Civil Disobediance


Well-Known Member
What to do with your unused, unwanted, unneeded bagseed? I say take a walk through the nearest forest preserve and plant a couple seeds every ten paces or so in various locations throughout the preserve.

It's not about tending a 'gorilla' grow. It's about reintroducing our favorite weed into the wild, locally. Of course, with all the different potential threats, rabbits, deer, teenagers, law enforcement, the elements, ect., it's highly unlikely that many, if any, of our favorite weeds will ever make it to harvest.

But who cares? It's bagseed. Seeds most people just toss anyway.

The point is that weed grows naturally and it grows everywhere. It's only mankind that chooses to outlaw its existence unjustifiably,

Of course, it's probably been suggested (and done) already, but I know I'm going on a 'nature' hike in mid November this year. Perhaps on next year's fall hike we'll bring home some souvenirs?
I thought about that too, even thought about making seeds ... Like a lot of them ... To spread around.

...Then I remembered that not everyone grows indoors, and having a whole bunch of "wild" males scattered around would probably piss off A LOT of outdoor gardeners.

So that's where my seed proliferation idea kinda halted.
Hmm....well what about all the males that will be dumping unwanted pollen in the air? Pollen will travel for miles in the wind......bound to piss someone off!

LOL,,,,2 folks typing the same thought at once!
Ive seen people do this with P. Cubensis in the netherlands after they were banned after being legal for so long.

They filled up a couple squirt guns with water and a TON of spores and just went to parks spraying everywhere!!!! And since spores are legal since they contain no active ingredients no one could stop them.

That would be awesome! spread some mushrooms and some kuh seeds around the forest

Come back in a couple months and its like a jungle with shrooms and weed growin everywhere!

They wouldnt know what to do. Deer would be passed out everywhere.
Here's another thought I had on the idea...

People get carried away and plant cannabis in all kinds of parks or along trails and whatnot, right? Okay great (and fine by me) but think of Mrs. Linda Q. Soccermom and what she'll have to say about that at the next PTA meeting ... You know that frumpy old bag doesn't have anything better to bitch about, and the pathetic "think of the children" uproar she'll cause will likely gain momentum as her minivan coalition sets out to annoy the living shit out of anbody who will listen, until MORE RESTRICTIVE LAWS are enacted simply to shut her and her whiny gaggle of troglodytes up.

Just a thougt
The problem with your idea is that cannabis is an invasive species. It will take over anywhere you plant it. I know it sounds great, but think about the natural plants it will displace or render non existent. For example, I'm a Colorado dude, and I'd be really upset to see Rocky Mountain National Park taken over by cannabis. Many other areas too, but it states my point. Be a good pot grower, and respect the natural ecosystem in public lands.
The problem with your idea is that cannabis is an invasive species. It will take over anywhere you plant it. I know it sounds great, but think about the natural plants it will displace or render non existent. For example, I'm a Colorado dude, and I'd be really upset to see Rocky Mountain National Park taken over by cannabis. Many other areas too, but it states my point. Be a good pot grower, and respect the natural ecosystem in public lands.

it was farmed all over the country for hundreds of years before being made illegal and as far as i know it never took over the country, so i disagree ;)

as far as my spare/unwanted seed stock, i make seed bombs, already have 203 ready for next spring that i will litter my local roadsides with as my form of rebellion against my states bad laws.
I thought about that too, even thought about making seeds ... Like a lot of them ... To spread around.

...Then I remembered that not everyone grows indoors, and having a whole bunch of "wild" males scattered around would probably piss off A LOT of outdoor gardeners.

So that's where my seed proliferation idea kinda halted.

Hmm....well what about all the males that will be dumping unwanted pollen in the air? Pollen will travel for miles in the wind......bound to piss someone off!

LOL,,,,2 folks typing the same thought at once!

exactly! this is my argument against industrial hemp. Guess we are probably all gonna have to learn how to coexist.
i say get used to having your females pollinated or grow indoors. with all the new legalization going on/plus industrial hemp, it is BOUND TO HAPPEN. we need to get used to it/ be lucky to have enough space between you and them, or go inside
Pollinating from over 2 miles away? uh, that's a hell of a cumshot! But seriously...I doubt it would be that much of a problem for outdoor growers. It wouldn't kill your girls. They'd only get as many seeds as the pollen spores that came into contact with them. Sorry, but I'm not buying that as an argument against.

