The UK Growers Thread!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
its too late to make a bong n no apples around for quicker use ....i knew i shuda got that pipe earlia!! ffs!! fuck it looks like bed for me i gota busy day bulb shopping tomoz lol


Well-Known Member
all u need is a empty toilet roll, foil and sellotape or any tape u make a hole in the middle of the cardboard toilet roll put foil and tape it airtight make hole with a pin in that foil load her up one end on your mouth ther other use ur palm to make the tube airtight and u have a pipe.............


Well-Known Member
made a chillum out of a carrot once the centre bit pops out a bit o carving bung in freezer and u gort a cheap pipe......feelin good today slightly disturbed sleep but that was it, gonna do the salvia combo dmt over the WE, felt the DMT needs a bit of help as its a bit in and out and theres lots to process, I would also like to be disorientated by the salvia and see what I can find in that space.....trippers kow wat I mean....needs to be really strong for me otherwise its a fairground ride for fun, need some green tea and my vape cos its gardening time, have a good day all

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Well that's my Friday drinks out the window, 60 bar for a 125 cfl and a sunmaster mix spec 600w. Slipped him a few buds n he knocked a ten spot off.


Well-Known Member
Well a mate was suppose to take these off me 2morra but he just rang me sayin he can't now so looks like another 6 for the composter :(IMG_20130913_113005_380.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lol ya cheeky fucker...Yeh they have stretched like fuck trying to catch up with the rest so fuck it might have one more person to have em if he dont the bin they will go naaaaa mean

The Groke

Something light hearted for a Friday....

" The struggle between people and corporations will be the defining battle of the 21st century. If the corporations win, liberal democracy will come to an end. The great social democratic institutions which have defended the weak against the strong - equality before the law, representative government, democratic accountability and the sovereignty of parliament - will be toppled. If, on the other hand, thecorporate attempt on public life is beaten back, then democracy may re-emerge the stronger for it's conquest. But this victory cannot be brokered by our representatives. Democracywill survive only if the people in whose name they govern rescue the state from its captivity"
Geroge Monbiot, The Captive State, 2000


Well-Known Member
Something light hearted for a Friday....

" The struggle between people and corporations will be the defining battle of the 21st century. If the corporations win, liberal democracy will come to an end. The great social democratic institutions which have defended the weak against the strong - equality before the law, representative government, democratic accountability and the sovereignty of parliament - will be toppled. If, on the other hand, thecorporate attempt on public life is beaten back, then democracy may re-emerge the stronger for it's conquest. But this victory cannot be brokered by our representatives. Democracywill survive only if the people in whose name they govern rescue the state from its captivity"
Geroge Monbiot, The Captive State, 2000
loada shite if you ask me


Well-Known Member
Monbiot also wrote this garbage.....Climate Change Conference held in Copenhagen.Monbiot once expressed deep antipathy to the nuclear industry.[SUP][42][/SUP] He finally rejected his later neutral position regarding nuclear power in March 2011. Although he "still loathe the liars who run the nuclear industry",[SUP][43][/SUP] Monbiot now advocates its use, having been convinced of its relative safety by what he considers the limited effects of the 2011 Japan tsunami on nuclear reactors in the region.[SUP][43][/SUP] Subsequently, he has harshly condemned the anti-nuclear movement, writing that it "has misled the world about the impacts of radiation on human health ... made [claims] ungrounded in science, unsupportable when challenged and wildly wrong." He singled out Helen Caldicott for, he wrote, making unsourced and inaccurate claims, dismissing contrary evidence as part of a cover-up, and overstating the death toll from the Chernobyl disaster by a factor of more than 140.[SUP][44][/SUP]