Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

What restaurant are you eating at, cause I want some of that for dinner! NOM NOM NOM!! Peace and Love.

all my meals are home made, and preferable with organic food or atleast free moving out door cattle, try as best as I can to support the small shop`s
but Im actually more a "fish man" guess its in my genes not that I don't love a good beef, and if we talk meet then some bbq crown from a lamb (best part of the lamb, same as you see in cartoons with the bone sticking up)

but actually grew up as a vegi (well fish and egg was alright I remember so not that strike, but no red meet) as my mom is a old hippy my dad look similar to my avatar on his good days back in 69 believe it or not, but first tasted my first burger as 14yo
OK.. I just read the past few pages and I'm sorta like wtf? I never said anything ill about anyone here. All I said was I don't trust a flashy bottle and it seems to have brought me some backlash.

Whatever man, I'm just here to learn - I don't need folks to like me on the internet.

But hey, if you do like me then you're probably very good at reading people - because I'm one of the chillest peoples you'll ever meet.

Was looking at corn cob vs corn cob ash. I have to amend that post. The ash is concentrated K.

I think these lists are fantastic! Since all of that can go into compost or VermiCompost, no wonder our own home-made composts will ALWAYS kick a commercial product's ass.

On a personal opinion, given that the Myco will pump K directly into the plant roots, I tend to agree with the Myth Of Potassium. Maybe another holdover from the Hydro era. The plant should have all the K it needs due to fungus. Assuming there is fungus and the soil is properly stocked with amendments.

As K levels rise, Myco retreats. As Teaming With Microbes said "it's like they know they're not needed" or some such sentiment. Anyway, that's my take on it.
OK.. I just read the past few pages and I'm sorta like wtf? I never said anything ill about anyone here. All I said was I don't trust a flashy bottle and it seems to have brought me some backlash.

Probably my misunderstanding or something. Sorry about that. And based on your good perspective I'm researching the Silica topic.

Was looking at corn cob vs corn cob ash. I have to amend that post. The ash is concentrated K.

I think these lists are fantastic! Since all of that can go into compost or VermiCompost, no wonder our own home-made composts will ALWAYS kick a commercial product's ass.

On a personal opinion, given that the Myco will pump K directly into the plant roots, I tend to agree with the Myth Of Potassium. Maybe another holdover from the Hydro era. The plant should have all the K it needs due to fungus. Assuming there is fungus and the soil is properly stocked with amendments.

As K levels rise, Myco retreats. As Teaming With Microbes said "it's like they know they're not needed" or some such sentiment. Anyway, that's my take on it.

You, coot and others have said this very thing a million times. It's starting to sink in. A top dress or two of vermicompost along the way is probably the best approach.

The beauty of ROLS is it's simplicity. I still tend to over complicate things when the answer is as simple as worm poo. I love my dog (and the bunnies, and turtle, and gold fish) but my worms are fast becoming my favorite pets! :-)
I'm really becoming aware that some things have a much better bang for the buck, while other things can simply be redundant. To me, the VermiCompost becomes the quickest way to git 'er dun. Rather than top dress with mineral powders, I add it to the VC. Comfrey, crab, Neem, Meals- I add to the VC. Let the worms earn their keep. Then throw some on the plant. Unless your VC is full of raw greens, you cannot burn the plant, so scoop some on there and water in. Then call it a day and hit the bong.

Other than super-VC, I stick with a simple bubbled seed tea, Alfalfa / kelp tea, and aloe tea. I've never sprayed the plants with some pest control agent, since I haven't had a pest in 2+ years.
Probably my misunderstanding or something. Sorry about that. And based on your good perspective I'm researching the Silica topic.

I think horsetail and comfrey both are great for silica, but I don't know from experience - just from reading here and icmag.

I'm no expert, I don't claim to be. I'm probably the dumbest dude here when it comes to all this growing stuff. I'm new, very new to it but I read alot and I try to learn as much as I can. Every single day I'm on here and other forums reading, several hours. I read so much that I can't even remember half the shit most of the time, I have to take notes.

Rrog has helped me more than anyone, on any forum. He will spoon feed me all I need, even the most basic, most obvious shit. This guy is truly exceptional and I'm very glad to have him here. I'm not "ass grabing" I'm just showing my appreciation.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone, when I seen someone say that "everyone should use protekt" I thought.. well shit I needa get me some of that! Then I seen the bottle, and while it may just be a label, it screams "market hype" to me. It doesn't say anything about being organic which led me to believe there are some sorta chemicals that I don't want. If the product doesn't say organic, or is listed organic - I question it and most likely won't touch it. If they're making silica into a plant useable form, there's gotta be some kinda chemicals they're using to do that. I'm the kinda guy that likes to take the less beaten path in life, I hate to follow crowds, I hate to follow trends and I question everything. I like to understand the why's and hows.

If some of you choose to use protekt, that's awesome. I don't judge you, or look down on you. I don't have a pissing contest about it. I was just simply stating my doubt publicly, maybe I should have kept it to myself.

So once again, I'm sorry to those I offended, I surely did not mean to.

With that said... that c99 looks amzing myco... I'm growing c99 right now about 1 month into veg. Hoping my flowers can look as good as those do!
I think it's only smart to review things yourself as you did, Maphyr. And it's a good point, as others have brought it up over the years also. Alternate bio-available sources is a great idea, and I have some inquiries out with others to see what comes of it.

