Helicopter flew over plot


Well-Known Member
I was checking my plants today, when off in the distance I heard a helicopter.

This is pretty normal for this time of year so I just took cover next to some brush and waited for it to pass by. To my horror, it flew almost directly over my spot...

This was a low flying helicopter, grey in color. I watched it fly over and continue on. It never doubled back.

I am in a non medical state on the east coast. The plot consists of 6 decent sized plants. Should I be worried to return to my spot? My plants only have a week or so before they're done.

Looking for any insight. Thanks


Well-Known Member
It doesn't sound like he was looking for pot, or didn't see yours. as long as he doesn't come back, you should be ok. this is a stressful time of the season, try to relax. I think your good....

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Get your gear ready for harvest..
Duffle bag and a machete.. if you go always wear masks cause they put up cameras to get you in action.


Well-Known Member
harvest time is very stressfull . and this is the time they are looking for the growers. wastes the resources . time. money. its ready for harvest and they know it . they also are very good at there jobs, if you were me. if you were very close to harvest, and not to immature , I would be serious about harvesting asa fucking p. ..... here is your situation. harvest to early. but have plants, harvest on time but run into the police. or the chopper was just flying around. did not notice them. and your come out ok, only you could make the correct decision. I know what I would do because I would not sleep a a wink until after I cut them, ide harvest. what do they look like ? are the hairs half brown or ?


Well-Known Member
I think your good, I don't think they are going to tromp through the woods or risk repelling from a helicoptor for 6 plants.


Well-Known Member
do you have them in a row or just scattered?? If theyre scattered and dont have any major noticeable netting or fences around them you should be good.

It sounds like you have a small local air strip/ hangar near you.


Well-Known Member
Wow, wasn't expecting so many posts. I appreciate everyone taking the time to voice their opinions.

To answer some of the concerns; my plants are in a 15x20 ft cleared area in low lying brush/trees. Not the most camouflaged area, but its what I had to work with.

I would harvest premature, but due to drying constraints I must wait at least a week.

The plants are not in rows, but a grid like, sporadic pattern fairly close together.

When I do return to harvest I plan on wearing gloves and possibly a mask to hide my identity from any possible game cameras.

I'm probably just being paranoid, but better safe than sorry. Hopefully I'm worried over nothing like a lot of you said. I have a few bud shots that I'd like to post for anyone wanting to see if I can figure out how on my phone.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Love to see those girls..
you dont need gloves... get a mask lol... simple glasses and bandana.

or a hat.


Well-Known Member
Only you can make the call. Gut feeling or 6th sense.

Sounds like your tripping. But like I said only you can make that call.


Well-Known Member
id personally be against the mask. maybe a hoodie or something less "bad guy" looking. Cause whos gonna be wearing a ski mask in september??? If i saw that on my huntin cam id be more worried than some random guy walkin through the woods. Just my 2 cents though.

Also if harvesting at night, bring your own camera. Alot of cameras can pick up IR light, but some have filters built into the lenses. This would let you see any hunter cams because they would all be little lights glowing on trees.


Well-Known Member
Do you get this paranoid when an airliner flies over also?
Airliners aren't typically used to find grows, nor do they fly several hundred feet above the canopy... So no.

The infrared idea is a good one that I never thought about. Wearing a hoody with sunglasses will probably be my approach, but in reality, the chances of losing a patch to bud rot is probably greater than getting busted.