Gay Marriage ...


Well-Known Member
I too have many gay friends, and this has been a topic of discussion that I've given much thought too.
I am very supportive towards gay rights. But when it comes to gay marriage........ I disagree.
There is only one reason I disagree, and it's something that I've been pondering for years.

Gay Marriage is not supported by religion.

I'm an avid church goer and have been since I was a kid.
If I didn't go to church and didn't believe in having religion in my life, then I probably wouldn't give a shit.

Funny thing is, some of my gay friends don't believe in gay marriage either.
I know homosexuals that don't believe in/want gay marriage as well.

Boo to the people who argued with you about your religious choices. In this country, as I understand it, people are allowed religious freedom and are allowed to speak their beliefs. Most branches of Christianity see homosexuality as wrong, and that's fine (although the church I play lipservice to welcomes and embraces openly gay people and couples; assistant pastor is gay and has a partner he's been with for more than 30 years). That's fine! A group of peaceful people holding a long-standing belief is fine (as long as that belief does not encroach upon the rights of others).

However, those religious beliefs have no business being a part of the government machine. No religion has the right to force ALL people to do or keep them from doing ANYTHING. That's really my issue.


Well-Known Member
I really feel homosexuality is an unnatural thing, and the more I grow up, the more I see that. Homosexuality is a psyche response to abuse, peer pressure, or some other form of traumatic event in a person's life. Coincidentally, every gay person I've ever known has had an event like that in their past (one of my best friends strips at a gay club in my hometown, so I've met & befriended more than a few.)

I'm not against gay marriage, because marriage is nothing more than a process in the judicial system that ties one spouses bank account to the other, henceforth multiplying the couple's misery. Let people do what they want.

But homosexuality is NOT natural as far as the Human genera goes, and I've yet to read any tests that prove this. Goats, on the otherhand, are the ultimate fudgepackers. Let them get married!
I disagree with a lot of my gay friends on this point -- basically, I feel the same way you do. To a point.

I am genetically defective. Yup. Species are designed to do one thing and one thing only: reproduce. Females are attracted to males and vice versa. The reason for this is, obviously, reproduction.

It's not a matter of liking/disliking men (as it is with a lot of the "gay" women I've talked to ... I'd like to make it clear that man-haters are not lesbians, they're man-haters) with me. It's a matter of physical attraction. Men don't do anything for me. I'm not aroused by them, I'm not drawn to them in any way. Women, however, have this hold on me ... I want to grab them and take them home and have them sit on my face for hours at a time. It took me a VERY long time to come to terms with these feelings. I kept trying to to "change" myself, and the harder I tried the more depressed I became because my efforts weren't working.

Even though I'm genetically defective, that doesn't make me any less of a person. I still have feelings and thoughts and a body and a brain and all those other things that come with being a human being. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Humans aren't the only creatures that engage in homosexual activity. Many animals do, even insects and amphibians. They, like us, are wired to fuck and sometimes a wire gets crossed. The consequence is that their DNA isn't passed on to a new generation, their line dies out.

We humans are lucky enough to be in a position where not passing our DNA doesn't destroy our ecosystem. Plenty of the heterosexual humans are doing a good job of that all by themselves ... but that's another issue for another post.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya bongjuice. The thread is about Gay marriage, but you can't stop there can you? Maybe it should be a poll question....Do you believe in gay marriage, yes or no. (if there was a poll on here). But since its a discussion and forum there will be other equations that enter the discussion. It's up to whoever to do whatever they want to do. Everything else aside. IMO I have to agree with bongjuice on this one. In the beginning it was Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve. Also, if you don't believe in a higher power, you'd better hope you're right. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i was watching the news:

they performed 200 weddings an hour in san fransico from 8am to 8pm today.

they showed 4 couples. all men. 17 years together, 23 years together, 27 years together and 35 years together.
I saw a female couple that've been together for 29 years on the news. Dude. Just ... dude. Finally, yeah?


Well-Known Member
I really feel homosexuality is an unnatural thing, and the more I grow up, the more I see that. Homosexuality is a psyche response to abuse, peer pressure, or some other form of traumatic event in a person's life.
THIS however, is a bunch of BULL SHIT. I've never been abused, I've never been pressured into being gay, and the only 'traumatic' event I've ever experienced happened AFTER I've came to terms with myself.

So when you're finished taking your foot out of your mouth, get back to me.


Well-Known Member
I do not care either way about gay marriage. Hell if they want to bicker and fight like I do with my wife, best of luck. Let me throw you switch hitters a scenario though....Let's say everybody decided being homosexual is the new "way" of the hell do we reproduce then? I guess we could be test tube babies? Fuck if I know, I am high....peace out, good luck with the marriages. Maybe your divorce rate will be better than the heterosexuals haha.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I disagree with a lot of my gay friends on this point -- basically, I feel the same way you do. To a point.

I am genetically defective. Yup. Species are designed to do one thing and one thing only: reproduce. Females are attracted to males and vice versa. The reason for this is, obviously, reproduction.

It's not a matter of liking/disliking men (as it is with a lot of the "gay" women I've talked to ... I'd like to make it clear that man-haters are not lesbians, they're man-haters) with me. It's a matter of physical attraction. Men don't do anything for me. I'm not aroused by them, I'm not drawn to them in any way. Women, however, have this hold on me ... I want to grab them and take them home and have them sit on my face for hours at a time. It took me a VERY long time to come to terms with these feelings. I kept trying to to "change" myself, and the harder I tried the more depressed I became because my efforts weren't working.

