Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Not even aphids. I'm just fuckin stoned.
Damn THRIPS! lol. Fuck me this is going to be a problem.i can see it now...

Read this on icmag, said it was the best for thrips--

Spinosad (pronounced "spin-OH-sid") is derived through the fermentation of a naturally occurring organism. Spinosad is derived from a naturally occurring soil dwelling bacterium called Saccharopolyspora spinosa, a rare microorganism reportedly collected from soil in an abandoned rum distillery on a Caribbean Island in 1982 by a vacationing scientist. It has not been found in nature since that time, and was subsequently described as a new species.

Spinosad works by contact and by ingestion. Contact occurs either by direct application to the insect or by movement of the insect onto a treated surface. Ingestion occurs as insects feed on treated substrate (such as foliage). While control via contact is highly effective, control via ingestion is 5 - 10 times more effective.

Spinosad has a unique mode of action that is different from all other known insect control products. Spinosad causes excitation of the insect nervous system, leading to involuntary muscle contractions, prostration with tremors, and finally paralysis.
Spinosad has several attractive features when compared to most other insect pest control products:
- It is derived through the fermentation of a naturally occurring organism;
- It is highly active at low use rates;
- It is active by ingestion and contact exposure;
- It has less impact on certain predatory beneficial insects; and
- It is active by a mechanism unique among known insect pest control compounds.
- It has quicker speed of control;
- It has no special handling or use restrictions.

Spinosad, with its unique characteristics, does indeed fit a class of its own, and offers fantastic results for the hobby gardener. No other naturally sourced material has its' combination of excellent contact and residual efficacy on target pests and safety to beneficials, aquatic organisms, and mammals.
Spinosad-based products have been registered in more than 30 countries for control of termites, ants, thrips and much more. Common names that spinosad is marketed under are “Monteray Garden Insect Spray”, “Bulls-eye”, “Entrust”, and more. There are retailers that sell these products online or through mail order…you can have this product shipped to anywhere in the country…or world.
Just talked to someone who told me the same thing. Heading to Home Depot now. :)
Talk to you guys later.
Hey Gandalf :)

I bought some fish bone meal, a bag of perlite, high p bat guano, and a bag of EWC. I Still have 2 cubic feet of fox farms HF soil in a bin. Could i mix let's say:

1/4 cup FBM
4.5 cups chunky perlite
1/4 cup High p bat guano
4 cups EWC

Sound like a good think to mix in with my FFHF soil, water and let sit for a month before use?
Hey Gandalf :)

I bought some fish bone meal, a bag of perlite, high p bat guano, and a bag of EWC. I Still have 2 cubic feet of fox farms HF soil in a bin. Could i mix let's say:

1/4 cup FBM
4.5 cups chunky perlite
1/4 cup High p bat guano
4 cups EWC

Sound like a good think to mix in with my FFHF soil, water and let sit for a month before use?

Are you set up to make teas, Droy?

With the soil you have there, you can get some great results with maybe a top dress of EWC a couple weeks in to flower, an ACT or two along the way, and a nutrient tea every so often.
Are you set up to make teas, Droy?

With the soil you have there, you can get some great results with maybe a top dress of EWC a couple weeks in to flower, an ACT or two along the way, and a nutrient tea every so often.

Sure am, I've been studying a lot of dif/ articles and recipes recently along with the help from all of you. I wan't to keep it 100% organic. I already added the EWC's to the remaining FFHF soil along with some more perlite which will be used in 3 gal/
pots once my plants reache a month of growth and is ready for it's final transplant. I should be safe with 3 cups of EWC's in that soil you'd think right? Also, should I still water it before hand and let it cook a few weeks?

THANKS before hand :)

EDIT: also, what's ECT stand for :hug:
Sure am, I've been studying a lot of dif/ articles and recipes recently along with the help from all of you. I wan't to keep it 100% organic. I already added the EWC's to the remaining FFHF soil along with some more perlite which will be used in 3 gal/
pots once my plants reache a month of growth and is ready for it's final transplant. I should be safe with 3 cups of EWC's in that soil you'd think right? Also, should I still water it before hand and let it cook a few weeks?

THANKS before hand :)

That's a 2 cf bag of Happy Frog? If so, then you're more than fine. I would just be sure to add equal parts perlite of whatever you add in EWC. I would also recommend wetting your soil down with an ACT to really jump start the microbial party in your mix while it's sitting the 30 days.
When you wet it down, you don't want it soppy. It should clump together a bit when you grab a fist-full, but you shouldn't be able to squeeze water out of it. I would guess no more than a 1/4 to 1/2 gallon of ACT would need to be used for 2 cf (plus amendments). If it ends up a little wet, just spread it out on a tarp for a bit until you dial it in.
ohhh stupid, i knew that sorry :)
not to sure which ACT I'm going to use but I'm sure a veg one would be at best considering the soil will be used when the plants a couple weeks into veg.

