Since this could help all the growers in Az



We (Plaintiffs) have filed a Memorandum in Opposition to the Defendants Motion to Dismiss

Court date is next Wednesday (Oct. 2, 2013) @ 8am

At the Old Courthouse - East Court Building

Located at
125 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ. 85003

You are invited to attend!

Please dress appropriately if you do attend (We are not protesting, so please be respectful of the Court) This lawsuit is for medical marijuana NOT recreational/legalization use so keep that in mind. This will be the first visit with Judge Cooper and lets make it a good one - first impressions go a long way!

Opposition to the Defendants Motion to Dismiss -
Well done and also unbelievable that the state had the audacity to allege "maybe they want to
self supply other controlled substances". I might stop in to show support. Best of luck!
How did it go this morning?


Thank you for the support! The hearing today went well for the Patients of Arizona. There were 2 hearings scheduled as a result, one for the oral argument on the Defendants motion to dismiss and the other on our requests for injunctions; scheduled on 10/18 and 10/21 respectively. Both of these hearing are very important for this Cause so thank you for your support! And to those that are able to donate please help us fight Rich-Uncle-Penny-bags (Mr.Monopoly) from taking our right to provide for our own health... (Just flip your MMJ card over and read the disclaimer... I want protection like the AMMA intended)

Donate -

Or you can donate straight to our legal team here -
(Lower left corner of screen Titled: Support 27th Amendment Lawsuit)

Thank you for the support! The hearing today went well for the Patients of Arizona. There were 2 hearings scheduled as a result, one for the oral argument on the Defendants motion to dismiss and the other on our requests for injunctions; scheduled on 10/18 and 10/21 respectively. Both of these hearing are very important for this Cause so thank you for your support! And to those that are able to donate please help us fight Rich-Uncle-Penny-bags (Mr.Monopoly) from taking our right to provide for our own health... (Just flip your MMJ card over and read the disclaimer... I want protection like the AMMA intended)

Donate -

Or you can donate straight to our legal team here -
(Lower left corner of screen Titled: Support 27th Amendment Lawsuit)

Here is the latest Jargon of the lawsuit...

25 Mile Prohibition Complaint - 16, 2013 (4).pdf

Defendants' Motion to Dismiss -

Plaintiffs' Memorandum -

Defendants' Objection to Preliminary & Permanent Injunction - ELIMINARY_AND_PERMANENT_INJUNCTION.pdf

Donate -


In the original Township of Phœnix:

We are having a series of hearing this month...

I would like to invite anyone that wants to come down and give Court room support! We already have over 40 people signed up to show their support!

Hearing -
October 21st @ 8:45am
Ol' Court House - East Building
201 West Jefferson Phoenix, Arizona (Downtown PHX - 2nd ave & Jefferson)

Be professional if you do show up.

“There exists in man a mass of sense lying in a dormant state, and which, unless something excites it to action, will descend with him, in that condition,to the grave.”
Was there a hearing this morning? Or is it all Monday? Keep us updated please. I might be in attendance Monday.

Today was the Defendants Oral Argument for their motion to dismiss.

There has been a change to the Injunction hearing date. It is moved from OCT 21st to the new date of OCT. 31, please note!

If you would like to come down and show support - 201 West Jefferson Phoenix, Arizona - East Court House w/ Judge Cooper

We are winning it looks like friends...

And if you are able to help us -
Donate -
why the stalling and I presume it is at the defendants wishes?

This is actually going faster than we were expecting... There was a rescheduling of the injunction hearing from Oct.21st to Oct.30th at the request of the defendants. The sooner this is over the less harm this issue will cause myself and patients in the State. I have been flooded with letters and email from folks that are just simply upset. Did anyone really know what the 25 mile prohibition was when they voted to legalized medical marijuana? Likely not! The voters just thought it was right to allow patients to have access to their medicine once a doctor has overseen their treatment option!

What is ironic is the fact that all my green cards (caregiver cards) expire on Oct31st... Huh! A little odd... What are these guys planning?

Have been without a patient green card since last year even though I am a qualifying patient under the AMMA. What a shame! This was NOT the intent of the AMMA nor was it its purpose. The Director has taken the Will of the people far beyond what is feasible or achievable.

Lastly, the judge will have her desicion within the next few days on whether or not the defendants' motion will be granted. (motion to dismiss). Which is unlikely to happen since the injunction was set further out in the month at the request of the defendants..... This is just an attempt to prolong the issue. Wait til we are all done - they will appeal for shits and giggles. Talk about wasting money! We will fight the appeal and get every penny back from it. This will get costly if they play their cards right but that is the only tactic that they have that has empowered them. Wish we had an endless fund to drain at our discretion. And this brings me to another point - we need contributions. We have put up over $15k thus far. And we will likely need more very very soon. Please consider contributing to keep Az growing. Contribute - or you can always PM me and setup a time that we can meet in-person(in Phx).
thanks for the update. I appreciate it.
Money is really tight
I wish I could come up to shake your hand and give moral support....I'm down in Baja Arizona
I have been sharing the link through social media and it was picked up last week by a cannabis newsletter.

So what happens next if not dismissed?
I am looking to move to bfe but wont if I dont need to.
What happens if the lawsuit is dismissed?

Haven't put much time into this because we are "going to prevail"... (Is the glass half full or half empty? I rather focus on the fullness not the emptiness)
If the case is dismissed it simply means I will be without a card (a denial is final and only subject to judicial review which the time frame has lapsed for me) and I will simply invoke my right to provide for my health and continue on the treatment plan that my doctor has assessed. That simply. I don't need a card to tell me that I can have a treatment for good health and a good life.

Next is educating folks on Jury nullification... Real change starts as an ideology then manifests into reality.

We are awaiting the Decision on the Motion to Dismiss which should be in next week some time...