Hello all! Super noob here to learn


. I joined ages ago but never posted anything :lol: I then promptly forgot the name of this website. But I'm back now and back to researching.

I think last time I was here I thought this was all much more simple, now it all seems more complex. Trying to not get overwhelmed--I remember when I first started growing succulents I nearly mothered the poor things to death.

I haven't bought seeds yet nor have I started growing, trying to learn what I can first.

Honestly trying to decide how we want to do this. My fiance honestly don't smoke much at all. I mean, a gram will last us a good while between low tolerance and just not smoking it too often. Even still we would like to have our own supply and we realize we probably won't need too many plants to take care of our needs. This makes me think stealth grow, but at the same time I wonder how much easier outdoor would be (we do live in Texas), but then at the same time there are all the risks of outdoor growing (again...we do live in Texas)

So I don't know, I will see how we decide to do this. Might ask questions or might just continue lurking and reading threads. Open to any suggestions, really.


Active Member
. I joined ages ago but never posted anything :lol: I then promptly forgot the name of this website. But I'm back now and back to researching.

I think last time I was here I thought this was all much more simple, now it all seems more complex. Trying to not get overwhelmed--I remember when I first started growing succulents I nearly mothered the poor things to death.

I haven't bought seeds yet nor have I started growing, trying to learn what I can first.

Honestly trying to decide how we want to do this. My fiance honestly don't smoke much at all. I mean, a gram will last us a good while between low tolerance and just not smoking it too often. Even still we would like to have our own supply and we realize we probably won't need too many plants to take care of our needs. This makes me think stealth grow, but at the same time I wonder how much easier outdoor would be (we do live in Texas), but then at the same time there are all the risks of outdoor growing (again...we do live in Texas)

So I don't know, I will see how we decide to do this. Might ask questions or might just continue lurking and reading threads. Open to any suggestions, really.
Remember once you start growing, supply will be somewhat UNLIMITED, so ur tolerance will probably go thorugh the roof in no time, of course if you smoke it. If you like to keep it simple, just start with some higher powered CFLs and soil and 2-3 plants. That should be a good starting practice.


Well-Known Member
Get a book on basic plant biology. It will serve you better than trying to sift through the bad info to find good stuff on mj grow boards.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
outdoor growing is great but has lots of issues....police, rippers, deer/animals, bugs/insects, rain, wind, too hot/too cold, too much humidity/not enough

indoor is a bit easier to control, but if you have a good outdoor location, then yes


Active Member
Start indoor under CFLS, if your just growing for PC then you wont need more than a plant or two at a time.


Active Member
If I'd grown in Texas when I lived there, I would have been so paranoid. It seemed like the legalization of growing at all, anywhere, would never happen, because the stuff is just evil. Then I moved to this other state, and I already know of 4 grows and there's a dispensary 2 miles down the road that will deliver to my door, and clinics that specialize in getting you a card and coach you through pretending to be ptsd.

If you don't want to spend $300 on a tent and lights, I'd get some cfl's like sheldonblack said. I wouldn't chance getting caught by some backwoods redneck who needs to look good in front of his church for turning you in.


Hahaha, yeah I totally get what you all are saying. I know how crazy strict it is here in my home state. :roll: I just have a friend who might be a bit naive who talks on and on about his future outdoor grow op and blah blah how much easier it is out there, but, err, yeah it's just a bit too scary for me.

Just from lurking the site I see tons of people getting their seeds confiscated. YIKES. Definitely going to be keeping an eye on that before i get excited and do decide to buy anything online. I don't know if I should end up using bag seed or what. We haven't had any seeds in our weed in forever, though. I guess we'd have to talk to someone in person about getting some? No idea how all this works!

MYOB, do you have any books you would recommend?

Also, trying to figure out the easiest method. I don't want to over complicate things. On my first impression I feel like I would like to just use a simple organic method--all the chemicals are a bit confusing to me I suppose, but then again I just am used to using organic mixes with my own plants. Maybe I learned the hard way I don't know.

At this point I don't even know what questions to ask. I know I can learn a lot by continuing to lurk. At this point I'm asking myself how big of a grow op will we have(specifically since we are probably going to end up with seeds that aren't feminized and therefore I have no idea how many of them will end up male! I can see us ending up shooting too small and having all male plants and wasting time or ending up growing too many and having a high percentage of females. Both good and yikes for us I guess, haha, though our friends would probably appreciate it. I guess we'll have to play that by ear as we go along. Maybe thinking about growing 3 at a time or so, give myself the chance to have two females or at least a higher chance of one. Hum hum, not sure. I guess I'll do more lurking.

Lurked around the CFL section today, definitely understanding that bit. Right now it's all the nutes that I'm trying to wrap my head around.


Active Member
General rule of thumb is germ and plant 10 regular seeds. I used bagseed and germed and planted 5, out of that 5 1 was female. How long does a gram last you? You could just get a fem autoseed and do 1 at a time. Thats pretty simple you just have to feed it and water and watch your temps and its ready in 10-12 weeks.