Even though I'm genetically defective, that doesn't make me any less of a person. I still have feelings and thoughts and a body and a brain and all those other things that come with being a human being. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Humans aren't the only creatures that engage in homosexual activity. Many animals do, even insects and amphibians. They, like us, are wired to fuck and sometimes a wire gets crossed. The consequence is that their DNA isn't passed on to a new generation, their line dies out.

We humans are lucky enough to be in a position where not passing our DNA doesn't destroy our ecosystem. Plenty of the heterosexual humans are doing a good job of that all by themselves ... but that's another issue for another post.
Your homosexuality is most likely caused by your estrogen. Tofu contains estrogen--this has been known to be linked to being a catalyst for homosexuality in men who have taken large amounts of Tofu. Any correlation? Who knows.

The difference between animals and us when it comes to sexual decisions is the vast difference in our cognitive functions. Your sexual deviancy(of course, who is to label what is deviant and what is normalcy?) is more than likely a psychosomatic reaction to a traumatizing event--a comforting escape.


Well-Known Member
"Women, however, have this hold on me ... I want to grab them and take them home and have them sit on my face for hours at a time."

I fell on the floor laughing at this one. How can I put that quote on the bottom of my profile? See? I'm sinning now. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
I hear ya bongjuice. The thread is about Gay marriage, but you can't stop there can you? Maybe it should be a poll question....Do you believe in gay marriage, yes or no. (if there was a poll on here). But since its a discussion and forum there will be other equations that enter the discussion. It's up to whoever to do whatever they want to do. Everything else aside. IMO I have to agree with bongjuice on this one. In the beginning it was Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve. Also, if you don't believe in a higher power, you'd better hope you're right. :mrgreen:
Now, 'believing' in gay marriage is a strong term. This discussion is more about the (il)legality of gay marriage, not what religions say is right or wrong. And being gay doesn't mean you don't believe in God. That's just ... ignorance. If you've ever eaten meat on a Friday, according to the Bible, you're going to hell. Oh yeah. HELL. For eatin' meat on Friday.

Oh, and Adam and Eve weren't the beginning by the way. It was Adam and Lillith first, but the story of Lillith was cut from the Old Testament. In Genesis (not looking up the passages) it says "God created a man and a woman" in the beginning, but Eve is made from Adam's rib a few chapters in. If you're gonna wave that flag, be sure to do you research so people don't see you as an ignorant retard. ^_^


Well-Known Member
"Women, however, have this hold on me ... I want to grab them and take them home and have them sit on my face for hours at a time."
I fell on the floor laughing at this one. How can I put that quote on the bottom of my profile? See? I'm sinning now. :twisted:
Go ahead and use that. XD It's funny because it's true. XD


Well-Known Member
Your homosexuality is most likely caused by your estrogen. Tofu contains estrogen--this has been known to be linked to being a catalyst for homosexuality in men who have taken large amounts of Tofu. Any correlation? Who knows.

The difference between animals and us when it comes to sexual decisions is the vast difference in our cognitive functions. Your sexual deviancy(of course, who is to label what is deviant and what is normalcy?) is more than likely a psychosomatic reaction to a traumatizing event--a comforting escape.
Thing about that is ... my estrogen levels are below normal (not enough to be medicated, though) and I never eat tofu. XD

I've had a weird life, but not a traumatic one. *shrug* And sex is definitely a comforting escape ... I'd assume it would be for you, too.


Well-Known Member
Not going to get in a cat fight with you or anybody about it but it's pretty obvious that human life was intended for reproduction...doesn't matter if their names were Jack and Jill. As far as the 'legality' of it I have no say on it. Like I said to each their own. I'll take a fish taco any day over a hot dog.:hump:


Well-Known Member
No, I do not believe in gay marriage.

The poster above me somewhere is correct. More often than "naturally", homosexuality occurs from some event in an adolescent's life that spurs an altered sexual orientation or behavior. Many fetishes come this way, and I believe homosexuality is just another type of fetish. Go ahead and stick that hamster up your ass, genius.

I honestly don't care as far as people wanting to be together, however I believe marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman, regardless of how degraded its become with the phenomenal level of divorce rates.

I don't know, maybe I'm just ignorant. I can't help but feel disgusted by it all.
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Well-Known Member
Not going to get in a cat fight with you or anybody about it but it's pretty obvious that human life was intended for reproduction...doesn't matter if their names were Jack and Jill. As far as the 'legality' of it I have no say on it. Like I said to each their own. I'll take a fish taco any day over a hot dog.:hump:
Life wasnt intended for just happened
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Well-Known Member
No, I do not believe in gay marriage.

The above poster above me somewhere is correct. More often than "naturally", homosexuality occurs from some event in an adolescent's life that spurs an altered sexual orientation or behavior. Many fetishes come this way, and I believe homosexuality is just another type of fetish. Go ahead and stick that hamster up your ass, genius.

I honestly don't care as far as people wanting to be together, however I believe marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman, regardless of how degraded its become with the phenomenal level of divorce rates.

I don't know, maybe I'm just ignorant. I can't help but feel disgusted by it all.
yeah I'd say you are most likely ignorant ;) whether or not its nature or nurture that cause homosexuality doesnt matter, as a JO already clarified its a legal issue, and legally homos should be allowed to be married, personally I think its nature that causes homosexuality mostly and that most people that argue otherwise are most likely being influenced by religous beliefs