EDIT: Here's an update on limited research. First, maybe a review. We're talking about Silica in soil, but a lot of growers with Mold and PM preemptively spray Neem / Silica on all plant surfaces with a little fogger to boost the plants natural immune system. The Agsil-16 / Protekt makes a nice emulsion with Neem Oil, and so it's handy. So still not sure on the Foliar Application of this.

For soil and compost, worm bins you want bio-available Silica. Sand is also a silica but all bound up with O2 so it stays sand. You can add silica-containing plants (like Horsetails as Maphyr mentioned), but I guess the problem is the free Silica can easily get bound up to a less soluble, largely non-bio-available form.

I'm still looking at this but it appears that if you heat the horsetail in an oven to create an ash, you'll have a Silica source... ONLY IF you cook it with a heavy mineral source like Corn Cob (K) and/or Egg Shells (Ca). Roasting all these together (maybe ground / chopped first?) in the oven will reduce these to ash simultaneously. Then adding water will bond the free Silica to the Ca or K and create stable, water-soluble Silicates.

This isn't new and as I said, I'm piecing this together so I'll see if there's any user feedback out there. Just checking in...
also one of the better once, a early grow of the LSD under the 600W, I believe a winter grow with out to high temperatures

here is the a few they should use then

Rrog what would be the best way of making corn cob ash and collecting it? I don't have a fire place nor allowed to have fire pits or charcoal BBQ. (association rules). I swear there's a shortage of kelp meal like 40 cal bullets. All the nurseries and farm supplies are out. I don't want to pay hydro shop prices.
#1 Buy ears of corn

#2 Boil the ears after removing the husks

#3 After 5 minutes add liberal butter, salt and pepper, as these are microbial aids

#4 Take the remaining cobs and put them in some sort of metal pan or such in your oven. I would think 450F would do it. Maybe higher. It turns to a really fluffy blow-away ash, so a lid on this vessel would be good.
I think horsetail and comfrey both are great for silica, but I don't know from experience - just from reading here and icmag.

I'm no expert, I don't claim to be. I'm probably the dumbest dude here when it comes to all this growing stuff. I'm new, very new to it but I read alot and I try to learn as much as I can. Every single day I'm on here and other forums reading, several hours. I read so much that I can't even remember half the shit most of the time, I have to take notes.

Rrog has helped me more than anyone, on any forum. He will spoon feed me all I need, even the most basic, most obvious shit. This guy is truly exceptional and I'm very glad to have him here. I'm not "ass grabing" I'm just showing my appreciation.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone, when I seen someone say that "everyone should use protekt" I thought.. well shit I needa get me some of that! Then I seen the bottle, and while it may just be a label, it screams "market hype" to me. It doesn't say anything about being organic which led me to believe there are some sorta chemicals that I don't want. If the product doesn't say organic, or is listed organic - I question it and most likely won't touch it. If they're making silica into a plant useable form, there's gotta be some kinda chemicals they're using to do that. I'm the kinda guy that likes to take the less beaten path in life, I hate to follow crowds, I hate to follow trends and I question everything. I like to understand the why's and hows.

If some of you choose to use protekt, that's awesome. I don't judge you, or look down on you. I don't have a pissing contest about it. I was just simply stating my doubt publicly, maybe I should have kept it to myself.

So once again, I'm sorry to those I offended, I surely did not mean to.

With that said... that c99 looks amzing myco... I'm growing c99 right now about 1 month into veg. Hoping my flowers can look as good as those do!

nah you've been civil bro, you just posted at a time when others were not. Hang around please bro nobody took offence to you at all. I was just standing up for Stow, misunderstood you, my bad brother.
Here are some over due Kali Mist shots. I have 4 nice phenos of which 1 is spectacular. I plan to keep 2-3 phenos to work. The first shot is one of my Sun Maidens. See her N def. She has had 2 Alfalfa/Kelp meal teas so far.

Sun Maiden with N def. She is still praying.

Alex Kush P1

Kali Mist P2










Beyond words brother, just beautiful! They really show the glory that is Kali Mist. Only a true wizard could grow a plant out to such conditions bro, really masterful. That will be the strongest freight train of delight flowing down the rails of your consciousness. I bet the pepper on some of those phenos can just about burn out your nostrils. I believe you're flowering these out until 14 weeks? I bet my Cindy99 would cross good with that just for a faster finish time alone. I couldn't even imagine the power of said strain since both have such a beautiful head to them. Amyways, beautiful pics bro. Take er easy, and enjoy your evening. Peace, Light, and Love.
I am starting to get the flow of things in the room. The Sun Maidens are pretty big eaters. I will have to plan for that better the next time through. The Kali's do have that distinct smell to them. I would love to see you work the Kali x Cindy99 Myco. That would really be beautiful medicine. The Alex are really nice plants. Just a strong Kush with cool genetics. Clones of her will be waiting for you when you get here Myco.

I was screwing around with the selected males tonight. I had not moved the LA Haze male in a week. I could not believe the sweet grape scent that came off of him. I took 4 more clones of him after that. I can't wait to see the testers in 3 weeks. I am so excited to smell the first trichs.

I am developing a secret affair with the Daybreakers. I think the power of this strain is not to be discounted. I have a few phenos and they are keepers. The first thing I thought of tonight when I swiped a few trichs was how bad I am going to hurt my best friend when he comes up to ski with us this winter with this strain. He is a skier but I still love him.

Take care guys. I'll try to do a better job with the updates.
That will be the strongest freight train of delight flowing down the rails of your consciousness. I bet the pepper on some of those phenos can just about burn out your nostrils.

:shock::shock: Shitsakes I'm Googling a roadmap to New England right now