A Message For Sub:

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He just left a day ago. Some people are going to do touchdown dances over that for a minute, but I would expect that to calm down in due time.

I did read your post. "More like a bunch of little whining bitches pissed off one of the greats and deprived a lot of people who WANTED to hear what the guy had to say off. Fuck you guys up your asses. Your hater ass sees things with the slant you want to see them with." And I responded to it. You can be pissed at all of the noobs and haters all you want, but sub is the one that choose to leave and delete most of his helpful posts. If he was simply tired of this (and I don't blame him) he could have just quietly stepped back instead of erasing the knowledge that was supposedly shared out of the goodness of his heart. It's clear to me that he decided if he's not going to benefit from this site anymore, then he's not interested in being so helpful.

He's no saint, he's a business man. And he will continue to run his business how sees fit.

That line you responded to was a direct response to the post quoted in it. I've never thought sub's a saint that's why I have no problem with some of the stuff people get worked up over. Sub's a HUMAN BEING with a good and bad side, good qualities and flaws. I've heard enough personal stories, gossip and seen him react on here to know what some of his bad qualities are... I don't find them to be any worse than most people and I don't think they are anything in comparison to his good traits and good acts that the haters never give him credit for. You guys attack and hide and act like YOU are the flawless saints, but you're just sitting in your glass houses throwing stones behind your anonymous screens pretending like you're the good guys sitting in judgement of evil subcool... that makes me laugh. He is a businessman true, and I appreciate that... who's done a lot he didn't have to for others including sending them make up seeds when a SEEDBANK fucks up, not him, raising money for charities and helping sick people. What an evil dude.
Stow is intoxicated with the fact he pissed sub off...enjoy your glory stow

LOL! I did, eh? Wow, I had no idea that my opinion meant so much to sub. Maybe I should send him an "I'm sorry" card.

Honestly, sub is a grown man. I'm sure he and TGA will be just fine. I'll leave you guys to wallow and pout. Maybe a couple good crys and and a few days away from the forum will lift your spirits.
LOL! I did, eh? Wow, I had no idea that my opinion meant so much to sub. Maybe I should send him an "I'm sorry" card.

Honestly, sub is a grown man. I'm sure he and TGA will be just fine. I'll leave you guys to wallow and pout. Maybe a couple good crys and and a few days away from the forum will lift your spirits.

You are a fool. You can say we are wallowing and pouting, but it's because WE realize what YOU and those like you have pissed away. We had a community of people we enjoyed destroyed... but i guess we should just act like nothing at all happened... you guys are completely unempathetic people who can't see the harm you do. I'm sorry that we enjoyed a forum that you're happy you've destroyed. Hope you're happy... wonder what kind of karma you guys will get for that???
stowandtroll started the trollthread "lol subcool", most other people put up grow threads. dont act like your gonna leave us to wallow, you gonna sit there and jerkoff at the fact of how effective your trolljob has been. you talk about how bad the genetics are but wanted to buy wholesale, your the ex girlfriend that turns stalker. thats why your in this thread....
stowandtroll started the trollthread "lol subcool", most other people put up grow threads. dont act like your gonna leave us to wallow, you gonna sit there and jerkoff at the fact of how effective your trolljob has been. you talk about how bad the genetics are but wanted to buy wholesale, your the ex girlfriend that turns stalker. thats why your in this thread....

how much worse can it get, this site is overloaded with trolls. not just subcool haters . good thing i enjoyed it before shit crashed
You are a fool. You can say we are wallowing and pouting, but it's because WE realize what YOU and those like you have pissed away. We had a community of people we enjoyed destroyed... but i guess we should just act like nothing at all happened... you guys are completely unempathetic people who can't see the harm you do. I'm sorry that we enjoyed a forum that you're happy you've destroyed. Hope you're happy... wonder what kind of karma you guys will get for that???

Just like your mentor. Wishing bad karma on others. Nice.

Hopefully one day you'll realize that this was subs decision. Just like when he left the other sites before this one. I don't wish anything negative upon sub, or any of you. I hope his health improves, and I hope his business continues to do well. I also hope that sub, and all of his followers develop some thicker skin. If he wants to be in the public eye, then he will have people out there voicing opinions far more hateful than mine.
stowandtroll started the trollthread "lol subcool", most other people put up grow threads. dont act like your gonna leave us to wallow, you gonna sit there and jerkoff at the fact of how effective your trolljob has been. you talk about how bad the genetics are but wanted to buy wholesale, your the ex girlfriend that turns stalker. thats why your in this thread....

I started that in the MICHIGAN forum, and you and the rest of his worshipers jumped in. That thread was started because sub trotted out a laughable excuse as to why he doesn't come to MI, and he blamed his rep for a large purchase gone bad with a MICHIGAN patient that he could have fixed immediately. If I wanted to troll sub, I would have started that thread here. As it pertained to MICHIGAN, I put it up there. That thread was dead and buried a while ago but some sub-slappy decided to piss and moan some more and revived it.

