Club 600


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the tropical extracts they use are, and if just buying clove oil at an oil shop, and then getting the additives wouldn't also work? Well whodat used it before so I see no reason too....

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Taking a tip from DST, I lightly soaked the 25 micron bag in a couple of ounces of everclear and picked up some nice hash/oil when the liquid dissolved.



Well-Known Member
Taking a tip from DST, I lightly soaked the 25 micron bag in a couple of ounces of everclear and picked up some nice hash/oil when the liquid dissolved.

Hey y'all, this is my first grow using my 8 bulb 2'x2' HO T5 that pushes about 15,000 lumens and I think I had my t5 too close and heat stressed some baby clones, but I thought I'd double check with club the first couple weeks of a clones new life, is it even necessary to have the light very close? Mine was about 6-8" which produced what appears to be heat stress as my leaves are curling but no yellowing or necrosis...leaves are all healthy green. Temps are about 79...


Well-Known Member
Until this year I've only have had 1 1lb plant before and that 1 barely made a lb. The 1 I've been trimming the last to days weighed in at 2400 grams wet. This is by far my best yield ever. I do have new found respect for those who grow big plants and have to trim them(mo,fmily). This thing was like trimming a jigsaw puzzle. I even got quite a bit of hash out of the first half trim. What a lovely rainy Sat.


Well-Known Member
to me 79 isn't too hot to cause that unless you don't have airflow or it's too dry, but yeah they don't need to be that close, 18"?


Well-Known Member
ok here's my skywalker/og kush finally. this is my first soiless grow, im using canna nutes A+B and some of thier micro shit. setting it up measuring all those gallons for ph and adding the ml's of shit to each gallon was a bit hard on the old man...yeah I know it's only 6 plants but i had to lock myself in the bathroom to mix and fertilize in the bathtub was a bitch. but I was in the er and hospital for 3 days last week and when I got home they looked fantastic...already I see the growth difference from soil....i won't make a decision about doing it again till I do a whole grow but so far I'm very happy....the yellow on a couple plants is left over from the start, they are getting green not yellow.. I hear they stretch a lot so I'll be folding them over and prolly starting 12/12 maybe's some pix....







Well-Known Member
dauw dauaw dau dauw dauwauawau. Need to clean my bong. But i got no salt. Perlite? :)
What up Doobs? Long time no see. Or maybe i missed you :) Hae hae hae. Hope all is great!

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
got my seeds from breeders boutique. and 10 seeds of deep blue x livers, and two seeds of deep blue free. will get my 600 w grow on in december, and get my outdoor grow going too. hope to have 2 foot plants out, by May.


Well-Known Member
Just watched Jones vs Gustafson. Hell yeah that was one of the best fights ive ever seen! Jones be feeling that swede for weeks, he fucked up. Amazing fight!


Well-Known Member
I've got a ? probably for whodat. Would the left over water from running bubble hash be good for a organic nit. veg feeding. I used the dreaded paint mixer and my waste water is pretty green. I was wondering if it would be full of nit. being the color and the mixer breaking down the plant material. Now that I'm happy with the quality of the bubble I think I'm going to get the mini washer to get the pretty color and better results. I was just seeing if I liked it before dropping the extra doe.


Active Member
Hey guys long time no see. Been in the cut for a while. Working on my technique. Worst thing I ever did was go backwards. Started with water and got the urge to try dirt. Well let me tell u about dirt. It brings BUGS!!! NEVER again will I use dirt. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to rid them of my potting soil? They killed my seedlings :(. They dig themselfs in the dirt, so I figured root aphids but they are reddish brown and tiny. Now I opened doors and looks like they are turning into gnats. Do gnats attack roots as babies? I got a pic but been so long I forget how to post them. Will keep trying to get it up. Any suggestions plz lmk. Clones are still alive because I used old soil for them. Bugs came in new batch of soil! Fukn bastards!!! Was thinking of getting Neem and the gnat paper things. Again anyone with suggestions PLLLZZ let me hear them. Have a feeling Im going to have to kill my favorites strain just to rid my area of bugs :( I don't want to as I have no more b e ans to start over.


Well-Known Member
1 week under the 400w lads and just topped for the first time, should being doing the last cut in 6 days if all goes ok to make 8 heads on each fingers crossed


Active Member
This is the little bugger I was talking about. From what I have found this morning it "might" be a Tabacco beatle. But I am not sure if that is what it is. Again any help would be amazing as I just want to get these guys out!

Edit: about them. They run around the soil and all over the area the "veg" area (if you could call it that lol), the second you touch them they stop moving and retract, almost like playing dead. I think when they devolope more they fly..?? Not sure but that's what it seems like. I've been looking everywhere and really tried finding this out on my own but no thread that I read talks about what I have. THANKS FOR ANY HELP!!!



Well-Known Member
We need the funk,
gotta have that funk:

Woot getting funkalicious in here! I been wondering how ya been, doobs.

Heres something I saw a few days ago... Undoubtedly thought of you.


Oh just saw this looking for that vid... Odd I think.

I've got a ? probably for whodat. Would the left over water from running bubble hash be good for a organic nit. veg feeding. I used the dreaded paint mixer and my waste water is pretty green. I was wondering if it would be full of nit. being the color and the mixer breaking down the plant material. Now that I'm happy with the quality of the bubble I think I'm going to get the mini washer to get the pretty color and better results. I was just seeing if I liked it before dropping the extra doe.
I see no reason why it wouldn't be beneficial. :-)

Hey guys long time no see. Been in the cut for a while. Working on my technique. Worst thing I ever did was go backwards. Started with water and got the urge to try dirt. Well let me tell u about dirt. It brings BUGS!!! NEVER again will I use dirt. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to rid them of my potting soil? They killed my seedlings :(. They dig themselfs in the dirt, so I figured root aphids but they are reddish brown and tiny. Now I opened doors and looks like they are turning into gnats. Do gnats attack roots as babies? I got a pic but been so long I forget how to post them. Will keep trying to get it up. Any suggestions plz lmk. Clones are still alive because I used old soil for them. Bugs came in new batch of soil! Fukn bastards!!! Was thinking of getting Neem and the gnat paper things. Again anyone with suggestions PLLLZZ let me hear them. Have a feeling Im going to have to kill my favorites strain just to rid my area of bugs :( I don't want to as I have no more b e ans to start over.

Damn bro IDK what to say... I guess you gotta go water so you dont get bugs.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2831393View attachment 2831400 Blue grape dream due to get chopped tomorrow View attachment 2831399View attachment 2831401View attachment 2831397 Blue dream, 2 week veg from clone and flowering for 4 weeks now View attachment 2831395 big buddah cheese vagged and flowering for same as blue dream View attachment 2831392View attachment 2831394View attachment 2831396View attachment 2831398 3 x Dippy ellsy, 2 x engineers dream/deepblue and 1 x casey jones all vegging from seed for 2 weeks now


Well-Known Member
600 pr0n update:[video=youtube;P0U9DKu1TBQ][/video]

a small deep blue harvest, cut to the bone in 3h30m. i like these small crops for that at least.
the majority was hand manicured and then trimmed for hash :D


Well-Known Member
Does it get cold in your grow room ghb? I wonder cause of the colors your leaves turn.... or is that a nutrient thing.