Bridgelux Vero 29 LED Test


Well-Known Member
So new pictures of the girls today. Lots of new growth and starting to get taller.


I am not sure if its normal for the bottom leaves to start to discolor, I suspect that the lighter green leaves were some how connected to roots that got damaged during transplant? You can see on Mud that most of the vegetation from before is starting to yellow out and this is the one that lost maybe 30% of its root system in the transplant. I am going to get the magnifying glass soon and start looking for sex signs :)


Well-Known Member
Our plants look so much alike that I went back to your first page to see what seeds you bought. Yep, the WW is showing up big time in my babies, both the WH and the G13 have WW crossed. FYI, in mine WH x WW the WW receded as the plant matured


Well-Known Member
Our plants look so much alike that I went back to your first page to see what seeds you bought. Yep, the WW is showing up big time in my babies, both the WH and the G13 have WW crossed. FYI, in mine WH x WW the WW receded as the plant matured
You know your shit, WW as in white widow? I asked for something like that at the seed bank and he said to look at this breeder and then I just picked a cool name lol, I know so little.

Do you think I should trim those large 3 fingers, there are branches forming below, also the first set of trues look like they have seen better days.


Well-Known Member
HaHa, yes White Widow.

How and when you trim depends on whether you plan to take clones. If no, then cut everything below 3-4th node, but def below 2nd node, so you can get better air circulation, which helps keep mold at bay.

Look at the pics I posted today for how I trim under the canopy.


Well-Known Member
So I got some more pictures, I think I am have some problems with the amount of water, after I transplanted them I had not watered them for about 3 days. The soil seemed moist still, even with the meter but I think they are drooping from lack of water. Some of the leaves are starting to die, mostly the bottom older ones, I hope this is normal. I have listened to pretty much everyone with about how to water but its time to do what I feel is best now, lets open the taps!


Even after a liter of water between them, the leaves started to straighten out and look stronger. I think they need the water.


Well-Known Member
So I have been watering about 2-3 liters between them each day and have been giving the plants micro sleeps throughout the days and it seems to be helping a lot.


There are some nice big branches filling in now and the leaves are straight and clean.


Well-Known Member
So just passed one month now and I am thinking about when to change the lighting to 12/12. I really had hoped to some how find out if they are male or female before going in blind. I will give them maybe another week or two, the maximum height I wanted them to veg to was half the chamber so if they get there before 2 weeks is up then I will flip them then.


Other then trying to find the sex, I noticed 11 finger leaves already on two of the plants, I hope that is a good sign.

Pet, when you say to remove the primary leaves on the first and second node, you don't mean the new branches do you? Most of them have new branches on the first and second nodes that are now in direct light. there are main or large leaves also coming from the same spot but if I try to remove them I don't know weather I would hurt the new branches?

Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
Poor Mud. She's laggin' behind. :cry:

Everyone else looks great, though. Hard to tell how much room you've got left vertically -and I can't wait for the flip- but I just wanna see the girls get biggggger. I love those lower branches pokin' their heads out.

Pet was talking about the yellowing leaves you were worried about before, by the way. It's normal for leaves to yellow and die off when they're not receiving much light. The plant actively attempts to recur its invested resources in old, inefficient leaves as it sees fit, but most people agree that just cutting those leaves off gets the plant to focus quicker on new growth in more important areas.


Well-Known Member
Ok great, yea I removed two leave from Pana, the middle plant, the first set of true leaves that I think just couldn't make it after the transplant. Hight wise I still have about 4.5 feet up to the lights, so letting them go for a little longer should be ok.

It is a battle right now with trying to give them just the right amount of water. So I noticed that the leaves can droop two ways, they used to drop like that the leave itself would be curved from the start, where it connects and curve so the tips are pointed down, now the drooping is different. They leves will stay straight and rigid but bend from the stem curving it downward. I have been giving them micro sleeps sometimes during the day and after about 15 min the main stem leaves or I guess fan leaves are bent down looking like they are some how protecting the stem and undergrowth, after the lights come back on for a few hours they straighten back out. I don't know if this a natural thing like during the night it some how helps the plant or a water issue I can't dial in yet??

Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
Never noticed leaves drooping like you describe. I don't ever dim my lights, though. Can't say I remember leaves doing this in any of my outdoor grows, either, say, on a particularly cloudy day, but perhaps those are my keen observational skills not at work.

