My Atempt at honey oil

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
so i said when i made some honey oil i would do some pics even if it did not work so here you go..


i got a 20ml syringe (did not have a lot of trim) to use as a tube and cut the ends off
removed the filter out of an old kettle the fine plastic gauze at the spout, fitted it to the end of tube (doubled up) with masking tape,
cut a demy-john (wine making bottle don't know if its spelt that way, lol) rubber cork to fit the tubes other end
that is it for the extractor, i filled the tube with ground trim (packed pretty tight)

and here it is filled with the cork in and a nozzle adapter fitted in

i did not want to use any old butane gas as some have a lot of impurities,
so after spraying a few cans of different gas on to a mirror to see which left the least residue after it had evaporated,
i found that SWAN super clean was,(strange a product that is what it says)

next i got a glass bowl, and boiled the kettle filled a cup with boiling water and placed the bowl over it.
(the heat will help the butane evaporate) then pumped the gas in to the tube till the liquid ran clear.

i did this 3 times each time i re-filled the tube with fresh trim then let the gas completely evaporate.
(note that the liquid is very clear)

here i made a mistake as the gas was evaporating i lent over it to get something off the table,
i must have had trim stuck to my hand and some fell off into the oil ( s**t i always cock up some were),
here is the pic after it had evaporated

using a razor blade i scraped the oil in to a puddle ready for use.

as i did not go to town to buy a bong (what with going away) i had to use one i had made a few weeks ago

i filled the bowl with HUNTER #1 (lol)

then put a pearl of oil on top

it's like smoking the same smoke but it's 5x stronger but the effects don't last as long.

so what do you think? is there anything i am missing or could do to improve my system as this is only a prototype i want a bigger one.


Well-Known Member
I've used just 2" PVC with a cloth (part of a white t-shirt) taped over one end, and pack it tight with trim. Then I used a bunch of layers (4-5?) of duct tape at the other end. You punch the hole through the duct tape with the butane tip, and honey comes pouring out of the hole you covered with the shirt. Make sense? Probably not. I also used a pyrex baking dish simply for ease of scraping it up. Less ridges to clean. Was a fun MacGuiver dealie.


Well-Known Member
I've used just 2" PVC with a cloth (part of a white t-shirt) taped over one end, and pack it tight with trim. Then I used a bunch of layers (4-5?) of duct tape at the other end. You punch the hole through the duct tape with the butane tip, and honey comes pouring out of the hole you covered with the shirt. Make sense? Probably not. I also used a pyrex baking dish simply for ease of scraping it up. Less ridges to clean. Was a fun MacGuiver dealie.

no shit? pvc? wow....that's like the cheapest way i have ever heard of....was the hash gross at all?

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i have been looking around the town werer i live and can not find the filter i want,
i want a super fine coffee filter made from plastic, you would think you could get that any were.

the 2" pcv pipe is a tempter but i would go 1", it would be cheaper than buying a 100ml syringe (£4) and use the cork again easier to clean and re-use.

oh and that bowl is smooth on the inside but the angle of the turn is quite sharp, so i found it hard to bend the razor blade with out cutting my fingers off. so i am now looking for a shallow bowl with a steady but not to sharp a turn.

thanks for all your comments


Well-Known Member
Not to hyjack this thread....but it should be mentioned that this is very dangerous to do and you should take alot of care in making the honey extractor.

If you have any thing not tight enough on the extractor or have any flames around can and will blow up in your hand. Butane is extreamly cold when it hits air and will give you 3rd degree burns within millaseconds. You are basically making a bomb with holes poked in it so please take safety seriously here.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
ok i should have said something about how dangerous it is, but i would think that most people would know that playing with butane is not to be taken lightly, this should be done outside away from any source of ignition, butane is a heavier than air, thus it can pool at floor level and take some time to dissipate, just because you can't smell it does not mean it has dissipated to a none volatile concentration


no its not toabaco the trim came off this plant

thanks again for your comments

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
thanks for the rep cheetar2007, like the link i looked like they have done that a few times, i think after seeing that i will be looking for a jug like that one, i am tempted to do a whole plant of oil, i have 3.1 plants left to crop.


Well-Known Member
why not dude....the oil rocks + u can smoke it on a tobbaco cigg anywhere without anybody smells it(coffes , resturants....etc....public places)


Well-Known Member
i have been looking around the town werer i live and can not find the filter i want,
i want a super fine coffee filter made from plastic, you would think you could get that any were.

the 2" pcv pipe is a tempter but i would go 1", it would be cheaper than buying a 100ml syringe (£4) and use the cork again easier to clean and re-use.

oh and that bowl is smooth on the inside but the angle of the turn is quite sharp, so i found it hard to bend the razor blade with out cutting my fingers off. so i am now looking for a shallow bowl with a steady but not to sharp a turn.

thanks for all your comments
try looking for a cooking strainer. i have one with a fine plastic screen. if i had a camera i would post a pic for you. the one i have is used in pickeling


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I've never heard of such a thing. Sounds like a lot of work for a little reward though.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I've never heard of such a thing. Sounds like a lot of work for a little reward though.
Obviously you have never smoked honey oil LOL!

Great work Kulan Hunter, your tutorial is super and much appreciated. Am definitely going to give this a go when (or if) I get to that stage.



Well-Known Member
k man this is how i did it, easy and simple, go to home depot. get about a foot of 1 inch pvc plastic tubing, get 2 end caps and some pipe screans.

punch one small hole in the middle of one cap (big enought for the end of the lighter fluid to fit into. and about 5 or 6 holes in the other cap. grind ur weed and stems ass fine as u can... do not put any ANY beaners in it. pack it in there and blast about a full big bottle through it. i did it with less weed than u and smaller amount and got about 6 times the oil. good luck and love the ghetto rigs man!


Well-Known Member
oh yea forgot the pipe screans part. just drop then in the end cap with 6 holes befor u put it on, that will keep n e big chuncks out.