A must Watch Documentary on Research on, and Treatment with Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member

I recently watched this documentary on you tube. It's an Israeli made documentary, (you'll need to turn the "Captions"). Israel,for over 30 years, has been on the cutting edge of Cannabis research. This film will document many things that we, as patients/consumers, already know to be true. This goes beyond those things. 30 years of research!!!!! They even have "wings" or "lounges" in the nursing homes, hospices where med marijuana patients can smoke openly. There are very many seniors who are receiving medical marijuana in Israel. Anyway, enough of my babbling.

When you have an extra 40 minutes or so, PLEASE watch this documentary. And then pass it on to your friends and family! Peace!!!! :peace: :blsmoke:

Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ8HZtD6aZI
You know, I made it most of the way though and and had to shut it off (I'll finish it later). Thanks for posting that.
I honestly don't think that anything makes me more angry than seeing another person in pain when there's absolutely no need for it.
To see our lawmakers on the one hand continue to classify cannabis as Schedule I ("no medicinal use") and then admit that it does indeed have medical benefits (MMAR)....all while dosing the population with opiates instead.

Then there's the prohibition doing more harm than good, the pharma conspiracy, the utterly uninformed law enforcement argument, the HARD SCIENCE that's no longer in dispute.

I better stop now....
Thank goodness I have a freshly cured jar in front of me...otherwise I'm sure I'd be heading out to check the zero on my scope....
80 years or scaring people with propaganda, sad thing is most of the people that need to see these videos never do since they have no want o join or visit site such as these.

When you have an extra 40 minutes or so, PLEASE watch this documentary. And then pass it on to your friends and family! Peace!!!! :peace: :blsmoke:

Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ8HZtD6aZI

When you have cancer, and there has been so much surgery that more treatment has little to no possibility of allowing you to survive, something like the medicinal claims surfacing are giving people new hope for tomorrow.

However I must say videos like this are likely to hurt the cause more than help. The video looks phoney. I have met many people who have cancer. I asked several people to view this video who all came to the same conclusion. While people with these conditions are obtaining relief smoking mj they all agree there are no sudden instantanious results as those they have shown. The people in the video tend to exhibit the same cult type following that Simpson has developed. If you look at the Simpsom vids and this you should be able to see the same similarities. As much as I would dearly love to believe in the Mj-cancer connection this just looks like phoney put on crap. When I saw the first Simpson video it stirred visions of great hope. When you watch several of them in succession the vids look like presentations prepared for the sole purpose of luring people in to a following.

most of the people that need to see these videos never do since they have no want o join or visit site such as these

Wrong!!! People with serious problems do search for things like this. They are in pain they are sick and doctors are no help. These people are quite willing to give all that they have for a chance at survival. Videos like this are popping for the purpose of luring sick people out of what money they have with false promissess of a cure that does not exist.

The only verifiable cases where mj has truly helped are skin cancers and diabetic ulcerations. But even in those cases mj is not a clear cut curing factor. many of you have read about mj but what about chlorophyll. The amazing benefit of chlorophyll, which mj has plenty of, has nothing to do with mj. Info on this is easy to find from sources that are not trying to sell a cure. Just search for Chlorophyll Benefits you'll find hundreds of pages like this;


Overall Benefits of Chlorophyll:
The range of health benefits to gain from chlorophyll is nothing short of miraculous. Chlorophyll is known to improve the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune and detoxification systems of the body – leading to many different and overlapping health benefits.

Hundreds of web sites like this put fourth the healing benefits of chlorophyll without any reference to mj. http://drwheatgrass.com/_blog/Wheatg...f_chlorophyll/

Half hearted attempts to artificially inflate mj benefits as this video appears to do will not help the cause.