Gay Marriage ...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Being gay isnt harmful and damaging like incest is.I'm just speechless that the natural leap from homosexuality is always either bestiality or incest.
if gay marriage is legalized. why not legalize incestual relationships. if a mom and son are in love, and she cant have babies, (tubes tied etc...) and they are both adults, shouldnt they have the same rights as anyone else. this is the logic that has been put forth

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
And if we really want to talk about a group with a large number of pedophiles, lets talk about the catholic church. Who actually protects these offenders. There was mentioned in a movie I watched...I can't for the life of me remember the name, that ten percent of boys in catholic school grow up to be sex offenders? comes all the yelling. (Braces self)


Well-Known Member
No, they were perfectly healthy, normal male cats...both of them had plenty of exposure to females.Felix had even bred some females, he just preferred Tu.Tu followed Felix about like he was a god, and yes, I caught them having sex plenty.When I gave Tu away because he would not be housebroken, Felix ran away and never came back.As for lower cognitive species.. there was a study done recently that says cats have the same emotional center in their brain as we just because they don't go out and build towers and try to pretend they're NOT a mammal doesn't mean they can't understand "higher emotions. Most of the things we humans do that we make us believe we're a better,or more cognitive species, if you will, is just arrogance.We are just another part of the food chain.:peace:DO CATS HAVE EMOTIONS?
lmfao i'm gonna fall over n die if u truly can sit there and tell me that cats have the same cognitive capacity that we do

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You know, I wasn't getting about you don't?I believe that we really can't know what animals truly think and feel until we stop thinking that everything has to react like a human in order to register as an intelligent, feeling being.
lmfao i'm gonna fall over n die if u truly can sit there and tell me that cats have the same cognitive capacity that we do

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
if gay marriage is legalized. why not legalize incestual relationships. if a mom and son are in love, and she cant have babies, (tubes tied etc...) and they are both adults, shouldnt they have the same rights as anyone else. this is the logic that has been put forth

That is a very old, tired and completely illogical argument for not allowing gay marriage. If anything that argument supports a notion that NO ONE should be allowed to marry.... including straight people... because in your argument it's a man and a woman... who are STRAIGHT!

Honestly.... why do you care so much how two consenting adults choose to live their life? What gives you the right to stand in judgment?

What gets me is the religious notion that it goes against god. Ummmm... excuse me but according to religious doctrine isn't it ONLY god who is allowed to judge? What .... do you think your god can't do his/her job without your help? How about you just worry about yourself and how your god will judge you when you show up. Stop trying to clean everyone else's house and worry about keeping your own clean!

I'd like to point out that the ALL religious doctrine (bible, koran, etc.) was penned by the hands of HUMANS... and changed / modified over the years by humans.... usually for the purpose of CONTROLLING other humans.

Lastly... I'm straight... but for anyone out there who is homosexual.... I want you to know that any ballot I vote on with this issue on it I will check the box that supports EQUALITY FOR YOU! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Cool with me if gay marriage is legal. I had to miss the two lesbian weddings I was invited too and was pretty bummed about it. Wasn't expecting a specticle or anything-- just really wanted to be able to support my friends and their choices. It was very cool that one of the brides was fortunate enough to have a minister mother who precided over the ceremony. (Can't imagine doing the ceremony for my own daughter-- I'd cry before I said a single word-- guess that's why I'm not a minister!)


Well-Known Member
That is a very old, tired and completely illogical argument for not allowing gay marriage. If anything that argument supports a notion that NO ONE should be allowed to marry.... including straight people... because in your argument it's a man and a woman... who are STRAIGHT!

Honestly.... why do you care so much how two consenting adults choose to live their life? What gives you the right to stand in judgment?

What gets me is the religious notion that it goes against god. Ummmm... excuse me but according to religious doctrine isn't it ONLY god who is allowed to judge? What .... do you think your god can't do his/her job without your help? How about you just worry about yourself and how your god will judge you when you show up. Stop trying to clean everyone else's house and worry about keeping your own clean!

