Won't edit and cannot delete. Should read like this -
Welcome to the front line. Now keep your head down due to the high volume of fire.
Your talking politics now and has nothing to do with quality of products. Formulations change quite regularly, products get banned or allowed, rules and regs. change constantly. Semantics and politics to the grower.
Do you think your flushing your plants or their medium?
You just said their synthetic nutes would kill the living things and now you want then to put it into one bottle?? Do you understand formulations and the reasons why certain products are not compatible with each other but both are required?
Advertising is a valuable tool for any company, can't judge a company by how well they market themselves, should judge the products. To be able to judge the product you must have a knowledge base built from experience not reading. Reading is the FIRST step.
Excellent advise I would also recommend to research products and understand the why's and when's. You right its not rocket science but what is a good yield to you will not be a good yield to me.
Well just from what I have read has given me a little insight in your experience level and I would not be challenging too many here that's for sure JAS
#1: yes I am..politics between companies and their right to protect their patents. But you took this out of context. The idea was to give Chewie his facts he asked for. How could I do that with out being truthful about some changes. I also supplied the reason for the change.
#2: You are flushing bolth, and without "flushing" your medium how would you not be "flushing" your plant? You do not "need" a chelate to flush. Look up the final flush from AN and read what they say about it. I'll repeat,,,WHY?
#3: I NEVER said one bottle! I said "
BUT,,why not just include them in compatible solutions and end up charging less " There are other Nutrient companies out there that DO this to help keep customer "end cost" down. They tend to be in "roots" and "zyme" - that's 2 instead of 3 bottles = less cost by less packaging!
#4: Does CANNA or HESI or ANY ONE else advertise in such a grand/flashy/over the top fashion? NO! Yes, advertising is a valuable tool, but the question is. "Why does it focus on the new and inexperienced, those who are "gullible" to big claims and spending more every time they want to do "better" then the last"? Does either of the other companies I mentioned have a "rising quality level" (and rising cost level) to success? The point of the whole post is to say you can do it for far less with the same quality then to pay these shysters over and over again to get to the "top" (pun intended). My wife has a BA&MA in advertising, and has been in that industry for 30 years. She has picked up ROSEBUD and observed, and I do quote "What a rip off". (Her plant of choice(s) are roses and orchids and has quit a collection)
#5: First off, Thank you...now then, I do not grow for yields. I grow for quality. That's what my patients look for, quality meds directed to and grown for their specific needs. I do not grow commercially in any form. You just tipped your hat on what YOU grow for.
#6: And should I judge you? Did I judge anyone in this thread? I have been attacked on this website before, by a young man who has a real bad screen name in relation to his true ability. In the end I regret what I've said to him. That aside, I would say that you are an AN fan. You are defending their honor (or lack there of). I understand brand loyalty,,,,but you must have run out of nice things to say about them, so you attack me personally? The question of what AN does is a morality question. I will not stoop to your or their level. I will not say the bad things about you that I could invent.