Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

Hey guys, I need some advice. I have an aphid infestation of apocalyptic proportion on my Agent Orange, and they are starting to move to my Afghan Special's. It seems cropping the Agent Orange early for hash seems almost inevitable at this point, but I'd like to save my 4 Afghan Special's.

What is a super killer awesome aphid killer that I can spray on plants that are within 3 weeks of harvest.

I've been spraying every 2-3 days with Captain Jack's Dead Bug (Spinosad) and Thuricide (Bacillus Thuringiensis [BT]). Neem is out of the question this late in the game. But I need something with some serious knock down power and won't leave a nasty smell/taste after harvest.

Thanks e'rbody!

SB plant invigorator is a natural killer, it smothers on contact but is only a contact killer.
Hey guys, I need some advice. I have an aphid infestation of apocalyptic proportion on my Agent Orange, and they are starting to move to my Afghan Special's. It seems cropping the Agent Orange early for hash seems almost inevitable at this point, but I'd like to save my 4 Afghan Special's.

What is a super killer awesome aphid killer that I can spray on plants that are within 3 weeks of harvest.

I've been spraying every 2-3 days with Captain Jack's Dead Bug (Spinosad) and Thuricide (Bacillus Thuringiensis [BT]). Neem is out of the question this late in the game. But I need something with some serious knock down power and won't leave a nasty smell/taste after harvest.

Thanks e'rbody!

AzaMax works and doesn't mess with bud flavor or taste.
Okay my friends big question....I have some blue dreams that I think are ready to harvest, planted April 10, pre flowered til April 21, vegged til July 19 which is when they began to flower....on week 8 of flower... They are good size 5.5-6 feet all have mites..some webs I picked off this morn....most hairs are brown I would say 80brown/20white... I don't have magnifier good enough for trich vision only a 20x POS. Sorry no pics I can get one later. The mites have taken control for sure so I basically began trimmin everything without crystals. Should I harvest now or wait the suggested 9-10 week blue dream flowering period. The look great...minus the mites... smell great...all help is appreciated if anyone has had the sameproblem let me know thanks.
Tweeks are fucking up everybody including themselves. Lowering prices, ripping and ruining xmas for plenty of families... Almost got pissed off just thinking about those lifeless fucks, time for a bong hit :)
tweekers and budworms there both cock suckers fuck em both
Things are progressing nicely. So looking forward to harvest time!


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just modified the bug zapper its about to be a show tonight lol...shouldn't have fucked with me moth fuckers, now u must payyyyyyy
P09-11-13_13-32.jpgP09-11-13_13-32[1].jpgP09-11-13_13-33.jpgP09-11-13_13-33[1].jpgP09-11-13_13-34.jpgP09-11-13_13-35.jpg stayin nice n green I tried to get a picture of the blueberry its actually purple? I think if I remember theres purple thai in dj shorts blueberry I could be wrong thou, but theres a shitty pic of the bud grow grow grow stak stak stak
Latest pics taken today. I did find something going on with a few leaves on my amnesia if any of you can help. Pic below, Thanks. Otherwise enjoy the pics.

DPP_1539.jpgDPP_1540.jpgDPP_1541.jpgDPP_1542.jpgDPP_1545.jpgDPP_1546.jpgDPP_1548.jpgDPP_1549.jpgDPP_1550.jpgDPP_1552.jpgDPP_1553.jpgDPP_1554.jpgDPP_1557.jpgDPP_1558.jpgDPP_1559.jpgDPP_1562.jpgDPP_1563.jpgDPP_1565.jpgDPP_1566.jpgHere is the Issue leaf. Not only the white, but it also has these black spots. Any ideas?DPP_1570.jpgDPP_1573.jpg Picked these today off my cheese. Will pick rest in day or two.DPP_1575.jpg
just modified the bug zapper its about to be a show tonight lol...shouldn't have fucked with me moth fuckers, now u must payyyyyyy

