1. "It only has X chromosomes and can only produce female plants." 100% pure BS.
There is no need to be rude while you are being wrong.
I am surprised you are a victim of misinformation from 5-10 years ago.
If you take a female plant (XX chromosomes) and trick it into producing male flowers, the pollen will only have 2 X chromosomes (XX). If you pollinate a female plant (XX chromosomes) the resulting seeds will produce plants with only X chromosomes (XX). Those are female plants. They can be stressed into producing male flowers, like all female cannabis plants.
To make a male plant or a dioecious hermaphrodite you need a Y chromosome.
Where does the Y chromosome come from? Does it magically appear?
It can also produce hermaphrodites
It can only produce monoecious hermaphrodites. Those are usually the result of stress from the grower and environment.
Feminized seeds are just as likely to produce monoecious hermaphrodites as regular seeds.
You have not offered me any reason to believe otherwise.
I have produced thousands of feminized seeds and have never had a "hermie."
You are the victim of rumors spread on teh interwebs by crappy growers.
as anyone who has germinated "feminized" seeds is well aware of.
Crappy growers stress plants and get monoecious hermaphrodites. They get the same from regular seeds.
Furthermore, these hermaphrodites will frequently be what the Wikipedia article is referring to as "true hermaphrodites"
That is impossible.
Where does the Y chromosome come from?
although it is somewhat inaccurate to call them that as the cited source for "true hermaphrodites" (from 1950, no less) is undoubtedly referring to a dioceious (or "regular" if you prefer) population. I can't verify that as the link is dead, but a scientist in the fifties would be working from the standpoint that cannabis is substantially and most commonly a dioecious plant.
I am not sure what you are trying to say. Cannabis is a dioecious plant. It has males and females.
A female is monoecious in that it only has one kind of chromosome, X.
A monoecious hermaphrodite is a female that shows male flowers. That is normal and natural and how we get feminized seeds.
Feminized seeds are about as likely to produce male flowers as their parents.
You have not offered anything that backs up your opinion.
Therefore, if "true hermaphrodites" are rare in the population of "regular" dioecious cannabis plants, it is clear that you are citing information in an effort to mislead people.
You are posting lies based on rumors from years ago. You misunderstand what is pretty common knowledge.
I am citing information to back up my opinions. You are doing nothing like that.
You have not offered anything to back up your lies.
I encourage everyone reading this to do the research - well beyond what you are going to find in a Wikipedia article - and you will find that cannabis plants are very different from Gregor Mendel's pea plants.
Pea plants are monoecious but the genetics work the same. If you have a logical or scientific problem with what I have posted, show me where I am wrong.
I firmly believe that "Trousers" has never done any serious research on the matter.
I do not need to, it is pretty much common sense and experience.
Where doe that magic Y chromosome come from? Does a magic fairy put it in there?
How many feminized seeds have you produced and or grown?
Did you spend big dollars on fem seeds then stress them into producing male flowers?
Or are you just a victim of internet rumors from shitty growers from years ago?
EDIT: Is that you subcool?
Do some reading and quit spreading lies.