Rosey's Grow~~check out my plants!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
that's not it goober! don't you understand? I'm just tired of being hurt, I've been hurt so much. So fuckin much. I don't want to open myself up again if it is just to be hurt again. That's all I'm saying. I just can't go through that again. that's what I'm saying...I can't go through being hurt again..that's it... no more pain...Peach can't deal with anymore pain..its making me numb...I'm afraid one day I won't feel a damn thing. That's all, nothing else...
"Everybody will make you suffer. It is up to you to choose who is worth suffering for' Bob Marley


Well-Known Member
Thanks Giggs, sorry for my stupor last night.

I'm better today. Feeling like I finally have some answers to questions I've had for a long time now.

Funny thing is??? the answers were right there in front of me. My ex just had to fuck with my head a little more. Called him this morning and told him to stop all questions, etc I had given him all the answers he wanted several times now and refused to be put through it again :) he said he wouldn't bring it up again :)


Well-Known Member
Those are so beautiful!!!! I see asters, lilies, but what is that vine at the top and the purple on the ground? thanks! a real treat for sure;)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Those are so beautiful!!!! I see asters, lilies, but what is that vine at the top and the purple on the ground? thanks! a real treat for sure;)
The vine is Jasmine in the most glorious bloom she's given me to date. The purple on the ground is a Delosperma species, indigenous to South Africa, the Zulu tribe know it as the 'Good Luck' plant :) The one under the lily is a 'vygie' also indigenous, then the orange is Honeysuckle, fluffy white flowers is Tea Bush, and the last one is Plum :) Have a great week ahead!


Well-Known Member
The vine is Jasmine in the most glorious bloom she's given me to date. The purple on the ground is a Delosperma species, indigenous to South Africa, the Zulu tribe know it as the 'Good Luck' plant :) The one under the lily is a 'vygie' also indigenous, then the orange is Honeysuckle, fluffy white flowers is Tea Bush, and the last one is Plum :) Have a great week ahead!
thanks MH! you do the same! gorgeous flowers...anytime you wanna brighten up my thread, feel free!;)


Well-Known Member
lol. I gotta go finish them up in a couple minutes. but I';ll stick around and chat for a bit.

Stop drinking. it's bad for you. lol


Well-Known Member
Oh shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

can't find the channel....amc

EDIT:::::PLEASE DON'T POST ANYTHING ABOUT THE SHOW YET, I'VE NOT BEEN ABLE TO WATCH THE LAST FEW EPISODES!!!! please don't spoil!!!! I will be catching up the end of the week when I go back to my old house and pick up some things I forgot plus my van!!! that's right, Rosey's gettin a ride :) I"m going to sell it after I save some $$$ to get just a car that runs good and has ac and heat LOL