Is it just me.....


Well-Known Member
I've been on this website since April...or was it May...I dunno....I'm stoned on great weed and drunk on cheap rum.

While there were trolls and a shit-load of misinformation floating about when I came onto this site (I preferred RIU to the other grow sites because there was little chest-thumping going on)....there was some decent debates about different growing styles that I enjoyed reading.

Now it seems that it's a contest of how creatively someone can bash someone else. This isn't just a newbie bashing an old's old timers also being bitchy and creatively bashing the newbies (they've been at it longer).

Too often it's a "I know there's many ways of growing weed, but God damn-it my way is the best way". If there's anything that discourages a newbie or a novice trying to get a handle on growing weed ( way is the best way), it gets discouraging to read so many acidic posts on so many threads.

For a bunch of supposed mellow stoners, we certainly can throw out some barbs and bash other's that are just trying to figure this shit out.

I beg for a grow-site that is lacking in the bullshit. How about you?
I came on here in MARCH!!! Did I mention I'm stoned yet? Anyway....all the above still applies.
And now someone bashing the bashers. The truth is that the admin has implemented a "kinder and gentler" approach. When FDD was "the" sheriff here he didn't take much shit from people and they may have hated him but at least they respected his ban hammer - or got banned. Now we have an entire cadre of assholes trying to out-troll each other.
potpimp.....I don't envy your job that's for sure. I am a mod on a political page and I feel like a baby-sitter for highly educated children.
Yeah....I guess I'm bashing the bashers......Is that a good or bad thing?

LOL, now that calls for a pause. Lemme get back to ya on that one. You have my respect man; I would/could NEVER mod a political forum. I don't even GO in out political forum.
Well I have been on for about 5 or 6 months now, and have found many of helpfull people to learn from. I myself dont think I have a great green thumb, but do think some people need to take time chill and just be helpfull. But on the other hand I have great fun in reading other people ramble on and dispute other grow methodes. And the stupid questions. Im still a newb my self and agree with you#. As my way is way better than yours.^^^^^^^^LOL.Have A great day.:fire:
And now someone bashing the bashers. The truth is that the admin has implemented a "kinder and gentler" approach. When FDD was "the" sheriff here he didn't take much shit from people and they may have hated him but at least they respected his ban hammer - or got banned. Now we have an entire cadre of assholes trying to out-troll each other.

i try really hard i sometimes think im being to harsh but i do my best

in regards , the thing is , no one uses the report button, and often i find it too late. so use the damn report button folks
also summer just ended so we had alot of kids and dumbasses with free time logging on or signing up happens every summer.
I'm a self-employed computer tech.....and back in the 1990's I thought I knew everything to know about computers. Fifteen years later, and having repaired thousands of computers and building over 1,000 new computers....I now know that I don't know shit about computers.

The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. have been a great mod. I got a slap on the wrist for doing something I didn't realize was wrong on this site and you were very gracious in correcting me. I don't know what the fuck a global moderator is...but I suspect that it's a thankless job.
fuck....I am almost out of rum.....Thank God I have six ounces to get me through these hard times.
Whenever time I see people state that the way they grow is the best way. Most of the time, they're talking about I being the best way for them.
It's like arguing through texts, and then trying to break it up with your girlfriend. You can't tell the way someone says something through reading it. So pay attention and don't jump to conclusions. Most of it is just trying to be funny. Some take it seriously, some find that humor. Some find it offensive, and feel they have to talk shit...(cough)

And just because it's a Pot Forum.. Doesn't mean everyones high all the time EVERYTIME they log on...

I've only been high on here a couple of times... Funny thing is, that's when I get the most likes.. But even then, I feel like it's stereotyped which is why I don't come on here... When I'm high.

I'm Sober... BTW have been a great mod. I got a slap on the wrist for doing something I didn't realize was wrong on this site and you were very gracious in correcting me. I don't know what the fuck a global moderator is...but I suspect that it's a thankless job.

i get thanked alot basically im a mod but a higher up one, like most mods delete spam and posts, i ban people delete spam, correct peoples issues, help with site support , tech problems ect, i also clear up drama and talk to people, im basically an admin.
i get thanked alot basically im a mod but a higher up one, like most mods delete spam and posts, i ban people delete spam, correct peoples issues, help with site support , tech problems ect, i also clear up drama and talk to people, im basically an admin.

(bowing) We're not worthy....we're not worthy.... :grin:
no matter where or what site you go to there will alwaysbe agroup of people that are mean, trolls and just want to cause nothing but negative problems, theres nothing you can do about it, its everywhere...just ignore it is the best you can do....i have noticed recently that there seems to be more douche bags then usual but its something you just haveto deal with

you need to take the good with the bad
and if you look around here there is alot of good

just as much or more good than there is bad...

I'm a self-employed computer tech.....and back in the 1990's I thought I knew everything to know about computers. Fifteen years later, and having repaired thousands of computers and building over 1,000 new computers....I now know that I don't know shit about computers.

The more you know, the more you realize you don't know.

I totally disagree.