Gay Marriage ...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
should we allow retards to get married?
should we allow violent rapists to get married?
should we allow murderers to get married?
should we allow people who knowingly cause aids to get married?
should we allow bum rapists to get married?
should we allow elizabeth taylor to get married?
The majority of people you list above are STRAIGHT.... so I guess marriage should be banned all together???

ZION be pure for HIS majesty Lord of lords, King of kings!
If heaven is filled with small minded bigots who think only people with their beliefs should be let in..... well then FUCK THAT! I'll be tending bar at the huge party in hell! Have fun up there in heaven with the other close minded bigots like.... Jerry Falwell.


Well-Known Member
You brought it up. I did not take offense, but I thought it was an ugly and repulsive statement based on congenital ignorance.
I did bring it up, but simply for the sake of discussion. This is a discussion board, and i thought i would bring up a commonly cited debate to gay marriage. I've said nothing about my personal opinions or views, and you dont know me, so please don't accuse me of being ignorant.

This discussion was originally on the legality of gay marriage, not the morality of homosexuality. YOU extended the argument to include heterosexual incest.
Then I apologize, that still does not justify those comments


Well-Known Member
God is not dead, neither is that German idiot, they're both just sleeping,

Fgirl, why would u want to be in hell with elizabeth tayler, and bum rapists, when u can be with the tree of life in heaven?

seems .... illogical? hmm?


Well-Known Member
hehe a fan of philosophy? kewl :blsmoke:
yup definitely.. alvin platinga was a huge influence on me during my religious was my fav class in sound nerdy, i actually had fun learning about the pre-socratics and the early greeks..amazing how much shit we stole from them

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think it does go deeper than that...and yes, animals do feel things. Now I'm not saying the cats were making sweet sweet love every time they did it...but they did love each other, show affection to one another, and care for each other. Being homosexual isnt just about the sex.
we have a general idea of how animals think and feel thanks to mathematics, laboratories, and a wonderful tool called science. scarily, our emotions are nothing but mathematical equations with biological origins that have a weight and trigger chemical.. the thing that seperates man from beast is our reasoning capacity, if thought evolved then certainly there would be no truth, relative or absolute, and no mind/body continuum, or atleast the appearance of one. the discussion with animals goes a lot deeper, they don't fuck out of "love", they fuck out of necessity, out of want, etc. hell, we don't really fuck out of love either, we fuck to get our jollies off and our nut on the wall or in her mouth or on her back or wherever you want it to go. you fuck to make your legs shake and knees break

so let's leave it at that


Well-Known Member
I think it does go deeper than that...and yes, animals do feel things. Now I'm not saying the cats were making sweet sweet love every time they did it...but they did love each other, show affection to one another, and care for each other. Being homosexual isnt just about the sex.
being homosexual IS about the sex. you can perfectly love another male without the sexual intercourse or foreplay. i love my dad, my brothers-in-law, my male best friend(s), but i don't show it by sodomizing them. and surely i have no desire to marry them. all the same, i am empathetic to their pain; tolerant of their beliefs, sympathetic to their causes, and support them in their dreams.

go into a gay bar and tell me homosexuality is not about the same sex eroticism. i've known way to many gay couples, even teenagers, to know that it basically boils down to the sex. and than the fights..omfg the fights of a gay couple..i can't stand it..the one who catches is always so feminine when they are's uncomfortable. kind of like being 5 and watching your dad pound your mom from the back doggy style with a ronald reagan mask on


Well-Known Member
heres a question for thought.

When a gay couple fights, do they beat the hell out of eachother. its a funny thought:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The majority of people you list above are STRAIGHT.... so I guess marriage should be banned all together???
i would ban marriage for anyone who i would not want to be my parents...

can u imagine you dad's a faggot? only a child rapist is worse...
but then theres much of a muchness between such beasts

solamente un pagano podía amar mierda

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Fgirl, why would u want to be in hell with elizabeth tayler, and bum rapists, when u can be with the tree of life in heaven?
seems .... illogical? hmm?
Personally I'm agnostic. This means I don't confirm or deny the existence of any god... it simply means I'm willing to acknowledge that I DON'T KNOW. Although if I had to lay money down on it... I'd bet there isn't!

