what do you guys think of this article (30,000 deaths from Marijuana)


Well-Known Member
Looks like more scare tactics to me. When they write articles like this I wish they would link to their sources. I would like to hear their results about vaping as opposed to smoking as well.


Well-Known Member
I was in a discussion with my wife. You know the whole cigarette vs marijuana. I said its less risk with marijuana for various reason (key words "less risk"). So I started googling back up and ran across that article.

I too believe its more scare tactics than anything else. Only due to the fact that there isn't a reliable source or documented cases.


Well-Known Member
I smoked cigs around 2 packs a day sometimes more for 32 years. 4.5 years ago I quit cold turkey. I hate them now. Tobacco smoke makes me feel sick and ill now and I despise it. The whole time I smoked I always had bronchial/lung ailments, especially in winter. Every year I had to go to the dr, get a shot in the ass and 5 day antibiotic along with kick ass cough medicine that knocked me out at nite. I was always having colds, felt bad, couldn't breathe. Sounded wheezy when I laughed and one day I just decided I was tired of the smell, the sickness, the expense and just stopped.

I have smoked weed steadily since I was around 12 and now I am 49 and it never makes me feel like the cigs did, I don't have all those health problems, I don't feel short of breath and I feel completely fine. I am sure adding fire and smoking something combustible may up the chances but one thing I have found is smoking joints does not make me feel bad like smoking cigs!!

I'd like to see some real statistics and not just scare tactics to make people stop inhaling the "evil weed".


Well-Known Member
Damn shot in the ass !? What you smoke camel filter less?I smoked those and Newport for awhile. That must have been a tough one. I was able to quit cold turkey but only smoked for 5 years . I always found my self washing my hands though. The tar smell reeked. Messed up the swagger.

I think its easier to smoke two packs of tobacco a day than two packs of joints. For the average smoker I guess. I mean shit I know some iron lungs that smoke blunts and blunts and blunts. But then that's incorporating the blunt wrapping into the equation.

Also how many smokers are also tobacco smokers that were included in the whole research of things. I've been smoking out of pipes for almost 10 years now.


Well-Known Member
It was some kind of cortisone shot in the ass for bronchitis. I would get it every winter from cig smoking. The doc always had the same routine: a cortisone shot in the ass, hydrocodone cough syrup and 5 day zpack antibiotic. I smoked marlboros for years and at the end was smoking winston lights.

I remember I used to get the worst hangovers after going out drinking and soon realized it was because I smoked more than usual when having a drink and the cigs were giving me a terrible headache.

So nasty I hate them now and just got back from Las Vegas where everyone smokes in the damned casinos stinking it up and smelling like death. My clothes would reek of smoke after being in the casinos. I had to move away several times from machines I was gambling on or move my chair at the pool cause of rude ass cig smokers blowing their stench everywhere around me.

Not once have I had bronchitis since I stopped cigarettes and interestingly enough I smoke twice as much weed now as I did then. No ill effects so far. I wonder if its the chemicals in tobacco that make people so sick?


Well-Known Member
Its gotta be the chemicals. I can't stand the smell of cigarettes and if I'm drunk and have a cigarette. I usually end up having another and another. And just like you in the morning or later I feel nausea and sick to my stomach. Like if I was poisoned.

Smoke some weed while drinking and sure enough , I get my second wind and stop drinking. Second hand smoke does smell like doo doo ass.


Well-Known Member
I gained weight after I quit smoking but damn it was worth it and I would do it all over again.

And yes feeling poisoned about sums it up. I won't touch a cigarette now and I even gave up cigars which I loved but I don't want to ever get a craving for tobacco again.

I guess I need to use my vapes more but man I love a good joint. I am just old school. I don't care about blunts, just give me a nice fat joint of some primo herb and I am happy.

The older I get I guess the more things hurt so I rarely get drunk anymore and mostly just stick to daytime weed and night time weed lol!


Well-Known Member
Smoking more has actually helped me stop drinking . And I'm an alcoholic. I got my vape but I usually smoke out of my pipe. Nice and easy. I do love a good syrup joint though. And I mean maple syrup. Taste good and burns slow. But then I guess wax will do that too.