You guys are like a bunch of sensitive little kids. My god.
somebody must be doing something right, my fave hydro store just laid in another 4 pallets of that soil from mars.
Personally it's a little overpriced at 40+ a bag so I'll more than likely never run any tga supersoil.
somebody must be doing something right, my fave hydro store just laid in another 4 pallets of that soil from mars.
Personally it's a little overpriced at 40+ a bag so I'll more than likely never run any tga supersoil.

its pretty good but yeah the price kills me . i like sanctuarys empire builder now, half the price. wayyy better amendments and not quite as hot for the strains that like things little less hot
its pretty good but yeah the price kills me . i like sanctuarys empire builder now, half the price. wayyy better amendments and not quite as hot for the strains that like things little less hot

I like roks I gotta reclean for days and days myself :/
Just like your mentor. Wishing bad karma on others. Nice.

Hopefully one day you'll realize that this was subs decision. Just like when he left the other sites before this one. I don't wish anything negative upon sub, or any of you. I hope his health improves, and I hope his business continues to do well. I also hope that sub, and all of his followers develop some thicker skin. If he wants to be in the public eye, then he will have people out there voicing opinions far more hateful than mine.

Haha, you sure are slanted aren't you... I never wished bad karma on anyone. I said I wonder what kind you will get -- I don't control karma, it's not up to me to give or take. You seem to want to read bad things into what people say.

As for saying sub caused this by his decision, that's like saying when the KKK lynched black people in the south in the 50s and 60s, it was their decision if they moved out for their safety. He didn't just up and decide to leave for no reason... he decided it wasn't worth it because of people like you.

Like I said you are apparently such a big fool you don't realize what you ruined for everyone else. I got a lot of personal enjoyment out of the community spirit and postings in the weed nerd thread and other threads in sub's forum here. That is gone now so the trolls robbed me personally of something I enjoy... I don't really take that lightly.

My main consolation is knowing that trolls like you have shitty personal lives because it's the only reason you'd have nothing better to do than sit in a forum and bitch -- a real shallow and meaningless life to want to do that in your spare time and the sign of a negative personality... I'm glad you're not someone I know in person but then again I don't really associate with people like you in person.

You can sit back and say it's subcool's decision all you want, but YOUR actions have contributed to making other people's lives just a little worse. Assuming sub actually did something that truly was bad to you, at best you chose to pass on the shit rather than elevate yourself above it. KUDOS.
Just like your mentor. Wishing bad karma on others. Nice.

Hopefully one day you'll realize that this was subs decision. Just like when he left the other sites before this one. I don't wish anything negative upon sub, or any of you. I hope his health improves, and I hope his business continues to do well. I also hope that sub, and all of his followers develop some thicker skin. If he wants to be in the public eye, then he will have people out there voicing opinions far more hateful than mine.

I started that in the MICHIGAN forum, and you and the rest of his worshipers jumped in. That thread was started because sub trotted out a laughable excuse as to why he doesn't come to MI, and he blamed his rep for a large purchase gone bad with a MICHIGAN patient that he could have fixed immediately. If I wanted to troll sub, I would have started that thread here. As it pertained to MICHIGAN, I put it up there. That thread was dead and buried a while ago but some sub-slappy decided to piss and moan some more and revived it.

You guys are like a bunch of sensitive little kids. My god.

It's "you're" dipshit. Did sub teach you to spell too?

And that wasn't my wholesale seed purchase. That was another Michigan member.

Keep trying
triple post!.......................fail!

grammar nazism.........the ultimate sign of butthurt

................................................dbl fail!


try again

U mad bro?
It's "you're" dipshit. Did sub teach you to spell too?

And that wasn't my wholesale seed purchase. That was another Michigan member.

Keep trying

grammar nazi as well, i shouldve known.A SURE SIGN OF A TROLL! you keep trying, you might get sub to kill himself. that is your goal with the lol sub thread i assume. talking about you wish him well aftermaking a hate thread. complete hypocrite! keep trying to act like youre taking the high road wishing him well,secretly hating his every breath. the highroad wouldve been talking good about another company, not hating one this one in case you were wondering. open your heart and let that hate out!
Good shit reef i myself feel like i was robbed to, i dont like comeing on here as much either since sub has left, and im pretty sure i was reading a thread where stowandgrow was pushing the hell out of uncle ben buttons what the fuck dude what do u find the most knowledable guys and fuck with them, for real i would split u down to the meat my dude, u should be thankful u got the internet to save u, i just dont understand people jealious is one of the most worst traits a person can have, why dont people like this get banned
why dont people like this get banned

short of outright namecalling or excessive spam and such. they won't ban anyone.

Besides, I have seen much worse than his posts around here.

WIsh I could wield the banhammer for just one day..........plllllllz sunni

cue hideous laughter
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