Well-Known Member
Hey man, thanks for stopping by. My wife knows when I've run out of hobbies or interest. I start pacing around the house like a crazy person. Got to stay busy and I love working with my hands. She has been very supportive of building the nano brewery, in part because of the legal issues of growing weed. I threw her a conservative estimate on the equipment of "around" $3500 and she didn't blink. I promised to make her organic pear and apple cider. That pretty much closed the deal! Lol!Do you also make bombs at home? hahaha I love enthusiast growers, they usually look into making/producing other stuff, I also grew shrooms, bred show dogs and work on computers in spare time...
Edit: Oh yeah, it's 9/11 so I'm sure your post was flagged in the "man's" database somewhere! Keep your head down.