How long should I wait....


Active Member
How long should I wait until I can use my nutrients for the plant? How old can the plant b before I can start using them? Thanks again :weed:


Active Member
Shes about 11-12 days old n soil pot size like 5-6 inches big. I def won't go full blast ill put half or even less then that of what's recommended at first :) it's a easy process no? Just fill the nutrients with water and water your plants? Lol


Active Member
It has to be a gallon? And let's say I have two plants I want to feed how would I distribute the nutes?


Well-Known Member
It has to be a gallon? And let's say I have two plants I want to feed how would I distribute the nutes?
Per gallon. Most bottles say per gallon. I buy turkey hill tea (not sure if its available where you are) and I use them for the screw on caps.

You mix however much in the gallon and water normal and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Make a mix of a gallon put half in one half in another! And so on half and half it's pretty straight forward mix nutrients in water distribute


Well-Known Member
Lol explain u made it sounds harder now aha
Just do it with a gallon. I don't even understand what he's talking about.

My nutes is 1 teaspoon per gallon. I got cal mag, pure blend pro grow, and liquid karma... I put 1 teaspoon of each in PER GALLON and water... Whatever's left I toss or use on my outside garden (tomatoes etc...)


Active Member
Ur making it def more understandable lol so lets say I have 3 diff types of nutes do I put all three nutes together in the water or separately? N let's say I have 2 plants that ill water how much should I pour into each plant, bc they will b pretty small still.


Active Member
Ok lol I understand that I should wait a little longer till I use the nutes but how do I distribute a half a gallon of water to my plant with nutes if I think half a gallon is to much? Or is that just the right amount