Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
One got me last week...like numerous posts...annoying!!!
How are you doing are you counting down the Hours? And How are you girls doing did you get any help with the problems you where having?Stew said he take a look you just have to give him a link to your thread


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused. Mods can just delete a conversation that isn't violating any of the forum's rules? That's some facist bullshit.


Well-Known Member
You must have missed it.

These 2 spam bots raided this thread last night. Noone could hold a conversation with them blasting spam all over.
I had reported a few. but instead i just sent a PM with the name of 1 of the spam bots to sunni. she then came and removed the garbage so we could all talk again... :)

Nothing was removed that was real conversation.


Well-Known Member
You must have missed it.These 2 spam bots raided this thread last night. Noone could hold a conversation with them blasting spam all over.I had reported a few. but instead i just sent a PM with the name of 1 of the spam bots to sunni. she then came and removed the garbage so we could all talk again... :)Nothing was removed that was real conversation.
Alright, well then I over reacted before I actually knew what had happened. I was about to lose what little faith I had left in the mods. Thanks for cleaning up the ACTUAL bullshit sunni.


Well-Known Member
Sup all, Attitude messed up my freebies so now I gotta order more seeds (Oh the pain! :) ). Gonna grab SinCity's LVBK, anyone looked at the promo shot for that? Looks insane.


Well-Known Member
I've been humming and hawing about ordering SickMeds Green Crack and Williams Wonder for a while now. So much I want so little I can afford :)


Well-Known Member
East coast bro. No seizures here. Just Chicago.
My shit goes through Jamaica NY.. Always passes through without issue.

Attitude just added a Sports bottle to the list of stealth. but repacking seeds is required in most cases.
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