how did you chose your user ID?


Well-Known Member
some douche spiked my girlfriend's drink with ketamine once. What exactly does ketamine do that's so good? Besides tranquilize you? :confused:
Just curious! :P
Its a dirty/cheap way to get fucked up.

People use it as a date rape drug, as if you K-hole you're pretty incapacitated.

The most noticable effect is that it gives you tunnel vision, with everything appearing to get smaller and further away (pretty trippy I s'pose), with the extreme being a K-hole, where you completely Dissociate from your surroundings (ie. aren't really aware of them)

It's pretty funny if you know what you're doing I s'pose (using it recreationally I mean, not date rape), wouldn't exaclty call it 'mind expanding' though.

Around here we call it Regretamine, that pretty much decribes it.
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Well-Known Member
The most noticable effect is that it gives you tunnel vision, with everything appearing to get smaller and further away (pretty trippy I s'pose), with the extreme being a K-hole, where you completely Dissociate from your surroundings (ie. aren't really aware of them)
Fuck. I think someone tried to date rape me when I was in college. That happened to me exactly after only two beers. I though I was tripping from the joint I smoked an hour before. Oh well, no harm, no foul. I made it home in one piece and with some free drugs apparently.

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
Adamus - my name is Adam ** obviously**

P ut
R hythms
I n
M y
E ar

Musician at heart. Been Spinning Wax for 8 years, I have such a knack for music that I can tell you where other artists pick out the samples from ** what specific Album**

I have close to about 8000 records and over half a terrabyte of music...

Its an addiction...