If I were FORCED to align my beliefs with any out there... I'd say my beliefs of our existence are most closely aligned with the Buddists. No... I'm not a very ZEN person... but I do believe as they do that there are different planes of existence and that we do live many lives and hopefully learn more with each one.

As to heaven and hell? Well I believe that is all HOGWASH! I don't live my life in fear of any "god" or "wrath". I live my life based on what I believe is right and wrong. In my world there is DEFINITELY a difference between right and wrong and I don't need the fear of some god to guide me to doing what is right. I believe my soul has been here enough times to have figured that out.

As to your "life in hell with Liz and/or rapist" comment... all I have to say is this.... Many a rapist, murderer, pedophile ... etc. has gone to their death professing love of god and begging for forgiveness and taking 'Jesus' into their heart. So going by the logic that all who come to 'Jesus' are saved and shall dwell in the house of the lord... it seems to me YOU will be the one dwelling with the sludge of society... not me!

But hey.... whatever works for you is ok with me. Your beliefs have nothing to do with mine and I wouldn't try to change what you believe in terms of any god or afterlife. I have a very profound reason to believe as I do. So with that I'll wish you all the best on whatever journey you are on. I'll also continue to support the rights for equality for my fellow humans as they travel on their journey :D :peace:


Well-Known Member
Although if I had to lay money down on it... I'd bet there isn't!
but if you were dead forever and had no spirit like the buddhists believe,
then you would not be able to collect your bet, see?

even if all we live in is a world of atoms and molecules,
then according to my calculations, we will be able to
ressurect the dead with nanotech medical procedures
in about 500 years or so, give or take a couple of centuries.

The prophesy of ressurection is for certain, beyond belief in
a Cosmic God. But God is the order of the cosmos, the difference
as you say it, between right and wrong.

if you're wrong you suffer,
if you are a bad person you great grandchildren ^25 won't WANT to ressurect
you on your 500th birthday.

they leave the old sods to rot,

"Did you have a good world when you were alive,
enough to base a movie on?"


Well-Known Member
había una mujer joven que tragó una mosca…
… i don' t sabe porqué, ella tragaría una mosca…
ウゥウゥウゥ。。。スペイン語! 高大だなぁ。。。!今でも貴様 は 浅学寡聞。。。
まったく、 ふざけんなよ!クリスチャン の 神様を存在しない。

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
solamente un pagano podía amar mierda
And only a self-righteous person with no TRUE piety at all would sink to the level of intentionally attempting to make others feel inferior by posting insults in another language simply for the pleasure of feeling superior.

I imagine you'll find the pearly gates PADLOCKED when you get there. No worries.... us sinners will keep a seat nice and HEATED up for you :twisted:

[EDIT] We all have access to the on-line translators..... ;)
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Well-Known Member
this comment was really not neccessary and offending. I was trying to have a discussion. this is the kinds crap that drives people away from communities like RIU

If you want to have a discussion, discuss. this isnt grade school. if someone brings up a point, dont become instantly so defensive.
... But, you didn't have a point. At all. You're the grade schooler, here, by just being confrontational and not providing anything of substance to this debate.

I'ma ignore you now.


Well-Known Member
this comment was really not neccessary and offending. I was trying to have a discussion. this is the kinds crap that drives people away from communities like RIU

If you want to have a discussion, discuss. this isnt grade school. if someone brings up a point, dont become instantly so defensive.
... But, you didn't have a point. At all. You're the grade schooler, here, by just being confrontational and not providing anything of substance to this debate.

Discussions like this aren't meant to make people hate each other, I'm seriously regretting starting this.


Well-Known Member
And only a self-righteous person with no TRUE piety at all would sink to the level of intentionally attempting to make others feel inferior by posting insults in another language simply for the pleasure of feeling superior./quote]

That's basically what my chicken-scratch reply says, by the way. Japanese/Chinese/Korean online translators don't work very well ... everything comes out backwards and retarded. XD


Well-Known Member
This discussion was originally on the legality of gay marriage, not the morality of homosexuality. YOU extended the argument to include heterosexual incest.
Yeah, this is about the law and governmental aspect of the issue. NOT how individuals feel, but whether or not Big Brother is allowed into our homes and bedrooms.

Personal opinions can be shared and debated, but remember the real POINT of this. -_-