

Well-Known Member
Each and every one of them, the Papaya seeds sent to me were completely and totally crushed. All there is in the packet is pulp mush and bits of seed hull. I'm crushed. I want to kill the post office. :evil:


Sorry, had to vent, because on top of that, something is attacking some of my plants and making the leaves lacy. I tried to take pix, but they didn't come out at all, so either something is wrong with the card, the camera, or I suddenly suck a whole lot worse at taking pix than I ever did.

AND, on top of it all, I have to take my son to the Sacto International Airport tonight and I-5 is being worked on. We should get to the airport just fine, but getting home is gonna be tricky, very very tricky.


Well-Known Member
awh man that sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. I'd hate to have to wait for something to find out it's been ruined by the post office. are you going to complain?


Well-Known Member
Each and every one of them, the Papaya seeds sent to me were completely and totally crushed. All there is in the packet is pulp mush and bits of seed hull. I'm crushed. I want to kill the post office. :evil:


Sorry, had to vent, because on top of that, something is attacking some of my plants and making the leaves lacy. I tried to take pix, but they didn't come out at all, so either something is wrong with the card, the camera, or I suddenly suck a whole lot worse at taking pix than I ever did.

AND, on top of it all, I have to take my son to the Sacto International Airport tonight and I-5 is being worked on. We should get to the airport just fine, but getting home is gonna be tricky, very very tricky.
seamaiden, you live in sacramento?? i was on the news.. NBC interviewed me and my friend outside starbucks about the fix I-5 project..god damn did that make commuting from elk grove to pocket area a pain in the ass..commuting into downtown was not fun either..especially in the morning.. like 1am+:evil:


Well-Known Member
seamaiden, you live in sacramento?? i was on the news.. NBC interviewed me and my friend outside starbucks about the fix I-5 project..god damn did that make commuting from elk grove to pocket area a pain in the ass..commuting into downtown was not fun either..especially in the morning.. like 1am+:evil:
Find a link! I'm in the bay too :joint:


Well-Known Member
Each and every one of them, the Papaya seeds sent to me were completely and totally crushed. All there is in the packet is pulp mush and bits of seed hull. I'm crushed. I want to kill the post office. :evil:


Sorry, had to vent, because on top of that, something is attacking some of my plants and making the leaves lacy. I tried to take pix, but they didn't come out at all, so either something is wrong with the card, the camera, or I suddenly suck a whole lot worse at taking pix than I ever did.

AND, on top of it all, I have to take my son to the Sacto International Airport tonight and I-5 is being worked on. We should get to the airport just fine, but getting home is gonna be tricky, very very tricky.
I got some crushed seeds after a fellow RIU'er sent them...It was the 1 strain that I wanted...those damn automated to be in cd cases..luckly my 3 other strains made it...I hope..May be cracked....& dry out....stupid post

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
seamaiden, you live in sacramento?? i was on the news.. NBC interviewed me and my friend outside starbucks about the fix I-5 project..god damn did that make commuting from elk grove to pocket area a pain in the ass..commuting into downtown was not fun either..especially in the morning.. like 1am+:evil:

I'm a born and raised Cali girl!!! In fact we used to have family picnics every year at Elk Grove Park!!! My home stomping ground was Roseville!!! Moved away 4 years ago. I miss many things about Cali.... but then again... there are many things I don't miss!

To Seamaiden.... take digital pictures (of seeds and package) and send them to the vendor... they might take pitty and send you a replacement...hopefully via fed ex. :D


Well-Known Member
I'm a born and raised Cali girl!!! In fact we used to have family picnics every year at Elk Grove Park!!! My home stomping ground was Roseville!!! Moved away 4 years ago. I miss many things about Cali.... but then again... there are many things I don't miss!

To Seamaiden.... take digital pictures (of seeds and package) and send them to the vendor... they might take pitty and send you a replacement...hopefully via fed ex. :D
dang roseville.. that's hella far from sac.. i hated driving to roseville, i use to work at a place called volt that was stationed there..course they're fucking stationed everywhere.. but why'd you leave? i miss my ghettos.. north highlands, oak park, del paso heights..i don't know anyone here in washington, all my friends are in sac.. i'd hate to up and leave.. the break is kinda nice tho, tacoma is rather drama free


Well-Known Member
seamaiden, you live in sacramento?? i was on the news.. NBC interviewed me and my friend outside starbucks about the fix I-5 project..god damn did that make commuting from elk grove to pocket area a pain in the ass..commuting into downtown was not fun either..especially in the morning.. like 1am+:evil:
Nope, I'm in the Sierra. I missed your interview! Can you find a link or something maybe?

I can't remember who asked if I'll complain, but I wanted to answer. I make MANY complaints to our local USPS. They nod, they say how it's too bad, and then tell me, essentially, tough shit. I've had bills that were put in the wrong neighbor's box, and they come back, sometimes TWO WEEKS LATE with a note scribbled on the envelope -- WRONG ADDRESS! It doesn't change a God damned thing. My county is called Amateur county, and there's a fucking reason!

Oh, and it gets even more podunk than that. We've got some neighbors who run a couple of businesses. One of them runs a consignment (clothing and furniture) shop. She's pissed because she also wants to run a coffee shop in the same business and the county won't license her. Who the hell wants to drink coffee while they shop for clothes??? Not to mention that it's CONSIGNMENT, so if the clothing is ruined by someone's spilled coffee, she has to buy it. She doesn't realize how lucky she is that it's just a consignment shop. The other neighbor just opened up a new business in the same storefront as well, selling (get this) motorcycles and cabinetry. :| He's called it Wood n Wheels.

