees with me that sodomy is chosen behavior and has nought to do with 'genetics'?


Well-Known Member
its not that hard to use babelfish,

but the real issue is that throughout history
whenever homosexuals take the spotlight
the whole play comes crashing down
its happenned thousands if not millions of times.

i mean no harm to anyone
but you would have to be stupid to fall in love with
someone's anus

the essence of stupidity is thus...

the bible does not forbid female homosexuality, it does not even mention this
mostly harmless quirk of nature...

male sodomites, are doomed, wether by the forces of economics,
military power, or sheer morale,

it is inevitable...

see Rome, Pompey, France, Germany, France, Greece, France... for examples,
o and then there is Soddom and Gommorah too? Ever heard of those?

Ever wonder why some places go kaput and collapse into war?

Its because the armed forces cannot trust who's right behind their own backsides...

... coming to a government near you soon ... the shit is really gonna fly some time soon ...

i can smell death in the air, like the horseshit of the steed of the rider of the apocalypse, dressed in red, and wielding a mighty sword, and after him
injustice, famine,

and death
No civilization has ever survived the ravages of history. All fall sooner or later.

Alexander the Great was a big-time homosexual. Man-love was a Greek thing. Roman Emperor Nero was married to a man. I'm not sure where you are going with France and Germany. Soddom and Gommorrah is a bible story: a 'fairy' tale (pun intended).

BTW, throwing out obscure insults in a foreign language doesn't make you look clever, or cool, or whatever you were going after. It does make you look like a sanctimonious goon. I mean, you make me laugh, but not the way you had hoped. I laugh AT you.


Well-Known Member
Nope... I don't wonder... it's pretty much always been one trying to force their will and control over another.
you should spend more time wondering about such things...
take zimbabwe for instance, is that just forced will? just
a moral dispute?

or blatant corrput incompetance the resorts to violence
becos its too stupid for anything else...

a stupidity based on a lack of morals... lack of forsight

the belief that 'freedom' is all that matters, its even more important
than the difference between right and wrong?

oh but i'm not in zim, says she,
but soon, soon, zim will come to visit thee, said he.

world war 2 started with what was known as the 'phoney war'
its took along time to build up. the first few years it was in
someone elses country....


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where you are going with France and Germany
and nor do you see the parallels between Rome and Greece,
and neither do you see the similarity with America and Britain.

Great Nations! Fell down to the dust each one, bcos of

have you never heard of that thing called history?

"Gomorrah is a nursery rhyme you won't find in a book,
its written on your city streets
just stop and take a look"

- Jesus Rodriguez

And the only ones who look like fools are those who felt
inferior bcos they had not worked out how Babelfish works

if they had known at first, they would have just sent back a message in Greek
or something.

Does it embarrass you that you cannot see the obvious?
Think how you will then feel on judgement day...


Well-Known Member
and nor do you see the parallels between Rome and Greece,
and neither do you see the similarity with America and Britain.

Great Nations! Fell down to the dust each one, bcos of

have you never heard of that thing called history?

"Gomorrah is a nursery rhyme you won't find in a book,
its written on your city streets
just stop and take a look"

- Jesus Rodriguez

And the only ones who look like fools are those who felt
inferior bcos they had not worked out how Babelfish works

if they had known at first, they would have just sent back a message in Greek
or something.

Does it embarrass you that you cannot see the obvious?
Think how you will then feel on judgement day...
France and Germany are current sovereign nations.

I see the obvious, but I choose not to demean you by stating it.

Everyday is judgment day.


Well-Known Member
Personally I'm agnostic. This means I don't confirm or deny the existence of any god... it simply means I'm willing to acknowledge that I DON'T KNOW. Although if I had to lay money down on it... I'd bet there isn't!

If I were FORCED to align my beliefs with any out there... I'd say my beliefs of our existence are most closely aligned with the Buddists. No... I'm not a very ZEN person... but I do believe as they do that there are different planes of existence and that we do live many lives and hopefully learn more with each one.

As to heaven and hell? Well I believe that is all HOGWASH! I don't live my life in fear of any "god" or "wrath". I live my life based on what I believe is right and wrong. In my world there is DEFINITELY a difference between right and wrong and I don't need the fear of some god to guide me to doing what is right. I believe my soul has been here enough times to have figured that out.

As to your "life in hell with Liz and/or rapist" comment... all I have to say is this.... Many a rapist, murderer, pedophile ... etc. has gone to their death professing love of god and begging for forgiveness and taking 'Jesus' into their heart. So going by the logic that all who come to 'Jesus' are saved and shall dwell in the house of the lord... it seems to me YOU will be the one dwelling with the sludge of society... not me!

