Well-Known Member
Ha..when mickey get here, I'm dosing his cheese loving ass the fuck up also!
as long as you dont drive stonedPlease, for the love of everything you hold sacred, do not get behind the wheel after taking psychedelics. For your own lives and the lives of everyone else on the road.'ll be easier to ask your dealer to not cook it up just for you..of course you'll have to pay extra,but adding acid to a base after converting will cause a degredation in said chemical,no matter have crack,freebase..and acid to it and it will break down the cocain even further..and def alter the potencey..I have heard of people taking vinegar,mixing it with crack,and then shooting that,but I'm not even gonna recognize that with even a note of intelligence..
2 grams in a half hour...I thought you lived in fla!?!..that's some shitty shit shit if you really can do that!..sorry but I'm being honest...