I'd like to point out that the ALL religious doctrine (bible, koran, etc.) was penned by the hands of HUMANS... and changed / modified over the years by humans.... usually for the purpose of CONTROLLING other humans.

Lastly... I'm straight... but for anyone out there who is homosexual.... I want you to know that any ballot I vote on with this issue on it I will check the box that supports EQUALITY FOR YOU! :peace:
I agree wholeheartedly. When I was in Sunday school I was taught god is love. As an adult I realized that based on his followers, he was a surly, bigoted, homophobic and paranoid headcase with a persecution complex. I promptly become an agnostic.


Well-Known Member
Your likening of gay marriage to incest has seriously offended me. Go back to fucking your mom and keeping your mouth shut.
this comment was really not neccessary and offending. I was trying to have a discussion. this is the kinds crap that drives people away from communities like RIU

If you want to have a discussion, discuss. this isnt grade school. if someone brings up a point, dont become instantly so defensive.


Well-Known Member
this comment was really not neccessary and offending. I was trying to have a discussion. this is the kinds crap that drives people away from communities like RIU

If you want to have a discussion, discuss. this isnt grade school. if someone brings up a point, dont become instantly so defensive.
You brought it up. I did not take offense, but I thought it was an ugly and repulsive statement based on congenital ignorance.

if gay marriage is legalized. why not legalize incestual relationships. if a mom and son are in love, and she cant have babies, (tubes tied etc...) and they are both adults, shouldnt they have the same rights as anyone else. this is the logic that has been put forth
This discussion was originally on the legality of gay marriage, not the morality of homosexuality. YOU extended the argument to include heterosexual incest.


Well-Known Member
You know, I wasn't getting about you don't?I believe that we really can't know what animals truly think and feel until we stop thinking that everything has to react like a human in order to register as an intelligent, feeling being.
we have a general idea of how animals think and feel thanks to mathematics, laboratories, and a wonderful tool called science. scarily, our emotions are nothing but mathematical equations with biological origins that have a weight and trigger chemical.. the thing that seperates man from beast is our reasoning capacity, if thought evolved then certainly there would be no truth, relative or absolute, and no mind/body continuum, or atleast the appearance of one. the discussion with animals goes a lot deeper, they don't fuck out of "love", they fuck out of necessity, out of want, etc. hell, we don't really fuck out of love either, we fuck to get our jollies off and our nut on the wall or in her mouth or on her back or wherever you want it to go. you fuck to make your legs shake and knees break

so let's leave it at that


Well-Known Member
should we allow retards to get married?
should we allow violent rapists to get married?
should we allow murderers to get married?
should we allow people who knowingly cause aids to get married?
should we allow bum rapists to get married?
should we allow elizabeth taylor to get married?

nein no nyet nee haikona BUMPAKLAUT!

ZION be pure for HIS majesty Lord of lords, King of kings!


Well-Known Member
incest is legal in some states, like you can marry your first cousin in south carolina I think...I think its pretty disgusting but if they are two consenting adults I guess I dont have a problem with it....a mother and a son though, that is just fucked up...the mother would obviously be mentally ill and the child is obviously being exploited in that case so thats not cool


Well-Known Member
should we allow retards to get married?
should we allow violent rapists to get married?
should we allow murderers to get married?
should we allow people who knowingly cause aids to get married?
should we allow bum rapists to get married?
should we allow elizabeth taylor to get married?

nein no nyet nee haikona BUMPAKLAUT!

ZION be pure for HIS majesty Lord of lords, King of kings!
stop being fucking stupid and inciting an even bigger bigoted flame fest. don't hide behind god, i know he's the perfect scapegoat and everything. it worked for the 3 crusades, even though it was really a power struggle between warring territories. but even so, this is a stoner keep the talk productive, not instigating


Well-Known Member
stop being fucking stupid and inciting an even bigger bigoted flame fest. don't hide behind god, i know he's the perfect scapegoat and everything. it worked for the 3 crusades, even though it was really a power struggle between warring territories. but even so, this is a stoner keep the talk productive, not instigating
I think he was making a point about the dangers of blind dogma.

EDIT: Nevermind. I thought he was being clever. I see now he was serious. Carry on.
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