But now that I don't drink like a fish anymore- I have more energy all around. Weed morning , noon and night. Puff , puff here , puff , puff there .... A happy me it does make for damn sure


Well-Known Member
First of all, congrats on not drinking, I am so grateful I never liked it enough to want to do it all the time...

Next... what is a maple syrup joint? Splain Lucy!!


New Member
Smoking more has actually helped me stop drinking . And I'm an alcoholic. I got my vape but I usually smoke out of my pipe. Nice and easy. I do love a good syrup joint though. And I mean maple syrup. Taste good and burns slow. But then I guess wax will do that too.

But now that I don't drink like a fish anymore- I have more energy all around. Weed morning , noon and night. Puff , puff here , puff , puff there .... A happy me it does make for damn sure

Used to do the same thing, except with honey and blunts, a couple decades ago when we were getting that $40/oz mexican brick pack schwag. Tiny layer of honey along the inside would make it very sweet tasting which was perfect for that less than desirable tasting weed.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
And then this, at the end...

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hmm,, wonder why they aren't taking comments? Cause it's 100% bull fucking shit.


bud bootlegger
The level of active ingredient in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has increased from around 0.5 per cent 20 years ago to almost five per cent today.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-179264/Cannabis-kills-30-000-year.html#ixzz2fsttNm6S
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This article made me laugh...especially this part. 5% THC? Sounds like some dank shit, huh? .5% THC wouldn't get a newborn baby high.
I was trying to copy and paste this part yesterday as well .. I hate when people say shit like this ain't your parents weed, like were smoking crack or something..
And yeah.. I'm sure haze from the 60's only had .5% THC.. yeah OK..

And the entire article is Bs.. not a single person has ever died from cannabis .. not a 1.. in fact the ld50 of cannabis is so retardedly high, it's pretty much impossible for one to consume enough weed to get anywhere near a lethal dose..


Well-Known Member
First of all, congrats on not drinking, I am so grateful I never liked it enough to want to do it all the time...

Next... what is a maple syrup joint? Splain Lucy!!
Thanks 2 rolling. Well to be honest I still love my beer. But I only drink on game days. I stay away from the hard shit more now. I used to drink a pint everyday. Its been the hardest to stop. But for the last year I've just been smoking and find being drunk not attractive to me anymore. Shit I'd rather be elbow deep in cheetoes than elbow deep in blood because of a violent drunken rage.

Its weird how we change overnight. Oh and the maple syrup I just coat all my joints with maple syrup . Burns even, slower and hits smooth


Well-Known Member
I was trying to copy and paste this part yesterday as well .. I hate when people say shit like this ain't your parents weed, like were smoking crack or something..
And yeah.. I'm sure haze from the 60's only had .5% THC.. yeah OK..

And the entire article is Bs.. not a single person has ever died from cannabis .. not a 1.. in fact the ld50 of cannabis is so retardedly high, it's pretty much impossible for one to consume enough weed to get anywhere near a lethal dose..
I've been looking for a case in point about anything linked
to cannabis causing a lung cancer death or anything
health related (not talking bout some idiot that was to
stoned and walked of the pier) Can't find anything.
Personally I'd rather smoke 20 joints than 20 cigarettes
any day. Tobacco companies are probably putting out those stupid articles.

And this shit "
.Heavy marijuana use lowers men's testosterone levels and sperm count and quality. Pot could decrease libido and fertility in some heavy-smoking men.
From Web MD. False, I shoot babies out like an ox. Testosterone level is def not lower. That's scare tactics right there. I don't even know where they come up with the shit. My libidio is not diminished. Haha if anything it goes up. I smoke everydayand according to Web MD and other sources it classifies me as a "stoner" Also since I am a stoner I should be a lazy fucker. Call in sick to work and be lathargic. Shit sounds like me when I would get plastered drunk. When I'm high I'm active and making babies

.Researchers calculate that if 120,000 deaths are caused among 13million smokers, the corresponding figure among 3.2million cannabis smokers would be 30,000.
I missed that the first time. So basically its a made up number. That figures. Dumb asses


Well-Known Member
One of the worst articles I seen in a long time, inconsistency abounds.... full on propaganda {but good for a chuckle}