well that is what I do, got my education on a ship yard but thats like 20 years 20 miles of weldings ago, since then I just upgraded it, have welding pass in most technics, Tic, Mig, Co2, electrodes, oxygen and can weld in aluminum, stainless steal, titanium, iron, high grade iron, but welding is only half my education, blue prints and tool skills take up the other half
Ooh yea and I actually have a work colleague that used to work at Carlsberg brewery

btw did check with the salary is in the US, something like 20-30$ it seem`s for a metal worker, dunno the skills ?
I make 40$ where I am now plus bonus (you know what paid for my first LED panel

) so taxes and prices have to match if it should make any sense for me to make the move, have family friends in Oregon and also some distance family I don't know in Chicago I believe