The UK Growers Thread!

got 2 psychos in 30 l smart pots, wat a lovely smell at only 4 weeks, at 10 with 2 weeks on ripen its gonna be mental
yes mg im supercropping the livers and she is a calcium lovin girl for sure......oh the exo...ummm u need to be feedin that bitch like no other....looking forward to Monday morning DMT breakfast commin up

I'm goina do 4 of each and supercrop them a bit, just like my last ones and see how they turn out.

Dmt breakfast lol, no thanks
alright chaps hows it going ill post ya some pics up of my grow room its an underground room some of you might have seen it b4 on 420 or just on the net it was called leepys big dig

thats gotta be a record 2007 joined and only 6 posts lol if your a 420 nazi may aswel fuck off now mate lol
much lighter, more happy stone and fruity not cheesy but smells like nothing your ever likely to smell, stink aint the word lol

I thru a wee bit of psychosis in a fag packet and thru it in the motor comin from my m8s, stopped at the shop and when I got back in the motor it reeked lol, it's not even properly dry yet lol, lovely. Ill look forward to the livers
I thru a wee bit of psychosis in a fag packet and thru it in the motor comin from my m8s, stopped at the shop and when I got back in the motor it reeked lol, it's not even properly dry yet lol, lovely. Ill look forward to the livers

first time i run it and the pyscho years ago, i didnt have enough filters and not enough to buy more so would just buy ona bocks n gel in the end i had over hundred quids worth of ona next to the flat door lolol could have brought a filter just didnt have the oner in one at the time.