Curved leaves and downward tips like you describe are usually signs of over watering. If the leaves turn a sort of milky green and the very edges of the leaves start curling under it means you've over watering issues are beginning to mature (habitual over watering, and/or residual over watering symptoms). If the leaves start folding in half downward along with curling tips it's probably too much Nitrogen (leaf claw). Straight drooping leaves, ime, is a sign of stress such as after a transplant, or when the girls are thirsty. Waiting for the leaves to droop a little before watering isn't bad practice, imo. I find my plants actually enjoy going dry to the point that a nice drench is satisfyingly thirst quenching and they bounce back to bright and perky very quickly.


Well-Known Member
So just passed one month now and I am thinking about when to change the lighting to 12/12. I really had hoped to some how find out if they are male or female before going in blind. I will give them maybe another week or two, the maximum height I wanted them to veg to was half the chamber so if they get there before 2 weeks is up then I will flip them then.

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Other then trying to find the sex, I noticed 11 finger leaves already on two of the plants, I hope that is a good sign.

Pet, when you say to remove the primary leaves on the first and second node, you don't mean the new branches do you? Most of them have new branches on the first and second nodes that are now in direct light. there are main or large leaves also coming from the same spot but if I try to remove them I don't know weather I would hurt the new branches?
those look delish!


Well-Known Member
Been upping the amount of water now, they are now getting 2 liters when I get home between them and 1 liter before I leave in the mornings. Sleeps are still only about 2-3 hours per day.


I got some shots pretty close to the top nodes, maybe the sex is showing? I can't tell?


Well-Known Member
I'm digging the nodal spacing of those babys. They seem very tight for the distance from the LEDs or are you moving them up higher to take pictures? Regardless the plants are really coming around. Those B-luxes seem to be great for vegging. Also Pico do you think your management is having anything to do with nodal spacing? I run a 12/1 veg cab and my Blue Cheese will stretch to shit during veg with my 30 watt XP-E arrays. Maybe I need more light or maybe you've got something with your micro sleeps.

Good Luck Pico. Here's to smooth sailing the rest of the way bongsmilie.


Well-Known Member
FranJan u just mentioned something that wants me to raise a question here. Sorry dont wanna hijack. A node is when leaves come out at the side at one height of the stem, right? If thats a node then my plant had like 8 nodes on 6,5cm, means every 0,8 cm one node. Does that mean my light is by far to Close to the plants? Sry im a bloody newb.


Well-Known Member
I'm digging the nodal spacing of those babys. They seem very tight for the distance from the LEDs or are you moving them up higher to take pictures? Regardless the plants are really coming around. Those B-luxes seem to be great for vegging. Also Pico do you think your management is having anything to do with nodal spacing? I run a 12/1 veg cab and my Blue Cheese will stretch to shit during veg with my 30 watt XP-E arrays. Maybe I need more light or maybe you've got something with your micro sleeps.

Good Luck Pico. Here's to smooth sailing the rest of the way bongsmilie.
Hey thanks for having a look, you know the nodes where even closer on some of them before. One of the back plants is so tight I have shove my head in there just to see the stock. They are all at the same stage of growth and from memory the ones with the bigger set of first true leaves are the shortest. When I fist started in the smaller pots I moved them around all the time, now I haven't touched them since the transplant. I probably would if I could but it was such a tight fit I wouldn't want to hurt the root systems. The smallest one right now had a few problems, I fuck about half the root system in the transplant so it was stunted or shocked for a while.

I think maybe the spacing could be from the high amount of energy the fan leaves are producing, there is just a non stop string of little leaf fingers popping out out of each site. I think I counted 3 separate leaves forming on the main stem at one point. the only other thing I can think of is I give them light for more then 20 hours a day and its always above 82-84 degrees.

Although I did touch on this in in t COB thread, ambient light might be key to the spacing I am getting. If you only light the plant for one angle, top down why wouldn't it stretch for the light. In real life this is might be a factor, that if the plants have to choose them self at when to start their inter-nods, I would think they try and get above everything else. I think the only way they could tell is if there was more or less light from very flat angles. Could be wrong.

Also just so you know, no changes to the lights are going to be made for flowering except the on and off times.

If you have a link to the data sheets for the lights you have going I will take a look. How are you powering them or are they a complete panel?

FranJan u just mentioned something that wants me to raise a question here. Sorry dont wanna hijack. A node is when leaves come out at the side at one height of the stem, right? If thats a node then my plant had like 8 nodes on 6,5cm, means every 0,8 cm one node. Does that mean my light is by far to Close to the plants? Sry im a bloody newb.
I too have lots of nodes at a small height about what you mentioned, but they are much older now and there are many more, how old was it at this stage? Also from seeds I suspect?