The UK Growers Thread!

But why did they pull you in the first place? has the car not got tax or insurance or summat???

Im a two and overtook sum1 who was going about 10mph as soon as I made me move a cooper turned on to the street I panicked if I'd of just stopped the car would of got ceased and that's it but no I'm a dick head and it's cost me everything I'm just glad a parcel arrived this mornin to cheer me up
]Im a two [/COLOR]and overtook sum1 who was going about 10mph as soon as I made me move a cooper turned on to the street I panicked if I'd of just stopped the car would of got ceased and that's it but no I'm a dick head and it's cost me everything I'm just glad a parcel arrived this mornin to cheer me up

i'm a two?
fuuucking hell mate ! i hope everything goes as well as it can, what exactly are the laws regarding it here ? i thought it was a grey area as they cant prove how much actual bud is being grown (unless they catch you in budding stage) ?
like DST said, no point beating yourself up lad. get on some positive things. you're not going to jail. it's a set back aye but you'll live n learn and be more careful in future. bit of community blowback and you'll be bound over a bit. my advice would be to not get on it til that's over. if they catch you when your bound over you'll do a stint. one thing the beaks hate is having their nose rubbed in it.
One was nearly done 2 weeks max and about 4 others in mid flower 4 in veg what u reckon mate just a caution or am I lookin at a sent ace???
txts on the blower from folks asking, you can't really deny the supply. but your not commercial by a long way. you'll likely get social supply and cultivation. caution, fine and or community blowback. possible tag but i'd doubt it.
Cheers for that don lifted spirits mate I hope I don't get anything serious man. @badger I have no previous at all first time in trouble with the law mate
you'll get a slap on the wrist then m8 ur safe, just make sure to be more careful nxt time, and make sure u delete txts and call history everytime u chatting to anyone about business on the blower from now on dont wanna fuck urself but its worse if others get involved thru no fault of their own.
@Shawnybizzle, sorry to hear about your strife man, like others have said, time to be positive and not play the blame game. Keep your chin up and you'll be back on your feet soon enough.
you'll get a slap on the wrist then m8 ur safe, just make sure to be more careful nxt time, and make sure u delete txts and call history everytime u chatting to anyone about business on the blower from now on dont wanna fuck urself but its worse if others get involved thru no fault of their own.

Thats what im worried about mate I don't wanna bring anyone else in to this matter but myself I just hope there's no problems my phones fully locked up but I know they'll get it. I think the main concerntration is gonna be me so I hope they don't read into it too much god I'm fucked man fuckin fucked
Dunt matter if the texts are deleted such thing aa gone..

Shawn another number mate

Oh ye phones still on btw
Fukin told get that count down ffs
Shawny I hope you deleted that txt convo about the blues?

It had my address and you talking about nutrient charts and big plants in little pots.

I think I did yeah I delete most texts but my heads such a mess right now I don't know what I've done or haven't done I'm always burning receipts n shit and deleting txts but hopefully they focus on the main op I had and that's all I hope
U trippin??? Lol mate this u are wromg about..xops can grt each and every tecy ever semt by the phone. I mean EVER.. unlike me u aint ever been on a conspiricy charge so belive me.every call
.every text..the lot easily getable.
Cop on horse says to little girl on bike, "Did Santa get you that?" "Yes," replies the little girl. "Well tell him to put a reflector light on it next year!" and fines her £5. The little girl looks up at the cop and says, "Nice horse you've got there, did Santa bring you that?" The cop chuckles and replies, "He sure did!" "Well," says the little girl, "Next year tell Santa that the cock goes under the horse, not on top of it!"