I need to get a few of those myself. Had the top of 3 beautiful colas on my black russian ruined by them fuckers. Ate right threw my stalk about 2 in down.
I need to get a few of those myself. Had the top of 3 beautiful colas on my black russian ruined by them fuckers. Ate right threw my stalk about 2 in down.
I got a blacklight one its been workin great, I think the whole problem of why I still got budworms is cause we got those massive moths n they aint gonna fit between those shield thing around the bug zapper so what I did is broke the shield n made big enough areas for the big moth fuckers to get in there and fry up go to home depot get u a couple set of them n put them around close to the garden, I don't have them close where theres light on the plants but it does the trick once the nighttime comes here its like fireworks sizzle pop this will get those dumb fuckers now and stop the infestation...I read on another site they lay there eggs to the most stinkiest one in the garden, I think its true cause the one that stanks so bad right now is the huckleberry kush and its the only one im seein them ive probably killed over 20 of them in the last 3 days it sucks I had to cut out some of the bud, but if I pull it now im missin out on the swelling so its a give or take, I hate to put anything on the hk for the fact im pulling it in the next 2 weeks so I just removed what got hit and kept on truckin....good luck!
I had my bug zapper going a few years back. It seemed to lure more moths to my area than I had before the light.... It was very satisfying to hear them snap crackle pop tho :)

that is mite damage. flip the leaf over and look for little red or black specs.
I had my bug zapper going a few years back. It seemed to lure more moths to my area than I had before the light.... It was very satisfying to hear them snap crackle pop tho :)
I have it positioned away from the garden trying to lure them away..come my pretty try the light, u love the light...."zombiefied moths start heading towards the light" come come...."flys in" ZAP hahahaha idk its cut down a lot of them but I live on a side of a mountain so either way theres gonna be
that is mite damage. flip the leaf over and look for little red or black specs.

Can't see any mites at all. Even using 20x scope. I sprayed with neem oil every week until 3 weeks ago, since have switched to AzaMax every week. I'll go on the hunt some more and see what else I can find.
Not to focus on the negative but I have a tweaker/ripper story I'd like to share. Out of w*ll*ts, CA.

Was farm boss for a friend who had all the necessities except the know how, so that's where I came in helping build out and set up the feed schedule, harvest crew, etc.

2 weeks before harvest we were "professionally ripped" by a father/son/uncle tweaker team who used night vision goggles, and came in with ar15's and left with 19 of our 25 plants. We ended up harvesting the rest asap and came away with over 16lbs off 6 plants, and those were the LITTLE ONES!

My boy grew up in the area so he put the word out and we figured out who done it within 48hrs, but these were not just tweakers but a family of "cooks" as well. So we left with our tail between our legs, grateful they left us enough to start over next year. Apparently someone was not so content with walking away...

Long story short the SON of the ripper team got SHOT in the FACE 2 wks later, dead on site, head blown off.

Fuck rippers and fuck tweakers! Anyone fucks with our families or livelihoods deserves what they fucking get.

Even if it is to have their brains splattered.

This is the real story behind the risk we as growers take on, and the extent others will go to, in order to take from us what is rightfully ours!

Stay safe stay strapped!

yeah i fucking said it!
Not to focus on the negative but I have a tweaker/ripper story I'd like to share. Out of w*ll*ts, CA.

Was farm boss for a friend who had all the necessities except the know how, so that's where I came in helping build out and set up the feed schedule, harvest crew, etc.

2 weeks before harvest we were "professionally ripped" by a father/son/uncle tweaker team who used night vision goggles, and came in with ar15's and left with 19 of our 25 plants. We ended up harvesting the rest asap and came away with over 16lbs off 6 plants, and those were the LITTLE ONES!

My boy grew up in the area so he put the word out and we figured out who done it within 48hrs, but these were not just tweakers but a family of "cooks" as well. So we left with our tail between our legs, grateful they left us enough to start over next year. Apparently someone was not so content with walking away...

Long story short the SON of the ripper team got SHOT in the FACE 2 wks later, dead on site, head blown off.

Fuck rippers and fuck tweakers! Anyone fucks with our families or livelihoods deserves what they fucking get.

Even if it is to have their brains splattered.

This is the real story behind the risk we as growers take on, and the extent others will go to, in order to take from us what is rightfully ours!

Stay safe stay strapped!

yeah i fucking said it!
Crazy shit man, that town was the first place I seen the "dream" I have heard some crazy shit about pro-rips. And they (gov) wants to disarm medical patients, good luck.