Keep in mind that an ACT serves only one purpose.... to multiply the microbes present in your compost/vermicpmpost. You only need a cup of EWC, a few gallons of water, some blackstrap molasses, and a bubbler to make an ACT. What you're referring to is a nutrient tea. You could certainly wet your soil down with a nutrient tea if you wanted to. Rrog I believe recommends using aloe. I like using an ACT. There are many ways to go about it. Play with it for a while and you'll find what works best for you.
Keep in mind that an ACT serves only one purpose.... to multiply the microbes present in your compost/vermicpmpost. You only need a cup of EWC, a few gallons of water, some blackstrap molasses, and a bubbler to make an ACT. What you're referring to is a nutrient tea. You could certainly wet your soil down with a nutrient tea if you wanted to. Rrog I believe recommends using aloe. I like using an ACT. There are many ways to go about it. Play with it for a while and you'll find what works best for you.

I have all the required stuff for the ACT you just mentioned. I'm going to bubble one right now and get it ready :) thank you
Play with it for a while and you'll find what works best for you.

This is a bit of advice I see from all the Organic Gurus. Makes it sooooo much fun! I'm running out of places to feed teas to now. Bubbled countless litres of it and dosed the gardens of pretty much everybody I know LOL. Seeing results everywhere. Wonderful hobby.
Droy....I listen to everything st0w tells me. He is an incredible resource. Do whatever he tells you.

While that's very kind of you to say, I'm really just a student of people like Rrog and Coot passing along what I've picked up from them. I feel like I'm just scratching the surface of what there is to learn about organics .... which is part of what makes this so much fun
Question for you guys...

What do you guys like to use for cuttings? My EZ-Cloner finally took a shit last night after about 8 years of use, and I want to make the switch to something else that doesn't have mechanical parts that can fail.
Question for you guys...

What do you guys like to use for cuttings? My EZ-Cloner finally took a shit last night after about 8 years of use, and I want to make the switch to something else that doesn't have mechanical parts that can fail.

Ah this is one of my things I am a little proud of. Good ol' rockwool cubes, but I have a temp controlled cloning cabinet I made myself. I run a SoG most of the time so cloning like clockwork is ESSENTIAL. This box nails my temps to within .3 degrees of where I set it to, temp controller controls fans that suck the air out in line with the lamp (small wattage CFL), and I have a heating mat in the bottom keeping root-zone at 26.5 degrees C. NEVER have mold issues as It doesn't spike humidity up to sauna-like 80 percent, closer on 55 or so. Roots in 7 days, guaranteed, as long as the right shoots are chosen for rooting. These are the two most important factors I have found: STABLE temps, and starchy stalks. Inside of the clone box is painted with fungicidal paint I made myself, then covered in a reflective sheet. It locks light in like a beeeatch so at first I gave them a bit too much light, whooops. Still rooted in 7-9 days, but then you end up with twisted growth as they try to shoot up while making roots too...


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Wow Hamish, impressive set up! I have rockwool cubes that I use for germinating seeds, but I was led to believe that these aren't so great for cuttings. Apparently this was some bad info based upon your pics.

I was thinking of rapid rooters (or something similar) but I will just use the rockwool cubes that I already have instead.

Thanks bro
Holy Cloner, Batman!!! How do you keep the cubes themselves wet? They are just sitting on that tote lid? How do you keep Rh up with that much ventilation?

Thanks a lot! I love shit like this.
Also Hamish, what is your success rate with getting your cuts to root? I was running at about 95% with my cloner .... but was wondering if I should take more cuts than I'm accustomed to?

If I want 5 rooted clones, would I be safe with taking 10 cuts? Same concept of making my cut at a 90 degree angle using rockwool cubes too?
I use the riot cubes/rooters cubes in the good old dome. I also have 2 bucket aero cloners which are really predictable too.

I think you should take a few extra to be safe. I always do and it turns out that I throw them away. It rips my heart in two when I throw the genetics away from taking too many. I have to kill a ton of extras coming up. I really wish we all lived closer to each other. I can't wait for Myco to get to Maine.

Switching gears a little. I want to go to this:

I have never been to anything like this. Lucky dogs. I would be like a kid on Christmas morning or like a grown man who loves mmj at a mmj conference. ;-) I would personally thank the organizers if I were going.