What Does Your Screen Name Mean?

Mine is my horses old race name, Bygone Era, just minus an E. :bigjoint:

And just for funzies, here's a pic of my beautiful old boy


WHAT A BEAUTY! I'd be just as proud if he was mine. WOW.
a "gangsta" who trys to be cute but also maintain his "tough cunt" act. the result is a man whore with no individuality.
lol,no school bus at all for me.I had to walk

You know, people give me shit about the fact that I used to have to walk almost 2 miles to school, from K-2nd grade. We lived in the sticks (more like were hiding from a family member that wanted to kill us, to squash some potential testimony...) The options were: (a) walk, or (b) whine about walking, get beat with the belt by the drunken grandfather, and then walk.
neosapien. I'm the new stage of human evolution baby. Like a mutant. Like Wolverine. Except I don't have adamantium claws. Just a paper clip. That I use to cash my bowls. Wow I'm fucking high.
when first joined could not thinl of one off the top of my head. I love animals but have really deep special connections with cats. I live in calif and love cats so that's how I got my tag.
when first joined could not thinl of one off the top of my head. I love animals but have really deep special connections with cats. I live in calif and love cats so that's how I got my tag.

yay cat lovers

mine is sunni which is also my cats name back in day when i used to play halo my name was sunnilovee, now i use different variations of sunni for any screen name, like xbox, world of warcraft, steam anything than i realized it was a religion and now i get asked if im a terriost alot lol
Lurk- mispronounced my name while drinking cause I was try to teach my friends Dutch haha. It just stuck.

dewitt- DoooEtttt! Kidding, my surname.