JMD's 2013 Guerilla grow


Well-Known Member
Started a small outdoor guerilla grow some months ago, and though I wanted to share some pictures of the grow.
Two of the plants had an accident with some strong wind, but as you can see on the last pictures they have recovered quite well.

What do you guys think?

2013-06-17 21.48.21.jpg

2013-06-25 20.14.44.jpg2013-06-25 20.20.34.jpg
2013-06-25 20.22.11.jpg2013-06-25 20.23.17.jpg

2013-07-02 14.42.52.jpg

2013-07-26 10.57.56.jpg2013-07-26 10.58.01.jpg

2013-08-16 15.38.11.jpg2013-08-16 15.38.19.jpg

2013-09-14 14.40.09.jpg2013-09-14 14.40.14.jpg
2013-09-14 14.40.18.jpg2013-09-14 14.40.22.jpg
2013-09-14 14.40.40.jpg2013-09-14 14.41.09.jpg
2013-09-14 14.43.07.jpg2013-09-14 14.43.25.jpg
2013-09-14 14.43.31.jpg



Well-Known Member
they look awesome,what strain(s) are they?
Sadly it's unknown, as they came from a mixed bag. But two seems to be Sativa dominated while the last one seems to be heavily indica dominated. And they smell GREAT!


Well-Known Member
swagg, I'm about to germinate about 30-something seeds (bag seed) and hopefully Ill get around 10 females


New Member
the sativa is like stiletto blade'd man but the babe indica was beautiful dark green leaves so pretty. but the looks of your pic's they did great man PROPS!!!


Well-Known Member
A week has passed, and they look even better now! 75% of all the hairs have turned brown now, so by the looks of it, there's only a few weeks left before harvest.

2013-09-21 18.53.56.jpg

2013-09-21 18.54.04.jpg

2013-09-21 18.54.09.jpg

2013-09-21 18.54.27.jpg

2013-09-21 18.58.51.jpg

2013-09-21 18.58.56.jpg

2013-09-21 18.59.06.jpg


Well-Known Member
Plants look great

but I have to say you left a mess after you turned the soil , you could of at least put some vegation back over it


Well-Known Member
Plants look great

but I have to say you left a mess after you turned the soil , you could of at least put some vegation back over it
It was on purpose, due to the location - no one ever comes there. But I get what you mean :) Thanks for the concern!

they have longer than a couple of weeks.
That's why I said a few :) My initial guess was 3 weeks - do you think otherwise? If so, based on what?


Well-Known Member
Time for a new update! The vast majority of the hairs are now dark brown (some with a slight tint of red).
Completely natural, no nutrients or anything has been added to the grow.

2013-09-30 17.47.12.jpg

2013-09-30 17.47.19.jpg

2013-09-30 17.47.31.jpg

2013-09-30 17.47.52.jpg

2013-09-30 17.48.04.jpg

2013-09-30 17.48.17.jpg

2013-09-30 17.50.00.jpg

2013-09-30 17.50.10.jpg


Well-Known Member
It's getting better and better, but the low temperatures are slowing her down a bit (ranges from 15-10ºC currently).

2013-10-04 17.04.21.jpg


Well-Known Member
yea look great, the low temperatures also make it to bring out it colors, nice purple and pink, keep a eye on the wether cast, hopefully we wont get any night frost before november


Well-Known Member
yea look great, the low temperatures also make it to bring out it colors, nice purple and pink, keep a eye on the wether cast, hopefully we wont get any night frost before november
The colors are great, really like the purple. Smell is really good as well.

I check the forecast every day. But so far it seems like we are going to stay above 5ºC for the next 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Judgement day.. harvest completed. Would have wanted them to stay a week more, but the frost is coming.
I'm very satisfied with the result, and even more considering that there haven't been used any fertilizers at all. I haven't even watered them once.
I didn't care about wet weight due to the big stems, but I will post dry weight when they are dry :)

(Sorry for the quality of some of the pictures, there weren't much light).

Take a look at the middle one.. it's not a trick of the camera, it really is deep purple!
2013-10-16 22.10.28.jpg

2013-10-16 22.10.37.jpg

2013-10-16 22.10.46.jpg

2013-10-16 22.10.59.jpg

Main cola of the purple girl side by side with a half liter Cola bottle.
2013-10-16 22.12.08.jpg

Main cola of one of the other ones.
2013-10-16 22.43.33.jpg

2013-10-16 22.44.12.jpg

A total of three plants, that had a very rough start.
2013-10-16 22.58.07.jpg


Well-Known Member
60g dried weight is the total. I'm satisfied considering the work and cost involved.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow. And no fertilizing or watering labor? That was a blessed season. Considering nature did most of the farming . . .