The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well fuk me went to 3 diff growshops this morning and no one got nothing.......I managed to get 1 6 inch hood.....couldent get the lumi ballasts so got 2 maxibright fukit done me the 2 for 200 sqid and the hood for 60.....sed will get me nother hood in for tue.......IMG_1260.jpgIMG_1261.jpg......cant get me hands on a 5 or 6 inch acustic box fan iver grrrrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
well fuk me went to 3 diff growshops this morning and no one got nothing.......I managed to get 1 6 inch hood.....couldent get the lumi ballasts so got 2 maxibright fukit done me the 2 for 200 sqid and the hood for 60.....sed will get me nother hood in for tue.......View attachment 2815306View attachment 2815307......cant get me hands on a 5 or 6 inch acustic box fan iver grrrrrrrrr
what about a tds silent from not even a growshop.


Well-Known Member
well the plan is to get a 6 inch filter aswell suck thru filter and the 2 lights.....with box fan......6 inch will be ok for that to do the lot?.....then ive got a nother 4 inch filter inthere 2......


Well-Known Member
Yeh that's the same hood as me IMC the old silver star bang on mate. Those ballasts loom alright that's what I'm getting next when I upgrade some nice digital ballasts ;)


Well-Known Member
Get an 8 inch with a speed controller on it that should be fine when I set up my secret room I'm putting a big 12" in there overkill Lol but with a controller will be perfect


Well-Known Member
yer was impressed with hood tbh nice and big...not 2 heavy of pref the lumi ones but fukit the maxi do same thing realy.....same price....
Yeh that's the same hood as me IMC the old silver star bang on mate. Those ballasts loom alright that's what I'm getting next when I upgrade some nice digital ballasts ;)


Well-Known Member
I dunno bout the 8 inch....think that will be bit to much without the speed thinking the 6 at 1000m3 shld cut it...
Get an 8 inch with a speed controller on it that should be fine when I set up my secret room I'm putting a big 12" in there overkill Lol but with a controller will be perfect


Well-Known Member
I've got a 6" fan pulling through a 5" rhino and a hood and still gets a bit warm on muggy days. You've got the cash to get a 8" ya tight fucker Lol with a speed controller you'll be laughing mate in the summer whack it on full in the winter just over half way or something?

Ive got an extra 250 in there aswell tho didn't think bout that Lol that chucks out some heat I'm just looking at em now it making me sweat lol


Well-Known Member
yer but what dose your 6 inch pull? per hour.....these box fans do 1000m3...think its more than a rvk......then if I get a 8 inch then im going 8 to 6....and lol them speed controllers aint cheep iver ha ha ah .....


Well-Known Member
Sorry I aint reading properly Lol Yeh 6" box fan should be good enough mate they got some power and are suppose to be pretty quiet? Never used one tho Lol but I'm gonna get a big dutty one for the new set up in about 4 months lol


Well-Known Member
well fuk me went to 3 diff growshops this morning and no one got nothing.......I managed to get 1 6 inch hood.....couldent get the lumi ballasts so got 2 maxibright fukit done me the 2 for 200 sqid and the hood for 60.....sed will get me nother hood in for tue.......View attachment 2815306View attachment 2815307......cant get me hands on a 5 or 6 inch acustic box fan iver grrrrrrrrr
i got 2 lumitech digi ballasts, good shit i think?

adding 5th 600 to the op tonight/tomoz/ should see a nice diffrence, hope it dont takle my temps up too muchk, if so then another 5" extractor will have to be added so be 15" of extracton lol...

sambo,, shame yer lappy wont play it too good m8, told u to buy a pc, much better, stop spending all ya dosh on crack n buy one!


Well-Known Member
i got 2 lumitech digi ballasts, good shit i think?

adding 5th 600 to the op tonight/tomoz/ should see a nice diffrence, hope it dont takle my temps up too muchk, if so then another 5" extractor will have to be added so be 15" of extracton lol...

sambo,, shame yer lappy wont play it too good m8, told u to buy a pc, much better, stop spending all ya dosh on crack n buy one!
i wish i had dosh to buy some crack the crackfiend i am lol twice ive done it all year...... i do need to get me a desktop tho you are right bout that.

its playable but only barely seems like a cracking game tho.


Well-Known Member

Here ya go ice that's the difference between a ltr and a 250 Lol told u I've never used a 250ml in comparison ya cheeky fucker Lol ;)


Well-Known Member
was out at the bank earlier and popped into the paki shop nxt to it and they were having a half price sale on bongs, got myself a nice new glass bong for only £8

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