Shoutout to doublejj for sharing the carport greenhouse idea. Has proven especially beneficial with the recent rains. First try has exceeded our wildest expectations.
Next year, I'm going to either start later and/or do fewer plants. And trellis netting is a must. The remesh cages work great for inner support, but as the buds get heavy, the branches still want to lean and it's a pain to try and tie them up.
I can barely get in there and it's getting messy. Worst case scenario, got a shitton of popcorn for hash. I guess this is what you call a "high quality problem".
Most of the strains in my tent are still at least a few weeks away from being perfect. Some of the sativa leaning stuff looks like it could take 4-6 easy.
But I have a little issue:
The property manager wants to do a walkthrough in about two weeks. This is too early for me to think about pulling some of the plants, OG, Chem and Diesel stuff plus one Haze. Otherwise, I'd just chop a bit early and call it good.
I don't worry about eviction; there's nothing illegal or hazardous about what I'm doing. No complaints from neighbors. It's screened in so it's not out in the open. It's not visible from anywhere on the street. But I'm certain that if one of them had a carport greenhouse that smells like mine, it would be very obvious.
So my neighbors already know this exists, and I haven't had any problems.
I was concerned about having the entire staff of that property management company knowing, because I'm sure the inspector will tell them and it will get around the office.
A few pages back, I read about someone scaring off an intruder, and it got me thinking. In that case, they obviously know where there's a big grow (mine's far more modest, fwiw). So that person and all their friends know exactly where it is. From year to year, this means more and more people could know where veteran farmers are doing their outdoor, and this doesn't seem to be a huge issue.
So my thinking is, be nice when they come and if they ask, respectfully let them know I'll be taking it down once it's ready but other than that they can fck off. Might even ask that they keep it hushed, because that will be the best way we can keep moving forward with what has to this point been a win-win.
Anyone here had to deal with an inspection at a time when they couldn't move or chop their plants