And as far as 'soccermoms' go, the more commonplace the plant becomes, the less likely anyone would give a shit. Let'em bitch. The first incidence will make the 5 o'clock news. The next one will be a blurb in the local paper. After that, no will care...especially if it's only a few plants here and there, scattered with no rhyme or reason.

I do remember overgrow. Perhaps that's where the idea came from to begin with? Dunno. It's been so long since that site shut down...thanks for the links.

It's my opinion that until weed is no longer illegal, we should strive to make it more common, and force the hysteria to give way to reality.

So how do you make a seed bomb?
Pollinating from over 2 miles away? uh, that's a hell of a cumshot! But seriously...I doubt it would be that much of a problem for outdoor growers. It wouldn't kill your girls. They'd only get as many seeds as the pollen spores that came into contact with them.

And as far as 'soccermoms' go, the more commonplace the plant becomes, the less likely anyone would give a shit.

I do remember overgrow. Perhaps that's where the idea came from to begin with? Dunno. It's been so long since that site shut down...thanks for the links.

So how do you make a seed bomb?

Cannabis pollen, by many accounts, can and does travel for many miles.

Go ahead and carpet bomb it everywhere though, see if you can't piss everyone off. That'll send the right message
Yes it was farmed for millenia. That doesn't mean it can't overtake natural species. It will out grow most of our Colorado plant life. I love weed, but I don't want to see it killing off the native life. It has the potential to be a Dandelion, Great plant, but over infested.

Plus, as Jerry68W pointed out, if you plant a million schwag buds, what happens when those males spread pollen. It travels for miles and infects your sensimilla. Do you really want rogue ditch weed pollen roaming about?
Yeah I doubt there are many outdoor growers around here. Far too much urban sprawl. Most good bagweed around here is home grown indoors. Some is outdoor grown, but that's usually the cheap shit...ditchweed, shwag, baggies full of seeds. I'm not gonna worry about pissing off someone growing shwag.

As far as the invasiveness goes, i doubt that would be a problem either, at not until it becomes legal.
The problem with your idea is that cannabis is an invasive species. It will take over anywhere you plant it. I know it sounds great, but think about the natural plants it will displace or render non existent. For example, I'm a Colorado dude, and I'd be really upset to see Rocky Mountain National Park taken over by cannabis. Many other areas too, but it states my point. Be a good pot grower, and respect the natural ecosystem in public lands.

Sounds sketchy to me. It's a risk I would be willing to take.
Randomly throwing cannabis seeds around and expecting them to grow is a complete waste of effort. If it were so "invasive" as some people believe, the entire country would be blanketed with it. Quite the contrary, so-called ditchweed is uncommon in most of the USA. As any seasoned outdoor grower knows, you don't just plant some seeds and come back in the fall expecting to make a good harvest. Save those bagseeds, sooner or later, somebody will ask if you have any seeds they can have.
Pollinating from over 2 miles away? uh, that's a hell of a cumshot! But seriously...I doubt it would be that much of a problem for outdoor growers. It wouldn't kill your girls. They'd only get as many seeds as the pollen spores that came into contact with them. Sorry, but I'm not buying that as an argument against.

And as far as 'soccermoms' go, the more commonplace the plant becomes, the less likely anyone would give a shit. Let'em bitch. The first incidence will make the 5 o'clock news. The next one will be a blurb in the local paper. After that, no will care...especially if it's only a few plants here and there, scattered with no rhyme or reason.

I do remember overgrow. Perhaps that's where the idea came from to begin with? Dunno. It's been so long since that site shut down...thanks for the links.

It's my opinion that until weed is no longer illegal, we should strive to make it more common, and force the hysteria to give way to reality.

So how do you make a seed bomb?

to make seeds bombs mix 1-2 parts EWCs with 1 part air dry clay. form into little balls with a seed in the middle and let dry. the will look like black hydroton pellets. dry for 24-48 hours and they are rock hard. throw out in the spring and when it rains they turn into little mudballs the will sprout a seed. dont listen to people that say throwing them out like this wont work. it does work. and it wont take over native species. if you dont believe me research the wild hardy hemp of Nebraska. shit is all over, but not taking over. theres one chick that goes around documenting the roadside hemp plants and shes got a ton online about it. off topic i know but i still answered your question :)
We should just make a whole crop of fem seeds

Best of both worlds. Get weed out there but dont throw any excess male pollen into the air for outdoor growers.

grab some CS and lets do it! haha