I wish there was a NO LIKE button


Here you go. :-P
racerboy, did you like/unlike one of my posts? one time my notifications said I had 8 likes, and when I went to my profile, I only had 7. my feelings were pretty hurt that somebody would do that to me. I had to rip 10 bong hits and drink a bottle of nyquil to get over it. haha I wish there was a dislike button too, I'd be curious to know how many people get their feathers ruffled by my posts, and it'd be an easier way of knowing that somebody disagreed with you than having to go back through all the threads I've responded to. Damn I'm a lazy fuck.
racerboy, did you like/unlike one of my posts? one time my notifications said I had 8 likes, and when I went to my profile, I only had 7. my feelings were pretty hurt that somebody would do that to me. I had to rip 10 bong hits and drink a bottle of nyquil to get over it. haha I wish there was a dislike button too, I'd be curious to know how many people get their feathers ruffled by my posts, and it'd be an easier way of knowing that somebody disagreed with you than having to go back through all the threads I've responded to. Damn I'm a lazy fuck.

Lol.. nah I don't really do that.. just makes people laugh w/e people bring up a dislike button is all..
racerboy, did you like/unlike one of my posts? one time my notifications said I had 8 likes, and when I went to my profile, I only had 7. my feelings were pretty hurt that somebody would do that to me. I had to rip 10 bong hits and drink a bottle of nyquil to get over it. haha I wish there was a dislike button too, I'd be curious to know how many people get their feathers ruffled by my posts, and it'd be an easier way of knowing that somebody disagreed with you than having to go back through all the threads I've responded to. Damn I'm a lazy fuck.

just gave you like 50 of them.. it's a flaw in the matrix.. you can like and unlike many times to have it appear as someone has a ton of likes.. kinda fun to do to someone who has been away from the board too..
just gave you like 50 of them.. it's a flaw in the matrix.. you can like and unlike many times to have it appear as someone has a ton of likes.. kinda fun to do to someone who has been away from the board too..

51. But pretty good guess lol..
racerboy, did you like/unlike one of my posts? one time my notifications said I had 8 likes, and when I went to my profile, I only had 7. my feelings were pretty hurt that somebody would do that to me. I had to rip 10 bong hits and drink a bottle of nyquil to get over it. haha I wish there was a dislike button too, I'd be curious to know how many people get their feathers ruffled by my posts, and it'd be an easier way of knowing that somebody disagreed with you than having to go back through all the threads I've responded to. Damn I'm a lazy fuck.
I have a feeling you will see alot more of that behavior now.
I just get a lot of private messages. "I don't like you" seems to be a popular theme among them.
Really hurts my feelers
the like button and the rep system make this seem like a middle school board
I get more rep for funny pictures and dick jokes than actual growing experience
I thought it was turned off, but I still get it.
If there is a negative rep, feel free to give it to me, I don't give a fuck.
I don't like it from a privacy stand point becouse it's to easy to 'like' posts then forget about them, then latter on the thread goes a different direction . Then im tied into something I don't want to be
haha you guys are too much. I felt super popular for a coupla seconds there... my ego is easily inflated. I thank you all, I would get carpal tunnel if I tried to hit the like button that many times.
the like button and the rep system make this seem like a middle school board
I get more rep for funny pictures and dick jokes than actual growing experience
I thought it was turned off, but I still get it.
If there is a negative rep, feel free to give it to me, I don't give a fuck.
You're so cool and tough.