I live in fucking Podunkville, I swear to GOD. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member

lol :peace:
:lol: Piss off, wanker! I WILL grow an actual strain, I swear! :lol:

(You know I'm just kidding around with ya, right?)
I'm a born and raised Cali girl!!! In fact we used to have family picnics every year at Elk Grove Park!!! My home stomping ground was Roseville!!! Moved away 4 years ago. I miss many things about Cali.... but then again... there are many things I don't miss!

To Seamaiden.... take digital pictures (of seeds and package) and send them to the vendor... they might take pitty and send you a replacement...hopefully via fed ex. :D
Dang.. we've got HELLA locals here! We're gonna have to do something up at Lake Tahoe or something, Dave and I have a favorite sushi restaurant up there, a place called Sato, and a favorite sushi chef (Shea). Or... maybe something more local... ;)

The "vendor" has taken great pity upon me and is resupplying. He deserves major mad props. 8)


Well-Known Member
The other neighbor just opened up a new business in the same storefront as well, selling (get this) motorcycles and cabinetry. :| He's called it Wood n Wheels.
This makes me think of two things:

One, my ex and I were on one of our many road trips (oh for the days when gas didn't cost $5 a gallon!), and somewhere in CA we saw a little general store with a sign out front that said, "Smokes! Sweats! Lotto!" Like, why not buy your clothing where you buy your cigarettes and lottery tickets? Makes perfect sense.

The other is that my ex lived in TX (indeed, several of my exes DO live in Texas), way out in the 'burbs of Dallas, where all the houses look the same and the developments have names like "Cedarwood Gardens" or "Dogwood Terrace" or whatever. Basically it's a lot of upper-middle-class folks and lots of places for them to shop. Tons of strip malls where you can spend your money on totally unnecessary things. One store was called "Billiards and Barstools," and I always thought that was pretty specific. Like, how many times have you thought that you needed to go shopping for both of those things at the same time? Another shop was called "Fetal Fotos." (Not kidding.) I always wondered exactly what went on in there -- ultrasounds framed in some sort of overpriced keepsake frames? There are so many totally ridiculous things to waste your money on in this country, it's unbelievable.

I am in love with Mexico, and for the past 3 years I've gone once a year. It's just completely insane the difference in income levels between our country and theirs, given that they border one another. Everybody there isn't walking around with a Bluetooth thing in their ear, buying their $4 coffee at Starbucks, and going to the mall. Their grocery stores are nothing at all like ours -- you can get the basics and lots of fresh produce, but not 45 different kinds of cereal and other overpackaged processed foods. When I went there last year, Spongebob had just started showing on Mexican TV. I saw Spongebob shaped ice cream and pictures of Spongebob on one brand of cookies. I saw a balloon vendor wtih Spongebob balloons. But that was all the marketing I saw. Kids didn't have backpacks and t-shirts and cereals and action figures and all the other completely ridiculous shit US parents buy, usually because "all the other kids have it." It was really refreshing not to see that degree of marketing of useless crap.

I'm psyched your seeds made it to you intact, I wonder where along the way Hydrotech's got crushed.
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Well-Known Member
well I think if you plea w the seed company, like stated b/f send them pics they might do something. I hate the post office by the way. +rep for you, your going through hell i tell ya


Well-Known Member
Im shocked when something actually comes in the mail undamaged here lol! Sorry about your seeds Seamaiden ive been down that "all iv'e got is dust in an envelope" road too many times myself.


Well-Known Member
well I think if you plea w the seed company, like stated b/f send them pics they might do something. I hate the post office by the way. +rep for you, your going through hell i tell ya
My seed provider is totally understanding and is going to resend, bless his heart. 8) What a sweetie.


Well-Known Member
Littlebat, my B-I-L is Mexican, un bombero. He goes down to the old country at least once a year for various things, to train los bomberos Mexicanos, to bring clothing to donate to the poor, and to do some sort of charity bike race. Also, my folks and sister and B-I-L have a couple of timeshares in Cabo San Lucas. I've never been, but I think I'd like to try it, especially for the fishing and diving (probably not dive the point or the Pacific side, I hear the currents are treacherous).

So, next county over, there's a little town called West Point (Google Leonard Lake/Charles Ng), and right there in 'town' is an Auto Repare. :lol:


Well-Known Member
i can't believe we all live in cali and can't put together a little cannabis cup. i'm in sonoma county. grew up in rocklin. i'd drive 3 or 4 hours for an event with you all. :)

i have received my share of crushed seeds as well. :(


Well-Known Member
Sonoma's nice, I just got to revisit Santa Rosa (and spread a little secret love at the Hotel La Rose) for the first time since I was a kid. We're in the Sierra, between Lake Tahoe and Yosemite (much closer to Tahoe).

At the moment I am researching leafminer control, those little FUCKS.

I like Twistyman's idea the best, because I've never received a crushed CD case yet, not even from our Amateur County USPS dipshits. That, or the bubblewrap-padded envelop.


Well-Known Member
But you never came out. Didn't you hear our bikes? :( I am so bummed. I coulda had some hijack.

But hey, there's always next time! Dave's got family there, and I've pretty much fallen in love with them.