But hey.... whatever works for you is ok with me. Your beliefs have nothing to do with mine and I wouldn't try to change what you believe in terms of any god or afterlife. I have a very profound reason to believe as I do. So with that I'll wish you all the best on whatever journey you are on. I'll also continue to support the rights for equality for my fellow humans as they travel on their journey :D :peace:

I meet alot of people who talk like you do. They always have an excuse for everything, or have some kind of justification to what they believe, and why they don't. Or they always say they have some profound reason.
You have the freedom and the will to believe whatever you want, which is completely fine with me.

I'm sure your a very nice person and I also know it would be a pleasurable experience sitting down and having a cup of coffee with you. :mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
No civilization has ever survived the ravages of history. All fall sooner or later.

Alexander the Great was a big-time homosexual. Man-love was a Greek thing. Roman Emperor Nero was married to a man. I'm not sure where you are going with France and Germany. Soddom and Gommorrah is a bible story: a 'fairy' tale (pun intended).

BTW, throwing out obscure insults in a foreign language doesn't make you look clever, or cool, or whatever you were going after. It does make you look like a sanctimonious goon. I mean, you make me laugh, but not the way you had hoped. I laugh AT you.
Bro.. Sodom & Gomorrah was a real place.. if I could suggest you some reading to do for biblical shit..try out N.T. Wright.. or Craig A. Evans--although their research is trying to validate the claims of Christ as being the Son of Man, the knowledge they discover through their journeys is extremely insightful and should be read by both believers and non-believers alike..


Well-Known Member
Bro.. Sodom & Gomorrah was a real place.. if I could suggest you some reading to do for biblical shit..try out N.T. Wright.. or Craig A. Evans--although their research is trying to validate the claims of Christ as being the Son of Man, the knowledge they discover through their journeys is extremely insightful and should be read by both believers and non-believers alike..
I never denied the existence of either city. However, now that you mention it, the historical existence of Sodom and Gomorrah is still in dispute by archaeologists.

I said the biblical version is a fairy tale. I have absolutely no interest in reading your religious propaganda. I can waste my time in so many more creative ways than that!
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Well-Known Member
France and Germany are current sovereign nations.
France and Germany have always been basket cases that rip themselves apart every few generations. Ever heard of wwI and wwII and the Napoleonic wars before that...? And before that? And BC how much worse?

Where it not for Britain and her Christian colonies, Europe would be a wasteland today. They've been bailed out of their 'whore wars' countless times.
The unloved children of whores and homosexuals are the illiterate can fodder
of the aeons. Stupidity breeds stupidity, at an ever increasing rate.

If you actually have read the Bible, it tells you exactlly where Soddom is. A very real place today, called :

I forget the exact verse, i think its in revelations.


Well-Known Member
I never denied the existence of either city. However, now that you mention it, the historical existence of Sodom and Gomorrah is still in dispute by archaeologists.

I said the biblical version is a fairy tale. I have absolutely no interest in reading your religious propaganda. I can waste my time in so many more creative ways than that!
religious propaganda? stop being ignorant, as you called someone else earlier.. it's called knowledge, and for you to willfully deny a good dose of one that could benefit you and actually enlighten some misconceptions you seem to have would seem a benefit if any in my opinion.. i bet if i told you read richard dawkins or another mainstream atheist you'd hop all over that in a heartbeat..and richard dawkins has some of the most flawed arguments for atheism i've ever heard, with the god delusion really being the pinnacle for stupidity..i much prefer the book 'atheist universe'

as for the events in the bible, yes they are rather fairy tale-ish. but not so much fairy tale as mythological. there are differences between each.

anyway, when people willfully ignore to learn something it's sad imo..explains why education is such a shit hole..


Well-Known Member
I never denied the existence of either city. However, now that you mention it, the historical existence of Sodom and Gomorrah is still in dispute by archaeologists.
not really, its in Jordan, and there is two cities, and its been concluded that the residents all dided at once from some kind of natural disaster


Well-Known Member
You are correct. I don't know you. But I can make judgments on you based on your choice of words, your arguments, your logic and your debate strategy.

To be ignorant is to lack knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact. Ignorant is not an insult. Stupid is an insult, but I don't think you are stupid. You can prove me wrong, however, if you cling to your ignorance.
so your judging me? just like your telling me not to do?

i realize what ignorance is. and because someone shares a different viewpoint, does not mean they are ignorant, it means they have a different viewpoint. :)


Well-Known Member
so your judging me? just like your telling me not to do?

i realize what ignorance is. and because someone shares a different viewpoint, does not mean they are ignorant, it means they have a different viewpoint. :)
I'm not telling you to do, or not to do, anything. That goes against my nature. I'm simply telling you my interpretation of your opinion based on your words.


Well-Known Member
I'm not telling you to do, or not to do, anything. That goes against my nature. I'm simply telling you my interpretation of your opinion based on your words.
thank you for at least being respectful, thats all i ask. and i dont think it was you who made those comments, so i have no issues with you and i respect your viewpoints.

theres no need to interept anything, first because i never stated my opinion at anytime. and second cause i say what i mean.

ill see what i can find on the soddam and gamora thing. ill get back to ya on that