2013 bbq?!

I will be attending this years bbq with

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    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • two people

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • three or more

    Votes: 11 23.9%

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FDD........"every time i glanced at fumble she was spinning a doobie.
iamgman........"Just back from the site.. looking good. Out of 3 days, I finally beat DJJ to camp. hahahaha .. many thanks bro.. for the idea and the extra effort for making this happen. I know those who shakked up in your camper and trailer were happy n warm. We laughed hard over and over on the story of you walking in on Mrs GMan in the 'Mens" bathroom.. leave it to her to pick the only stall with no door..and the wrong bathroom.. doh! That dry ice demo had the crowd tho.. and the 'younger' crowd picked up where you left off and made sure event trich was captured from Wheezers killer trimmins. When we left, last nite there was still a biggo pile of kief on the tablel.
Can you believe MediMaryUser made it back this morning early? Him n TWS did a great job helping clean up and load. Thanks a ton for the going away present this morning of edibles Mr and Mrs Hodge!!! The wifey loved them and they work for her. And a supper duper thanks for sponsering that killer BBQ! Noguts.. thanks for the killer plushberry nug! Nugs.. thanks for the beans! FDD thanks for the glass man.. the wife already calls it hers.. uggh.. maybe I can get my own next time?
Dirrtyd... that pig butt was off the shelf. And Bo Bo the killer gaurd dog loved the leftover bone i brought him this morning! You gotta PM me how you make that.. ? "
FDD..........."i already have big plans for the next event. i'm gonna make some special marbles and what-not. come up with some "games" we can play for prizes. and i'm gonna bring A LOT more pot as well. though there was so much weed flowing yesterday i only had a chance to pack a bowl or two of my own stuff.

this is the beginning of something HUGE.


special thanks go out to the locals who put in the time for all this. i miss my hometown."...
"Dude I just got home....I got a weed hangover. I shit you not I woke up high and and felt like I drank all night long, ive never had a weedhang over before....hehehe

I'll post more later I need to rest.........lol"
fumble......"Hell yeah! The man and I had a blast! I must say I did get quite ripped! Triple fisted smoking for a sec, and then NorCal handed me the bong, so I just had to hit that too. Seriously though guys, it was great to finally put faces to the names. Hodge, thank you for the BBQ! It was awesome and appreciated. DJJ, thank you for all that you did. Without you, this wouldn't have been possible. KMK, you and gf are hella cool, loving this Chem! TMB, I totally thought your avatar was Mother Theresa! That sr-71 kicked ass! DirrtyD! that pork butt was off the hook! That shit melted in my mouth. Thank you, I needed some good butt. NoGuts, good to meet you and the lady. You too Wheezer. Same for you TWS! Goped, good looking out. We will talk soon. Jyermum, thanks for the shirt! I love it and am wearing it now. Hops, Justadude, IamGman, MediMary, NorCal, and everyone else, it was a good time. Nice chillin with youse for a day. Good smoke, and good people.

Kona so sorry you didn't get to make this one. We will get you here one way or another for the next one!

Ps. There were a couple things left at the camp. I brought them home. Let me know if they are yours and we can get them to you. There was a white coffee maker and two blue camp chairs. Along with misc. food items and water. I'll prob drink the water. lol "....................
BBQ t-shirt............thank you Jyermum......


  • 12-10-2011 Camp Rollitup 013.jpg
    12-10-2011 Camp Rollitup 013.jpg
    49.1 KB · Views: 15
k I would tow my own trailer but 55mph sucks and it's kinda of a pain in the ass to cruise Frisco with it. lol
It would probably cost you more in gas to tow the trailer up & back than $50 a day for the pop-up........P.S. if your in 'The City' at around 2-3pm on any day, you can go down to Fishermans Warf and watch the fishing boats unload from the day's catch, both sport & commercial......
hahaha!!! Hella cool JJ. Good memories. I totally forgot about all the reviews. Pot Face! I am looking forward to this. Maybe I will throw in a goodie basket if there is a contest?
ic ic...lol. I get it
me and momma will get some seafood for the bbq from our boats in maine make a giant lobster stew for everyone as an appitizer lol... that is if there are any seafood lovers going fumbles we'll get ya a burger seeing ya don't like seafood hahaha