Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs


Well-Known Member
At this point, it's one of three scenarios:

You're committed. You realized you were trolled, and trying to save face, having admitted your aberrant, sordid behavior, you're going to try to play it off, as though it's still real.
You should have a Court appointed guardian, because you really DO believe it.
You think you can out-troll Clayton, in his own thread... If this is the case, see above (in re. court appointed guardian.)
has anyone seen him say it all made up the only ppl saying that is u ppl .........not the guy that made so drawling the fact he is being real is the safest of the 2 choices unless u are soulless bastards that find watching someone go down the shitter to be fun and entertaining

i was giving u the benifit of the doubt and saying u are not ..................but fine u are a bunch of asses

and oh i was sleeping after pulling 32 hours up and moving


Well-Known Member
has anyone seen him say it all made up the only ppl saying that is u ppl .........not the guy that made so drawling the fact he is being real is the safest of the 2 choices unless u are soulless bastards that find watching someone go down the shitter to be fun and entertaining

i was giving u the benifit of the doubt and saying u are not ..................but fine u are a bunch of asses

and oh i was sleeping after pulling 32 hours up and moving


Well-Known Member
listen this is how to fucking pay it u are deep in the shiiter and does not look like u are comming out ....................this will make the game last longer hopfully u will snap out of it once u see the party slut doing the same on anouther guy

Pick a Nick name from now on that is your name
if u are here means u are a grower ...........welcome to the life of a drug dealer ...........step up your production ( that party slut is now your first contact/cutout man )

get a prepaided cell phone from a shitty old store (cameras will be on 30 days or 24 hour loop) after that all good (rem Cash or prepaided credit cards) ............this is now your bitch phone /deal phone ..............every 3 months u buy a new one

u need to have a stash place out side your house and where u can access it easy ..................when u go out to party world u strip off your wallet remove all id except something for a cop if u get pulled over and back up crdeit card for bail ( the shoes have soles inside normally lift it up and can hide in there ) ...............u sell your weed for cash that cash is now your party money .....................your wife is going to notice shit so u need excuses laided out in your mind so they are second nature (never use someone as a excuse unless u tell them/ask them first )

your going to get cuaght this is a fact ................out of the first money u flip u retain a lawyer and then supply 5000 extra for bail reason

this will allow u to party and not drain the family accounts and be noticed by wife
excuse one poker night
excuse two buddy hit the wall hard on something and bailing his ass out
excuse three .....bitches be crazy and buddies gf did something he needs help


Well-Known Member
to deal plants in soil is the best choice under HID light u are turning over every 75 days with a fresh set of plants ...............i just did 2 plants i got a half pound of some strong shit that is not on the market in my area i am the only supplier ..............i have 2 more plants coming in and 2 weeks cycle is set to roll over every 3 weeks ...................i just have a shit load of kids not parting like u anymore more but the skills work since regural job barely covers self but the medical i get is the whole reason i did it


Well-Known Member
i see ppl stopped making fun of me after i called them soulless bastards ........................well clayton looks like that pic was right just a bunch of asses

i got something for yah .....................u and your wife go to one of those places tailand get your freaks on together do it once a year ...........better then given the 20 year old your cash

go get your set 6 18 year old girl heck go to vegas and a 1000 dollar hour hooker (chicken ranch) my mother has been dead now for 12 years and she was sick for 8 years before that my pops had no ass in that time .............i spent 4000 bucks and sent 3 hot ass hookers to his house for the night