Club 600

damn, and may I mention im one mounth without smokeing weed. shits getting hectic.. im smokeing a black, god forgive my lungs! its hard to drink and not smoke. much less not smoke MJ at all.. I don't even smoke tobacco. 11 more mounths...
Spacey Chocolate nom noms......

with 1/2 oz of 20mu bubble:)

Peace, DST
And here's the recipe I wrote up quickly.......

1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
125 clarified butter
14gram hash
1/2 teaspoon of Bicarb soda
1/4 cup buttermilk
3 heaped T spoons cocoa
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla

bicarb and buttermilk abd vanilla- dissolve and mix in a bowl
Add Flour/Salt/Sugar - sift into a bowl
Heat 175 gram butter - skim butter fat solids (white gash that appears on top), then drain and you should have around 125 gram clarified butter/ghee.
Add hash and cocoa powder to the ghee, heat for a minute or two then add water and stir. Add this to your dry mix along with an egg and buttermilk and mix and beat well (getting plenty air in there).
Pour these into cake forms and bake for 20 mins at 180c.

For icing,

loads of butter, loads of icing, vanilla, cocao powder, and some buttermilk. Melt all toger basically.....amounts depend on how thick you want it.

Hey guy's and girls what's up! I'm ordering some bubble bags today after school. Just wondering if there's 1 better than the other?

Here's a pic of my black kitty. 002.jpg
Peace, I'm off to water then school.
well heres the tent all ready to go hopefully the temp controller has worked and my temps have not went over 25c when i check in morning i no the minimum temp is sorted cant wait to get them in there


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hey 600 just figured id let everyone know about what has been going on with the bb order that i had tampered with.Well sent the bb an email at 5am this morning and 5 inutes later received one back saying that they would check on what was going on as they did some 007 extra customer service stuff for me and just now sent me another email saying it was all good and would try to get it out and posted today.
Thanks bb nice to see some class in a business where it seems harder and harder to find.

Edit just received another email posted first class
Ok, so the canopy is no oil painting, but we'll get it there. Not bad considering we had a dozen plants all at different heights and all MOSSIEF as well.



coat hangers are to try and weigh the screen down...

Peace, DST
hey guys, as a Texan I thought it was my duty to come let ya'll know that our football team won tonight.. Ahem Houston Texan, don't tell the feds. [youtube]DeGeBjwt3Ck[/youtube]

>>>>> <<<<<

Ok, so the canopy is no oil painting, but we'll get it there. Not bad considering we had a dozen plants all at different heights and all MOSSIEF as well.



coat hangers are to try and weigh the screen down...

Peace, DST

Oh it'll fill out juuuuuuuuust fine me finks. Iv been in the same boat.
From the beginning.










I just bought the 5 bag 5 gallon group from bubblebagdude off ebay for $25, which included shipping.


Thats a great price. I really want a bag set and a machine... I wanna be like you and D!

getting quite a late start today, still groggy, wish I had some spacebomb! Oh well another cup o joe and time to go.

Those were in an rdwc system,,,, it just worked out I guess, used techs recipe for success, and heisenberg's tea for dwc once flowering started.
Went over to the old apartment late last night to move my garden and when I closed the door to the house before leaving, this little fellow caught my eye:





And this is 6 of 9 plants ready for a 7 mile trip to their final home:


And all 9 plants together, awaiting their temporary flowering tent to be made in the garage:

When I get rich & famous I'm going to move up to Ampeg or Markbass.
But the little peavers does alright.
Sounds really good in the garage right now as there is a lot of stuff in odd stacks waiting to be unpacked, so the room has a very neutral, no-echo ridden sound.
That will be where I play in the day time.
At night, if I feel like playing, I'll slip the headphones on.
Anywhozits, going to wait to post pics of the move until it's over and I have energy to go through the pics and choose the handful worth posting.
Well, back to lurking!
I hope you brought mr fsm bug back with you! Love all those plants stuffed in your car lol no need for a freshener!

Even though I have a valid OMMP card and can legally transport my plants, I was still a little nervous.
Did it in two loads, and the second load was with the 6 plants.
Made a wrong turn and had to turn around in a parking lot just when a cop was cruising the area.
He was stopped at a road that intersected the one I was driving on and his headlamps light up the interior of my car fully as I drove past him.
He whipped around in the parking lot across the street and was checking me out hardcore, but never bothered me.
Anyways the plants all made the journey safely.
Today I fashion a tent for them and it's back to bidnez az uzh.