Well-Known Member
If you are in Texas let the 'bangers do your work for you. Any area with a large Mexican population has Mex gangs who peddle pot. Walk up to any 'banger and hand him a C-note. You will be "down" with the set immediately. BigSteve.
If you are in Texas let the 'bangers do your work for you. Any area with a large Mexican population has Mex gangs who peddle pot. Walk up to any 'banger and hand him a C-note. You will be "down" with the set immediately. BigSteve.
O man nothing like joining MS13 just to sell a gram here and there, sounds like a blast.


Active Member
Pettling will get you hemmed up, if you know someone who sells just sell it to them at a discounted rate and they will be happy to buy off of you easy money for them. Personally id never get involved messing around in the street scene. If i need any meds I go to people i know if i cant get it from them then i go without. Security is like a condom better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.


Well-Known Member
Grow yourself like 2-3 plants, and store it no worries. Try some auto-seeds if you really dont want to worry about the whole light program etc. General yields for a good grow off of a Auto is 1-4 OZ per plant and they can be harvested ever 60-90 days. Get a light they arent cheap put it in a closet or spare room 100W per plant is a good rule to go by. Being in texas too a good idea is to just grow it inside you most likely will not get caught since its not like you are blocking a full house to grow for commercial use.


Honestly I'm fine messing with lighting, that part is pretty darn simple. Just a matter of switching to the different temperature lighting and timing when it comes time to flower. Having reptiles I already have extra light timers laying around anyway.
Are there other places to get seeds besides the online stores that seem to be struggling? Should I just risk it and try to order from them anyway? I haven't had any 'bag seed' in years. I don't really want to mess with the mexican gangs now tho but thanks for the suggestion I guess, LOL

We technically don't even have a real dealer, we just buy extra weed off of a friend of ours :lol:


Active Member
Get the stealth and guarantee your shipment thats what im going to do, if they get conf then ill just email them and get another batch sent. I here ya thats how I do it. ask your friend if he has any seeds laying around, if he does tell him your gonna throw some in the woods and see how it goes just to check it out, if he sell here and there he has tried to grow before, or she :) If you trust your friend enough you could tell him the truth, but there is always a risk in that.


Well-Known Member
If you smoke with people socially, see if you can get the seeds from their weed. I would NOT go up and say
"hey man nice blunt we just smoked, I saw you put 3 seeds in your ashtray, mind if I have them?"
You still want to be discreet (Unless that person is gonna get free weed from you from this point on (they will try at least once they figure out what you are doing))
so volunteer to break up their weed, and pick the seeds out and keep them. If you don't get any seeds in any weed you buy, you're pretty lucky, cause my guy always gets good stuff, and every few months I might find a seed (that was 4 seeds in about 10 months, now I haven't bought weed in over 2 months, hmm wonder why?) you really want to make sure that you germinate at least 3 or preferably more if you're trying to grow some, hopefully you have good luck and they are all female, but you'd rather find 1 female then none so plant more to up your odds


Global Moderator
Staff member
Stealth shipping from The attitude or sea or seeds.
I've ordered multiple times with no worries - and I now have a cool collection of coffee cups & t-shirts I don't show anybody.
No Sell, No Tell, No Smell !
Cardinal rules all.


New Member
. I joined ages ago but never posted anything :lol: I then promptly forgot the name of this website. But I'm back now and back to researching.

I think last time I was here I thought this was all much more simple, now it all seems more complex. Trying to not get overwhelmed--I remember when I first started growing succulents I nearly mothered the poor things to death.

I haven't bought seeds yet nor have I started growing, trying to learn what I can first.

Honestly trying to decide how we want to do this. My fiance honestly don't smoke much at all. I mean, a gram will last us a good while between low tolerance and just not smoking it too often. Even still we would like to have our own supply and we realize we probably won't need too many plants to take care of our needs. This makes me think stealth grow, but at the same time I wonder how much easier outdoor would be (we do live in Texas), but then at the same time there are all the risks of outdoor growing (again...we do live in Texas)

So I don't know, I will see how we decide to do this. Might ask questions or might just continue lurking and reading threads. Open to any suggestions, really.

Be careful. Extremely careful. I got caught with one gram in Denton County, spent 24 hours in jail, $500 on bail, $1,400 on an attorney and now I have pretrial diversion with $50/month in community supervision fees, 24 hours of community service, a drug education course for $85, a drug and alcohol evaluation for $50, and CANT SMOKE FOR A YEAR! all over ONE SINGLE GRAM! Texas will insert its big nasty wiener in you for a GRAM imagine what it will do for a plant. I wasnt even an adult at the time, I was only 17 and it was my first offense besides a speeding ticket. so PLEASE i beg of you, feel free to grow but keep it on the super down low and dont transport unless absolutely necessary. Good luck!


Active Member
Id say get a hps light and a autoflower wich takes 60 to 70 days and you will yield 20 to 30 grams easy that will last u guys a while if u aint a heavy smoker