Well-Known Member
He just left a day ago. Some people are going to do touchdown dances over that for a minute, but I would expect that to calm down in due time.
I did read your post. "More like a bunch of little whining bitches pissed off one of the greats and deprived a lot of people who WANTED to hear what the guy had to say off. Fuck you guys up your asses. Your hater ass sees things with the slant you want to see them with." And I responded to it. You can be pissed at all of the noobs and haters all you want, but sub is the one that choose to leave and delete most of his helpful posts. If he was simply tired of this (and I don't blame him) he could have just quietly stepped back instead of erasing the knowledge that was supposedly shared out of the goodness of his heart. It's clear to me that he decided if he's not going to benefit from this site anymore, then he's not interested in being so helpful.
He's no saint, he's a business man. And he will continue to run his business how sees fit.
That line you responded to was a direct response to the post quoted in it. I've never thought sub's a saint that's why I have no problem with some of the stuff people get worked up over. Sub's a HUMAN BEING with a good and bad side, good qualities and flaws. I've heard enough personal stories, gossip and seen him react on here to know what some of his bad qualities are... I don't find them to be any worse than most people and I don't think they are anything in comparison to his good traits and good acts that the haters never give him credit for. You guys attack and hide and act like YOU are the flawless saints, but you're just sitting in your glass houses throwing stones behind your anonymous screens pretending like you're the good guys sitting in judgement of evil subcool... that makes me laugh. He is a businessman true, and I appreciate that... who's done a lot he didn't have to for others including sending them make up seeds when a SEEDBANK fucks up, not him, raising money for charities and helping sick people. What an evil dude.