To flush or not to flush that is the question


Well-Known Member
I have a skywalker og kush and a pineapple skunk that are getting plump and full of crystals.I would like to know your thoughts on flushing before harvest or continue to add nutes until harvest.I am currently adding maxsea and molasses weekly!

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Flushing is good. I stop feeding 14 days before harvest. I have used flushing solutions like Clearex, they seem to work nicely.


Well-Known Member
Just as stated by GB and Jr. stop your feeding at least 10 days before harvest, there its plenty of products out there we use royal flush but they all are quite the same, flushing helps the smoke burn smooth with a clean taste and a nice light grey ash.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is the dumbest damn thing I have ever heard! All you are doing is starving your plant! If it sparks when you smoke it was either not dried and cured properly or it has been dipped or sprayed to add weight. Go ahead and flush though, I need a good laugh knowing there are idiots out there flushing.
there is good and bad. New to growing, hell yes, go flush, you are over feeding anyway. after a few years and working with the same strain, feeding can be come routine and easy


Well-Known Member
There has never been one single ounce of scientific evidence showing flushing works. Just stupid people following myths. Weed is a plant just like all other plants, why is it the only one people feel the need to starve?


there is a giant difference between marijuana and fruits and vegetables. you consume them both yes, and they are both a type of plant, but they're not the same. and so are treated different. at least i do. i flush because i have read it in many books, and forums, and when i smoke weed that hasn't been flushed it crackles like a sparkler. i know you can say it was improperly dried, but every instance i have smoked non commercial grade weed, and it sparkled like the 4th of july, is because of excess P or pesticide. ive smoked super dry weed, and it crackled sure, but when you see miniature lightning bolts in you're bowl, its excess P left in...