Grasshopper stopper


Hey everyone. My grow is being eaten. I have caught several large grasshoppers red-handed doing the deed. My plants aren't getting any bigger because the 'hoppers are chomping leaves and soft branches as quickly as they are grown. Fortunately they aren't dying from the damage, but they are struggling. Things that I have tried that do NOT work against them:

Garlic/mineral oil/hot pepper/soap spray
Pyrethrin dust
Mint oil
Lavender oil
Oregano oil
Crushed garlic sprinkled around the plants
Nicotine spray
Orange oil fed to the roots
Aspirin fed to the roots
Silica in the soil

If anyone has anything that they know for sure works, I would be much obliged. Also, I would be happy to experiment for the good of the community and report my findings for anything that you've heard might work. I would prefer not to use anything that would kill beneficials as I have a large population of scary-huge robber flies that I know help out somewhat. These grasshoppers aren't the little green ones in your lawn but the tough grey/brown forest hoppers. If something will stop these then it'll stop any kind.
Cy-kick worked for me. Eventually the plant got to big for the chicken wire I had, that pesticide fucked their shit up. And I have thousands of them at my house, so if I were you I would def look into getting it. I heard it worked great for scorpions, which is why I got it. Figured I'd try it out for my grasshopper problem, havnt really had any problem with them sense. My moms tree was getting chomped on to and I havnt seen any new grasshopper chewing holes in the past few weeks.
Hmmm Cy-kick is a pyrethroid? I have slim hope after watching grasshoppers wallowing happily in pyrethrin dust without effect but if you say it works then that's good to know; I'll put it in the short list. I'll try the neem oil tomorrow though just to see.
I have seen plenty of grasshoppers. Seen where they chowed down on a few leaves, but have really noticed no other ill affect from there presence.
I have seen plenty of grasshoppers. Seen where they chowed down on a few leaves, but have really noticed no other ill affect from there presence.

I hear you. These seem to be pretty hungry. They actually consumed one whole plant when it was tiny. It's not alot of them, they are just large and aggressive. They also chew off whole branches daily which is extra aggravating. If it's annoying me then it's bound to be troubling someone else too. I figured we can crack the code if we put our heads together and come up with something that works for sure. Most of what I read on the internet is just people saying what they heard is supposed to work so I'm willing to use these plants as experiments to get some hard data since they're already stunted and shredded.
Thanks giggywatts. I'll try sevin bait next. The dust might kill all the other wildlife..

*update* I thought today that perhaps I hadn't given garlic a fair chance. Maybe I had applied it in too low of a strength. Well earlier I had put down garlic cloves to deter crawlers and I noticed a grasshopper eating the garlic clove! So 100% garlic is ruled out for grasshoppers. Good to know. I applied neem oil at a high concentration today (1 tblspn per quart water). It the plants survive the neem then we'll see how the grasshoppers like it.
The only way to deter grass hoppers is by way of physical barrier or killing the grasshoppers manually. Your best bet for the short term would be to wrap your plants in agribon or shade cloth or anything else that will keep the grasshoppers off them, and allow sun in. Grass hoppers can ruin a whole field of crops in a single night, those fucking bastards. Hope this helps, homie.

I'm just weed eat around my plants a shitload next grow/use that cy-kick. I went out earlier to see if maybe there was just not as many grasshoppers anymore (because it seemed weird that the pesticide was actually working) but there's still a shitload, plus I don't need to use the chicken wire anymore, thank god lol if it stops working for some reason, ill get a net. Ill probly put out some grasshopper bait at the start of the year when they start popping up so itl Genecide those little fuckers

btw, since using it, the only grasshopper I found near my plant was like 2 weeks ago, and it was climbing on the chicken wire rather than eating the plant, that's when I decided it was badass lol can't argue with progress
As I mentioned I do have grasshoppers on my plants, yet they aren't causing me too many problems. I forgot to mention that I do spray them with some stuff. It's a 3 in 1 type of concentrate I mix with water. It says it kills mites was the reason I got it. It also has a fungicide. Anyway, I spray this on my girls every week or two, plenty of grasshoppers around, very little damage. If anyone is interested in what it is I can provide more details tomorrow, with respect to the name and ingredients.
As I mentioned I do have grasshoppers on my plants, yet they aren't causing me too many problems. I forgot to mention that I do spray them with some stuff. It's a 3 in 1 type of concentrate I mix with water. It says it kills mites was the reason I got it. It also has a fungicide. Anyway, I spray this on my girls every week or two, plenty of grasshoppers around, very little damage. If anyone is interested in what it is I can provide more details tomorrow, with respect to the name and ingredients.

By all means, let's hear it!
So I'm sad to say that I witnessed multiple grasshoppers munching on neem coated leaves today. Two different species of 'hopper in fact. I had high hopes for neem!... This is not to say neem may not work in other ways but as a feeding deterrent it definately didn't do a thing. The plants survived max dosage with no problems at least. Next stop: heavy pesticides. I am finding it hard to believe you organic guys just prostrate yourselves before the great gnarly grasshopper though :/ There's got to be something that works.
Pasticide is the only way to deter these guys, and most of the time pesticides don't even work l grasshoppers suck! But it's not to bad for me because their literally the only thing I have to worry about. Animals/any other insect don't really show up where I live
something i had a lady tell me the other day was drop hair clippings around your plants and nothing will bother them. now i haven't done this myself, but after thinking about it, it seems to ring a bell from something from when i was a kid. hell it won't hurt to try it.
Hey, that's what this thread is all about. Trying out stuff you heard might work. I'm happy to donate these plants to pseudo-science haha. I'm going to apply sevin bait (with highest possible concentration) tomorrow. I'll try another area with hair clippings and see what that does.
I hear yo Bro. I have had great results using Neem Oil. I use the cold pressed stuff with a acouple drops of Dawn dish soap during the vegging stage. Then I use the General Hydroponic which is spendy but can be used during flowering stages. I am thinking that ordering NoLo bait (Grasshopper spore) online is the best stategy. Some states don't allow the use of it I don't know why as it isn't harmful to humans. It attacks the insect and will continue to infect them the following year too. In using neem you start early on, once a week in the morning or evening time. It takes a couple, maybe three weeks to build up a defense but after that the bugs leave the plant alone.
Pretty goof proof. Neem oil is 30 ML, one gallon of warm water and 2 drops dish soap which breaks up the oil so its applies better.
Had this problem. Those big ones suck. They were real bad so I moved the plants, after that I still found a few more occasionally. Honestly, I went through my plants daily, killed them, and left them on the ground. Haven't been seeing much of them. But the best thing to do is to keep killing them I think... Or move your plants =/