Drying Question


Well-Known Member
When hang drying, do the buds need to be in complete darkness or just a dark room? I am hanging in my closet, but it's usually half open, so it's dark, just not complete darkness.

Also, I see that some people are running fans when drying. I have a ceiling fan that is running, is this enough circulation, or should I add a small fan in my closet to circulate air?


Well-Known Member
I am well aware of the search feature and this is not new to me at all. I know the "preferred" method of drying, my question is in regards to my specific situation.

BTW, if we didn't ask questions here, what would be the purpose of this forum?


Well-Known Member
not everyone finds it a waste of time boz... so if it bothers you pass up the question, cause your basically stating you don't want to help


Well-Known Member
not everyone finds it a waste of time boz... so if it bothers you pass up the question, cause your basically stating you don't want to help
...no, i'm pointing out how much faster it is to LOOK for your answers rather than WAIT for them, ...especially such simple answers that have been covered ad nauseum.

...so i am making an effort to teach a lesson, just not the braindead easy one.

...note also that while i suggested in my original post that this was a question that had already been answered, ...i also provided a link to the requested information. ...i just don't happen to think you do anyone any favors spoon feeding easy answers.

...as me something hard.



Well-Known Member
I have done plenty of research and I find different methods and answers all over this forum. I apologize if I offended you bozo, with a question that was specific to my scenario. I was always taught that the only dumb question, is the question that is not asked, apparently you don't feel the same bozo.

I will just keep reading the boards and god forbid I have a question along the way, I'd hate to offend bozo again with such a simple question.


Well-Known Member
WTF, you send the OP to a different MB...with 20 different drying threads no less.
...the original link was to search results from this site, unfortunately the link didn't last due to software limitations of this site, ...so i linked to another list of threads on the topic.

...again i suggest that you learn more when you HUNT for answers rather than waiting for them, ...searching through these threads will answer questions you may not know enough to ask and i am a huge fan of individual initiative coupled with personal responsibility, no-one cares more about your success than you.

...so making an effort to teach new people to be proactive is my goal, not to put someone down or to suggest i'm unwilling to help, ...just that experienced growers won't waste time answering the basics that have been covered so often that if you haven't found those answers, it's 'cause you didn't bother looking.



Well-Known Member
I have done plenty of research and I find different methods and answers all over this forum. I apologize if I offended you bozo, with a question that was specific to my scenario. I was always taught that the only dumb question, is the question that is not asked, apparently you don't feel the same bozo.

I will just keep reading the boards and god forbid I have a question along the way, I'd hate to offend bozo again with such a simple question.
...you didn't offend me grasshopper, but i can see i've offended you.

...and i didn't say it was a DUMB question, i said it was a SIMPLE question, one that has been asked HUNDREDS of times and your 'specific scenario' isn't unique enough to not be covered many, many times.

...have you noticed just exactly how much help you've gotten from anyone else on this oh so simple question? ...at least i've provided you with links to actual answers, and not conflicting answers from other noobs but older information that has stood the test of time and the scrutiny of experienced growers.

...i tried bro, i tried, but if you want to not understand my intent then i guess i'll leave you to your simple questions.

good luck, bozo


Well-Known Member
Bozo, I am not new to this site. I have been on here since 2009. I spend more time reading here then I post. Nonetheless, back to reading, because posting got me nothing but a lashing.


Well-Known Member
hey bp.... from what I've learned a small fan blowing too much will dry to fast, I dry in closet also and leave open a few inches, and usually are dry enough in 3-5 days to move to next stage, whether it be brown bag or straight to jars, also humidity plays a part, I know you can search humidity info here, gd luck


Well-Known Member
I just think it's too dry here in Inland So Cal. I know the closet is a great place to dry, but with 35% relative humidity, it just dries too fast. Might be time to invest in a humidifier if I want to smoke something other than hay. I know some claim success in a low humidity environment, but no matter how long I cure it after drying, I can still taste and smell the hay. I didn't seem to have this problem when I lived in NorCal where there was higher humidity, so I am assuming that it is all a direct result of drying too fast.

I haven't eliminated the fact that maybe I am putting them in jars too soon, as well. After about 3 days of drying, they feel crisp on the outside and stems break, but don't snap in half, so that is my tell tale they are ready for jars. However, I am wondering if because the humidity is so low, that the exterior is drying extremely fast, leaving the interior still too damp too jar. Maybe, I should wait one or two more days before I throw into the jars?

Idk, I feel like I am just rambling now and I know bozo is watching, so I better be careful...j/k bozo, I know where you were coming from earlier on in the post, I suppose my original question was based off some insecurities and doubts, since I have been away from growing for a couple years. I already knew the answer, but sometimes you need someone just to say, "yup, carry on".

smokin away

Well-Known Member
I think you have raised a good question of light vs. dark. I have read many blogs on this topic and not much has been said about it. For your particular situation I would say to just keep an eye on them and leave them where you usually do it that open door closet. Just pull them out sooner and put them up in jar. Then check for the moisture on the glass and act accordingly. Burping them regularly to remove the moisture slowly. There's a blog up on top in this section stating four hours for a burp is sufficient. It doesn't say anything about keeping them in light or dark. I did my last one in the bathroom but it came the exact opposite: just too moist after three days.


Well-Known Member
I decided to purchase a humidifier to slow down the drying when I hang dry. Seems to have helped, took about 4 days vs the usual 2-3 days. Still a bit fast. Just bugs me that they lose the smell they have when they are trimmed. I suppose it's always been that way, when drying you always seem to lose the smell after a few days and slowly work it back, except with a few certain kush strains I have grown, you couldn't hide that smell no matter how bad you were at drying and curing...lol

I had some drying a week or so ago that dried in about 2 days. They were crispy on the outside and stems were snapping, but not breaking in half when bent. I threw them in jars about a week ago and they slowly seem to be taking on their original scent, but still have that hay smell. I imagine as the moisture slowly works its way out, they hay smell will go with it. I have seen quite a few posts on here about using hygrometers in the jars to get to that perfect and stable humidity in the jars. I will agree, that would make this much easier, but it's a little late for this grow, but certainly will be picking some up for the next run.

As far as burping goes, I have been doing it roughly every 12 hours. Seems to be working so far, been doing it for a week now and I don't see any issues yet. I suppose the whole idea is to draw the moisture at as slow as possible while avoiding mold and whatever else could destroy your buds. Seems if you are burping every 4 hours, you may be drying them out to fast, although I certainly am no expert on the subject and could be way off base, so don't take my word for it...lol